
单词 小角
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A-frame〕A structure, such as a house, with steeply angled sides that meet at the top in the shape of the letter A.A形框架:A形结构,如房屋,其具有顶部成A字形的小角度的面美国传统〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Ben Chaplin is an English actor who had a small part in ‘Remains of the Day’. 本·查普林是一名英国演员,曾在《告别有情天》中扮演过一个小角色。朗文写作活用〔EXCEPT〕Except for a small part in an obscure movie years ago, Depardieu had never before acted in an English-language picture. 除了几年之前在一部没有名气的电影里演过一个小角色之外,德帕迪以前从未演过英语电影。朗文写作活用〔appearance〕She made a cameo appearance in the movie.她在影片中客串一个小角色。牛津搭配〔audition〕She had an audition for the starring role but wound up with a bit part.她参加了主角的试镜,但结果只得到一个小角色。韦氏高阶〔big〕After years as a small-time actor, he suddenly made it big (=became very successful) in Hollywood.演了多年的小角色之后,他在好莱坞一举成名。朗文当代〔bit part〕A small or insignificant role, as in a play or movie, usually having a few spoken lines.小角色:在戏剧或电影中不重要的小角色,通常只有几句台词美国传统〔bit part〕He's had bit parts in a couple of soaps.他在一些肥皂剧中演过几个小角色。朗文当代〔bit player〕Although he was NRC chairman, Hervey was strictly a bit player in government.赫维虽然是美国核管制委员会主席,但在政府里他只是一个小角色。朗文当代〔bit〕A bit part.小角美国传统〔blip〕At that time, the organization was only a blip on the political radar screen.当时,这个组织在政治舞台上只是个不起眼的小角色。韦氏高阶〔cameo〕He played a cameo role, that of a young Aids patient in hospital.他扮演一个非常出彩的小角色:一名住院的年轻艾滋病患者。柯林斯高阶〔cog〕He was sick of working for big organisations and being a small cog in a big machine.他厌倦了为大机构工作, 厌倦了在其中扮演无足轻重的小角色。外研社新世纪〔content〕He seems to be content with a fairly minor role in the government.他似乎满足于在政府中扮演一个不起眼的小角色。麦克米伦高阶〔elan〕This small part was taken with élan by a promising young tenor.这个小角色由一位前途无量的年轻男高音倾情演绎。外研社新世纪〔graduate〕She recently graduated from being a dancer to having a small role in a movie.她最近从一个舞蹈演员逐步过渡到在电影里扮演小角色。牛津高阶〔gusto〕Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto.她演的是个小角色,但是演得很投入。柯林斯高阶〔gusto〕She only had a minor part, but she played it with gusto.她只得到一个小角色, 但是演出时却满怀热忱。外研社新世纪〔jut〕A small section of rock juts out into the harbour.山岩的一小角突入港湾。英汉大词典〔land〕At the age of 19 she landed a small role in a West End play.19岁时她获得机会,在一部伦敦西区的戏剧中扮演一个小角色。麦克米伦高阶〔muck〕The company all mucked in, taking small or big parts.全团都参加了,或演小角色,或担当重要角色。英汉大词典〔nook〕A small corner, alcove, or recess, especially one in a large room.角落:小角,凹处或隐窝,尤指在一间大屋子里美国传统〔nook〕We found a seat in a little nook, and had some lunch.我们在一个小角落找了个位子,吃了点午饭。柯林斯高阶〔nook〕We found a seat in a little nook, and had some lunch.我们在一处小角落找了个位子, 吃了点午饭。外研社新世纪〔part〕He has a small part in the school play.他在学校的演出中得到一个小角色。剑桥高阶〔part〕He has a small/bit part in the movie.他在这个电影中演个小角色。韦氏高阶〔part〕She had a small part in a TV drama.她在一部电视剧中扮演一个小角色。麦克米伦高阶〔potty〕She was so desperate to get to the theatre for her potty little role that she'd have done anything.她如此迫切渴望登台表演那微不足道的小角色, 为此她甘愿做任何事。外研社新世纪〔role〕Costner only plays a minor role in the movie.科斯特纳在电影里只扮演一个小角色。朗文当代〔series〕She has a small part in a drama series for radio.她在一部系列广播剧中扮演一个小角色。牛津搭配〔small〕Garcia says there are no small roles, only small actors.加西亚说没有小角色, 只有小演员。外研社新世纪〔squash〕The stage is squashed into a small corner of the field.舞台被挤到了场地上的一个小角落里。外研社新世纪〔squash〕The stage is squashed into a small corner of the field.舞台被挤到了场边的一个小角落里。柯林斯高阶〔stage name〕Under the stage name of Beverly Brooks, Patricia had small parts in several British films.帕特里夏以贝弗利·布鲁克斯的艺名在几部英国电影中饰演过小角色。柯林斯高阶〔try out for〕The girls were all trying out for bit parts in The Crucible.姑娘们都在参加《炼狱》里小角色的试演。外研社新世纪〔uncredited〕She had a small, uncredited role.她扮演了一个不被列入演员表的小角色。韦氏高阶〔walk-on〕A minor role in a theatrical production, usually without speaking lines.小配角:在戏剧制作中通常没有台词的小角美国传统He played a small part in the play. 他在这出戏里演一个小角色。译典通He's an actor of modest pretensions, quite content to play small parts.他是个胸无大志的演员,演些小角色就心满意足了。剑桥国际He's got a small part in an Arthur Miller play.他在一部亚瑟·米勒的剧中演个小角色。剑桥国际Olivier appears briefly towards the end of the film in a comic cameo role/part.在电影接近尾声时,奥利维尔出场演了一个滑稽的小角色。剑桥国际She made a small fold (=bend) in the corner of the page of the book she was reading so that she would know how far she had read.她在书上刚读的那页折了个小角,便于知道她已经读到什么地方了。剑桥国际She played a minor role in the opera. 她在那出歌剧里扮演了一个小角色。译典通Shearer slotted the ball between the uprights for his second goal of the afternoon.希勒小角度把球踢进了球门柱之间, 这是下午的第二个进球。剑桥国际〔élan〕This small part was taken with élan by a promising young tenor.这个小角色由一位前途无量的年轻男高音倾情演绎。外研社新世纪

