“refraction of light”例句

单词 refraction of light
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dioptrics〕The study of the refraction of light.屈光学:研究光的折射美国传统〔prismatic〕Formed by refraction of light through a prism. Used of a spectrum of light.由棱镜形成的:光通过棱镜被折射而形成各种颜色的。用于光谱美国传统〔uniaxial〕Having one direction along which double refraction of light does not take place. Used of a crystal.单轴晶体的:有一个方向的,沿此方向不发生光的双折射。用于晶体美国传统You can see refraction of light in action by placing a drinking straw in a glass of water.把吸管放进一杯水里,你可以看见光产生折射。剑桥国际

