
单词 宣告无效
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adjudge〕The will was adjudged void.那份遗嘱被宣告无效21世纪英汉〔annulment〕She did not contest the annulment.听到宣告无效的决定, 她没有申辩。外研社新世纪〔annul〕The marriage was annulled last month.上个月这桩婚姻被宣告无效柯林斯高阶〔annul〕The marriage was annulled last month.这桩婚姻于上个月宣告无效外研社新世纪〔annul〕Their marriage was annulled.他们的婚姻已宣告无效韦氏高阶〔consummate〕Without consummation, the marriage can be annulled by the church.未圆房的婚姻可以由教会宣告无效韦氏高阶〔declaration〕The case was ended by declaration of a mistrial.这起案件以宣告无效审理而告终。韦氏高阶〔null〕The programme reports a null value.该计划宣告无效外研社新世纪〔scire facias〕A writ requiring the party against which it is issued to appear and show cause why a judicial record should not be enforced, repealed, or annulled.告知令状:说明判决何以不应执行、撤销或宣告无效的理由令状美国传统

