
单词 冒险经历
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕Jenny had lots of adventures, travelling all over the world and always coming home with hair-raising stories. 珍妮有过许多冒险经历。她游历世界各地,总是把惊险故事带回家。朗文写作活用〔adventure〕An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.冒险活动,冒险经历:具有冒险性的任务或计划美国传统〔adventure〕Perhaps the army offered adventure, a chance to travel.军旅生活可能会有走南闯北的冒险经历牛津搭配〔amorous〕He was always boasting about his amorous adventures .他老是吹嘘自己的性冒险经历朗文当代〔armchair〕Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.她写自己冒险经历的那些书给神游者带来了享受和刺激。朗文当代〔entrance〕She listened entranced while he described his adventures.他讲自己的冒险经历时她听得出了神。英汉大词典〔errantry〕The condition of traveling or roving about, especially in search of adventure.漫游:尤指为追求冒险经历而进行的旅游或漫游美国传统〔escapade〕He and I had many hair-raising escapades.他和我有很多让人惊心动魄的冒险经历外研社新世纪〔everything〕He has got a new book in mind. It has everything: rich people, a poor but beautiful girl, romance, adventure, etc.他准备写一部新书,故事里有各种吸引人的内容:富人、一个贫穷但美丽的姑娘、风流韵事、冒险经历等等。英汉大词典〔exciting〕This voyage was the most exciting adventure of their lives.这次旅行是他们人生中最刺激的冒险经历柯林斯高阶〔fascinating〕The story of his adventures was fascinating to listen to.听他讲他的冒险经历真有趣极了。英汉大词典〔high-colo(u)red〕He gave a high-colo(u)red account of his adventure.他添油加醋地叙述他的冒险经历英汉大词典〔lie〕All the boys told lies about their adventures.所有男孩讲自己的冒险经历时都有水分在里面。外研社新世纪〔many〕Dervla Murphy's latest book describes her many adventures in Nepal.德维拉·墨菲的新作描写她在尼泊尔的许多冒险经历麦克米伦高阶〔part〕The novel is part adventure, part love story.这部小说部分描述冒险经历, 部分讲述爱情故事。外研社新世纪〔preamble〕His early travels were just a preamble to his later adventures.他早期的旅行只是后来冒险经历的一个序曲。韦氏高阶〔recount〕The explorer recounted his adventures in a number of books.探险家在好几本书中描述自己的冒险经历英汉大词典〔resourcefulness〕Because of his adventures, he is a person of far greater experience and resourcefulness.诸多冒险经历使他的经验和智谋都要比别人高出一筹。柯林斯高阶〔romance〕Obviously he romanced his adventures in Japan.显然他夸大了他在日本的冒险经历21世纪英汉〔share〕He'd had more than his fair share of adventure.他的冒险经历真够多的。朗文当代〔share〕I have had more than my share of adventures.我已经有了太多冒险经历外研社新世纪〔spirited〕She had talked spiritedly about her adventures.她充满激情地谈起了自己的冒险经历柯林斯高阶〔spout〕I'm tired of hearing him spout off about his adventures.他喋喋不休地大讲冒险经历,我都听腻了。韦氏高阶〔switch off〕Then he talked about his adventures,I switched off.接着他就谈起了他的冒险经历来,我便不再听下去了。21世纪英汉〔war story〕He liked to tell war stories from his life as a sea captain.他喜欢讲他在海上当船长时的冒险经历韦氏高阶His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷。译典通The explorer told of his adventure with great circumstance. 探险者详细叙述了他的冒险经历译典通This new biography provides a fascinating account of the adventures of one of our most intrepid explorers.这本新的传记生动地描述了我们一个最无畏的探险者的冒险经历剑桥国际To travel across the Sahara desert on camels would be the adventure of a lifetime.骑着骆驼横跨撒哈拉大沙漠旅行会是一生难得的冒险经历剑桥国际We got lost on the Metro--it was quite an adventure! 我们在地铁里迷了路----这可真是个冒险经历剑桥国际

