
单词 利兹联
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔afc〕Leeds United AFC 利兹联队足球俱乐部牛津高阶〔away〕Leeds are away to Manchester City this Saturday.利兹联队本周六将客场挑战曼彻斯特城队。外研社新世纪〔battler〕In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。柯林斯高阶〔beating〕It looked like Leeds United were going to get a beating.看来利兹联队要惨败。麦克米伦高阶〔concede〕They conceded four goals to Leeds United.他们被利兹联队攻进4个球。柯林斯高阶〔concede〕They conceded four goals to Leeds United.他们让利兹联队进了4个球。外研社新世纪〔formation〕Leeds played an attacking 4–3–3 formation.利兹联队踢的是4-3-3的进攻阵形。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕Leeds United fans took part in a massive street party.利兹联队的球迷们参加了一场规模盛大的街头聚会。麦克米伦高阶〔leg〕They will televise both legs of Leeds' European Cup clash with Rangers.欧洲杯利兹联队与流浪者队的两场争夺战都将进行电视转播。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Leeds United are now level with Arsenal at the top of the league table.利兹联队现在和阿森纳队在联赛积分榜上并列第一。麦克米伦高阶〔loan〕Cantona initially went on loan to Leeds United.坎通纳最初是借给利兹联队的。朗文当代〔move〕He is considering a move to Leeds United.他在考虑转会去利兹联队。外研社新世纪〔point〕Leeds United are now six points clear at the top of the table.利兹联队现在以六分的优势在排名表上领先。朗文当代〔positional〕The Leeds star has a fine positional sense.这位利兹联队的球星有极好的方位感。外研社新世纪〔promote〕Fans of Leeds United have been celebrating their team's promotion to the first division.利兹联队的球迷们一直都在庆祝他们的球队升入甲级联赛。柯林斯高阶〔run〕Leeds United had a run of wins in December.利兹联队在12月取得了一连串胜利。外研社新世纪〔score〕The final score was Southampton two, Leeds United nil.最后的比分是二比零,南安普顿队击败利兹联队。朗文当代〔similar〕Leeds had dominated the game throughout the first half, and the second half began in a similar vein with another goal after only five minutes.利兹联队在整个上半场控制了比赛,下半场的情况类似,开场仅仅5分钟再次攻入一球。麦克米伦高阶〔table〕The tables were turned in the second half, when Leeds United scored from the penalty spot.利兹联队因罚点球得分,下半场局势扭转了。朗文当代〔transfer〕Ferdinand was transferred to Leeds for £18 million.费迪南德以1,800万英镑的身价转会到利兹联队。麦克米伦高阶〔up〕Up with Leeds United!利兹联队万岁!外研社新世纪〔wait〕Leeds United had waited for success for eighteen years.利兹联队企盼夺冠已经十八年了。牛津高阶〔worthy〕Leeds United were worthy winners of the competition.利兹联队是当之无愧的比赛冠军。朗文当代At the news conference, Manchester United proudly showed off their new / recent signing from Leeds United, Eric Cantona.在新闻发布会上,曼彻斯特联队自豪地展示从利兹联队转来的新队员,埃里克·坎通那。剑桥国际

