
单词 多变
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕Severe and unpredictable weather is a perennial danger for mountain climbers. 天气恶劣多变历来是对登山队员的一大威胁。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I'm a changeable sort of person. 我是性情多变的人。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕People feel threatened when decision-making is inconsistent and arbitrary. 如果决策多变而武断,人们就会感到不安。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕She formed enduring friendships with women and more intense, volatile ones with men. 她与女性的友谊稳定持久,而与男性则更为激烈、多变朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕There have been so many changes around here lately that I'm not sure what's happening any more. 最近,这儿发生了那么多变化,我都搞不懂这是怎么回事了。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕You love him now, but at your age feelings are changeable. 你现在爱他,可在你这个年纪感情是多变的。朗文写作活用〔LAND/GROUND〕The terrain on the island varies quite a bit. 岛上地形多变朗文写作活用〔LOT〕We have seen a great many changes in the last twenty years. 在过去的20年里,我们亲眼目睹了许多变化。朗文写作活用〔Norman〕American operatic soprano acclaimed for her versatility and diverse repertoire.诺尔曼,洁西:美国歌剧女高音,因其多变及多元的才艺而被称许美国传统〔PREDICT〕The situation in the region's poorest country remains volatile and highly unpredictable. 该地区最贫困的国家的形势依然多变,很难预测。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Many defectors provided the McCarthy committees with evidence of political subversion. 许多变节者向麦卡锡委员会提供了政治颠覆活动的证据。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕Teenagers tend to get a bad name for being moody. 青少年往往会被冠上情绪多变的坏名声。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕The plan will cause a lot of changes, but officials are trying to play it down. 这个计划会引起很多变化,可是官员们却将此淡化。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The music on her latest CD shows a great deal of variety. 她最新的CD唱片上的音乐表现出很多变化。朗文写作活用〔allowance〕Parents and teachers should make allowances when dealing with moody teenagers.父母和老师在与情绪多变的青少年打交道时应该予以体谅。外研社新世纪〔alternate〕Her aggressive moods alternated with periods of calm.她情绪多变, 时而咄咄逼人, 时而冷静平和。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕The schedule isn't final, but we don't anticipate many changes.日程没有最后定下来,但是我们预料不会有许多变化。朗文当代〔between〕Many changes took place between the two world wars.两次世界大战之间发生了很多变化。牛津高阶〔brief〕I'll be brief; a lot of changes are going to happen.我就长话短说吧,会发生很多变化。朗文当代〔bring〕The revolution brought many changes.这场革命导致很多变化。牛津高阶〔calculus〕The branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables.微积分学:数学的一个分支,处理单变量或多变量函数的极限、微分以及积分问题美国传统〔cam〕An eccentric or multiply curved wheel mounted on a rotating shaft, used to produce variable or reciprocating motion in another engaged or contacted part.凸轮:安装于旋转轴上的偏心轮或复合曲线轮,用以使相连的或相接触的其它部件产生多变的或往复的运动美国传统〔capricious〕Lady racehorse owners have a reputation for capriciousness.赛马的女主人们出了名地性格多变柯林斯高阶〔changeful〕Having the tendency or ability to change; variable.多变的:有变化的倾向或能力的;变化的美国传统〔change〕Her mood changes every hour.她情绪多变韦氏高阶〔change〕I've seen many changes since I started farming.自从开始务农以来,我看到了很多变化。牛津搭配〔change〕They've made a lot of changes to the house.他们已对房子作了很多变动。剑桥高阶〔chequered〕Her chequered musical career is indeed the stuff of storybooks.她那曲折多变的音乐生涯足可以写成小说。麦克米伦高阶〔commercial〕The commercial features a moody young man.这个广告主要讲的是一个情绪多变的年轻人。牛津搭配〔congress〕A lot has changed after the party congress.党代会后发生了很多变化。外研社新世纪〔congress〕A lot has changed after the party congress.党代会后发生了很多变化。柯林斯高阶〔cool down〕First McNeil had to cool down the volatile Australian 20-year-old.首先, 麦克尼尔要安抚好这位情绪多变的20岁澳大利亚青年。外研社新世纪〔decade〕There have been a lot of changes during/in/over the past two decades.过去二十年中发生了许多变化。韦氏高阶〔down〕Down through the years this town has seen many changes.多年来这座城镇发生了许多变化。牛津高阶〔fancy〕Arising in the fancy; capricious.充满幻想的;多变美国传统〔fast〕The game was fast and furious.比赛过程起伏多变麦克米伦高阶〔frontal system〕With so many frontal systems so close together, we can expect the weather to be highly changeable over the next few days.有这么多锋系如此接近,我们预计以后几天的天气情况将会多变剑桥高阶〔headship〕A lot of changes have taken place during her headship.在她任职期间发生了很多变化。剑桥高阶〔levity〕Inconstancy; changeableness.易变,多变:不稳定;可变美国传统〔lifetime〕I've seen a lot of changes in my lifetime.我在一生中经历了许多变化。英汉大词典〔lifetime〕I've seen a lot of changes in my lifetime.我的一生经历了很多变迁。外研社新世纪〔lifetime〕I've seen many changes during my lifetime.我一生中经历了许多变革。牛津搭配〔lifetime〕There have been many changes during my lifetime.我一生经历了许多变革。