
单词 失职
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕The police officer found guilty of being drunk on duty was dismissed for gross misconduct. 这名警察被发现酒后值勤,他因这一严重的失职行为而被开除。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕She was fired for serious professional misconduct. 她因为严重失职而被开除。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕She spent hours trawling through patients’ medical records looking for evidence of negligence by doctors. 她花了很长时间翻看病人的医疗记录,想找出证明医生失职的证据。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕I take great exception to the suggestion that I neglected my responsibilities. 他们言外之意是说我失职,我对此大为生气。朗文写作活用〔accusation〕You made a public accusation of misconduct against Saunders.你公开指控了桑德斯失职牛津搭配〔allegation〕Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.她治疗的几位病人指责她失职剑桥高阶〔ambulance chaser〕An ambulance chaser contacted her the day she was injured and persuaded her to sue the city council for negligence.她受伤的当天,就有一个冷血讼棍律师联系到她,劝她起诉市政务委员会失职剑桥高阶〔amount to sth〕His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.他的行为相当于严重失职剑桥高阶〔arguable〕It is arguable that the government has failed in this respect.有理由说政府在这个方面失职了。剑桥高阶〔ball〕I think the mayor dropped the ball by not hiring more police officers.我认为没有雇用更多警力是市长的失职韦氏高阶〔cover〕Doctors are concerned to cover themselves against charges of negligence.医生关心的是要保护自己,不让自己被人指控失职朗文当代〔defend〕She defended her department against accusations of incompetence.她驳斥了认为她所在部门失职的指责。牛津搭配〔delinquency〕Failure to do what law or duty requires.违法,失职:违背法律或职责的要求美国传统〔delinquent〕Failing to do what law or duty requires.失职的:未履行法律或职责所要求做到的美国传统〔duty〕A teacher may be fired for neglect of duty (=failing to do their job properly) .教师会因失职被开除。朗文当代〔duty〕It was a clear breach of professional duty.那是明显的失职行为。牛津搭配〔fail〕Doctors are failing in their duty if they do not warn their patients of the dangers.如果医生不提醒病人注意种种危险,那就是失职牛津搭配〔fail〕He felt he would be failing in his duty if he did not report it.他认为如果不报告就是他失职牛津高阶〔fail〕I'd be failing in my duty if I didn't tell you about the risks involved in the project.我如果不把这个项目涉及的风险告诉你,就是失职剑桥高阶〔feel〕I feel that I'm neglecting my duty.我认为自己失职了。外研社新世纪〔lodge〕They lodged a complaint against the doctor for negligence.他们投诉医生失职朗文当代〔malpractice〕A doctor who refused to give treatment is on trial for medical malpractice.拒绝实施治疗的一位医生正在因医疗失职接受审判。外研社新世纪〔misconduct〕Dr Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct.李医生严重失职的罪名被洗清了。外研社新世纪〔misconduct〕He was fired for serious misconduct .他因为严重失职被解雇了。朗文当代〔misconduct〕She was found guilty of gross misconduct (=very serious misconduct) .她被裁定犯有严重失职罪。朗文当代〔misconduct〕The psychiatrist was found guilty of gross (= unacceptable) professional misconduct.这个精神病医生被判定为严重失职剑桥高阶〔negligently〕The Council had acted in a negligent manner.市政会的做法属于失职柯林斯高阶〔negligent〕The Council had acted in a negligent manner.市政会的做法属于失职外研社新世纪〔negligent〕The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.法官说允许孩子们在危险水域游泳是教师的失职剑桥高阶〔negligent〕The report stated that Dr Brady had been negligent in not giving the patient a full examination.该报告称布雷迪医生失职,未给病人作全面的身体检查。朗文当代〔pay ... off〕Walter will be paid off for his negligence.华尔特将因他的失职而受到处罚。21世纪英汉〔rank〕Institutions tend to close ranks when a member has been accused of misconduct.当其中某成员被谴责失职时,机构往往会抱成一团。柯林斯高阶〔reduce〕He was reduced to ordinary soldier due to a serious dereliction of duty.他因严重失职被降为普通士兵。21世纪英汉〔refute〕She refuted any allegations of malpractice.任何说她工作失职的指控,她都驳斥了。朗文当代〔register〕Dr Shaw was struck off the medical register for misconduct.肖医生因失职被取消了行医资格。牛津搭配〔register〕He was struck off the medical register for professional misconduct.他因失职被取消了医生资格。牛津搭配〔reprimand〕The military court reprimanded him for failing to do his duty.军事法庭谴责他失职朗文当代〔rumour〕The manager resigned suddenly amidst rumours of misconduct.经理在其失职传闻缠身的情况下突然辞职了。牛津搭配〔smart money〕Law Compensation beyond the value of actual harm, awarded by a jury in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.【法律】 罚金:在严重失职或故意伤害案中,陪审团判给受害人的超过实际伤害数字的赔偿金美国传统〔sue〕She was suing doctors for negligence over the loss of her child.她正在为她孩子的死起诉医生失职朗文当代〔superior〕The soldier was reported to his superior officer for failing in his duties.这个士兵失职之事被报告到了他的上级那里。剑桥高阶Doctor Rivers was charged with gross negligence, unprofessional conduct and improper use of dangerous drugs.里佛斯医生被控犯有严重失职, 违反行业道德和滥用危险药品的行为。剑桥国际I'd be failing in my duty if I didn't tell you about the risks involved in the project.如果我不告诉你这个方案所涉及的风险,就是失职剑桥国际The finance director was dismissed for gross misconduct.财务董事因严重失职而被解雇了。牛津商务The firm was found to be negligent in not ensuring that equipment was safe.公司被发现失职,未能确保设备的安全。牛津商务They claim that the government has failed in its duties.他们声称政府失职牛津商务Thousands of refugees are dying because of the incompetence and maladministration of local officials.由于地方官员的无能和管理失职,数千难民正处于死亡边缘。剑桥国际What you did was a grave dereliction of duty.你干得严重失职剑桥国际

