
单词 头发蓬乱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIRTY〕His shirtfront was soiled with blood and his hair was wild. 他的衬衫前胸沾着血迹,而且头发蓬乱朗文写作活用〔bleary〕I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled.我赶到时睡眼惺忪,头发蓬乱柯林斯高阶〔dishevelled〕She arrived flushed and dishevelled.她到达的时候满脸通红, 头发蓬乱外研社新世纪〔down-at-(the-)heel(s)〕He looked down-at-(the-)heel(s) with unkempt hair.他头发蓬乱,看上去真邋遢。英汉大词典〔hair〕His hair was tousled and he looked as if he'd just woken up.他头发蓬乱,一副刚睡醒的样子。牛津搭配〔matted〕His hair was matted.他的头发蓬乱文馨英汉〔thrash〕Three shaggy-haired men thrash tunelessly at their guitars.3 个头发蓬乱的男人没腔没调地乱弹着吉他。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕His tie was askew and his hair uncombed.他的领带歪着,头发蓬乱牛津搭配〔tousled〕A small tousled head appeared in the doorway.一个头发蓬乱的小脑袋出现在门口。 一个头发蓬乱的小脑袋出现在门口。朗文当代〔tousled〕She had just awakened, her eyes sleepy and her hair tousled .她刚醒,睡眼惺忪,头发蓬乱朗文当代〔tousle〕His hair was tousled.他头发蓬乱21世纪英汉〔unkempt〕His hair was unkempt and filthy.他的头发蓬乱污秽。柯林斯高阶〔unkempt〕His hair was unkempt and filthy.他的头发蓬乱肮脏。外研社新世纪His face was flushed, and his hair disordered. 他满脸通红,头发蓬乱译典通

