
单词 特里斯
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Iseult〕In Arthurian legend, an Irish princess who married the king of Cornwall and had a love affair with his knight Tristan.伊索尔特:亚瑟王传说中的一位爱尔兰公主,她嫁给了康沃尔国王却和他的骑士特里斯坦发生了恋情美国传统〔Mark〕In Arthurian legend, a king of Cornwall who was the husband of Iseult and the uncle of her lover Tristan.马可王:在亚瑟王传奇中的康沃尔王,伊索尔特之夫,他是其妻子的情人特里斯坦的叔叔美国传统〔Tristan〕In Arthurian legend, a knight who fell in love with the Irish princess Iseult, who was betrothed to his uncle King Mark of Cornwall.特里斯坦:亚瑟王时代的传奇中的人物,是一个骑士,爱上了与他的叔叔康沃尔国王马克订了婚的爱尔兰公主伊休尔特美国传统〔dramatic〕Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture .特里斯坦以戏剧性的姿势把双手向上甩了一下。朗文当代〔explanation〕Haig was immediately impressed by Charteris's expertise and by his lucid explanation of the work.查特里斯的专业知识和他对作品浅显易懂的阐释立即给黑格留下了深刻印象。外研社新世纪〔explanation〕Haig was immediately impressed by Charteris's expertise and by his lucid explanation of the work.查特里斯的专业知识和他对作品浅显易懂的阐释立即给黑格留下了深刻印象。柯林斯高阶〔muster your forces〕The Welsh National Opera has mustered its forces to mount its second production of Tristan in only 14 years.威尔士国家剧院集聚了全部人员,准备在仅仅14年内就第二次上演《特里斯坦》。剑桥高阶〔next〕Grace sighed so heavily that Trish could hear it in the next room.格雷斯重重的叹息声连隔壁房间的特里斯都能听见。柯林斯高阶〔separated〕Tristan had been separated from his wife for two years.特里斯坦和妻子已经分居两年了。柯林斯高阶〔shambolic〕Tristan lived in a stylishly shambolic artist's studio.特里斯坦住在一个新潮而又混乱无序的艺术家的工作室里。外研社新世纪〔will〕Trish will keep asking damn silly questions.特里斯老是不停地问一些十分愚蠢的问题。朗文当代I hope Caroline and Tristan get married--they make such a lovely couple.我希望卡罗琳和特里斯坦结为夫妻----他们真是天造地设的一对。剑桥国际Senna lapped 12 seconds faster than Patrese.森纳跑完一圈比帕特里斯快12秒。剑桥国际