麦克米伦高阶〔miscellaneous〕Having a variety of characteristics, abilities, or appearances.各种各样的:在特性、能力或外表上有许多变化的美国传统〔mobile〕Ingrid had a mobile face and many different expressions.英格里德有一张多变的脸, 可以展现各种表情。外研社新世纪〔moodily〕Ray is a complicated, moody man behind the joking front.雷是一个表面上嘻嘻哈哈,但内心复杂且情绪多变的人。柯林斯高阶〔moody〕He was generally moody and unpredictable.他常常情绪多变, 难以捉摸。外研社新世纪〔much〕It's amazing how much things have changed since we first came to live here.从我们最初搬来这里到现在这里发生了那么多变化,真令人吃惊。麦克米伦高阶〔partial derivative〕The derivative with respect to a single variable of a function of two or more variables, regarding other variables as constants.偏微商:多变量函数对其中一个变量的微商,其余变量视作常数美国传统〔partial differentiation〕Differentiation with respect to a single variable in a function of several variables, regarding other variables as constants.偏微分法:多变量函数中对其中一个变量进行微分,其余变量视作常数美国传统〔period〕Children go through many changes during the period of adolescence.在孩子们青春期会经历许多变化。韦氏高阶〔picture〕Just to put you in the picture—there have been a number of changes here recently.只是让你了解一下情况吧,最近这里出现了许多变化。牛津高阶〔power play〕Their politics consisted of unstable power-plays between rival groups.他们的政治活动包括竞争团体间反复多变的打压行动。外研社新世纪〔power play〕Their politics consisted of unstable power-plays between rival groups.他们的政治活动包括竞争团体间反复多变的打压行动。柯林斯高阶〔protean〕He is a protean stylist who can move from blues to ballads and grand symphony.他风格多变, 从布鲁斯、民谣到雄壮的交响乐都能驾驭。外研社新世纪〔protean〕He is a protean stylist who can move from blues to ballads and grand symphony.他风格多变,从布鲁斯、乡村音乐到雄壮的交响乐都能驾驭。柯林斯高阶〔puberty〕The body undergoes many changes during puberty.身体在青春期会发生许多变化。牛津搭配〔recent〕There have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多变化。牛津高阶〔scatterbrain〕A person regarded as flighty, thoughtless, or disorganized.轻率浮躁的人:多变,没有思想或没有条理的人美国传统〔schizoid〕With his schizoid nature, you never know whether he will disagree or agree with you.他天性多变,你永远都不知道他会反对你还是赞同你。韦氏高阶〔schizophrenic〕He criticized the government's schizophrenic foreign policy.他批评了政府反复多变的外交政策。韦氏高阶〔simplify〕The model must radically simplify a complex and changing world.这个模型必须极大地简化纷繁多变的现实世界。牛津搭配〔since〕There have been many changes since the war.从战争到现在发生了许多变化。21世纪英汉〔skittery〕Moving quickly, restlessly, or irregularly; skittish.迅速的,多变的:快速地、不停息地或不规则地移动的;易变的美国传统〔steel guitar〕An acoustic guitar with a metal resonator built into the body, often played with a slide and producing a twangy, variable tone.夏威夷吉它:一种无电声放大的吉它,内有金属共鸣箱,用拨片弹奏并产生拨弦多变的音调美国传统〔streaky〕Variable or uneven in character or quality.变化多端的,不均匀的:在性格或品质上多变的或不均匀的美国传统〔superficial〕Superficially there have been many changes in Britain in recent years.近几年来英国的面貌发生了很多变化。柯林斯高阶〔survival〕Adaptability is essential to survival in a changing environment.在多变的环境中,适应性对维持生存不可或缺。牛津搭配〔swing〕He suffers from severe mood swings.他患有严重的情绪多变症。麦克米伦高阶〔swing〕His mood swings between elation and despair.他情绪多变,一会儿兴高采烈,一会儿又伤心绝望。剑桥高阶〔take it one day at a time/take each day as it comes〕I've lived through a lot of changes recently, but I've learned to take it one day at a time.近来遇到诸多变故,但我已学会凡事要顺其自然。剑桥高阶〔twisted〕You'd have to be pretty twisted to find that funny.你得多变态, 才会认为那样好玩儿。外研社新世纪〔typify〕These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture.这两座建筑物体现了爱尔兰建筑风格的极致多变柯林斯高阶〔undergo〕The city has undergone many changes during the last ten years.这个城市在过去十年中经历了很多变化。21世纪英汉〔variable〕The winds were light and variable.那时风不大,且风向多变韦氏高阶〔variable〕Winds will be variable.风是多变的。麦克米伦高阶〔varied〕The work of a JP is very interesting and varied.治安官的工作是非常有趣和内容多变的。英汉大词典〔varied〕With its varied climate, the country attracts both winter and summer sports enthusiasts.该国气候多变,吸引了冬季和夏季运动爱好者。剑桥高阶〔variety〕We want more variety in our work.我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。牛津高阶〔vicissitudinary〕Characterized by, full of, or subject to vicissitudes.多变迁的,变化的:以变化无常为特点的,充满或易于变化的美国传统〔wear〕The joke began to wear thin when you heard it too many times.这个笑话因为听的遍数太多变得不那么吸引人了。 英汉大词典〔within〕There have been a lot of changes within the department since I joined.自我加入后,部门内发生了很多变化。朗文当代〔witness〕This university has witnessed quite a few changes over the years.这所大学多年来经历过很多变革。剑桥高阶〔work〕Time has wrought a lot of changes in our world.时间为我们的世界带来了很多变化。文馨英汉〔year〕He soon realized that a lot had changed in the intervening years.他很快就意识到,这几年间发生了许多变化。牛津搭配Computation involving a large number of variables usually requires a computer.涉及很多变量的计算通常需要用计算机。剑桥国际He had a mobile, expressive, animated face. 他有一张多变的,富于表情的,生动活泼的脸。译典通He had an actor's typically malleable features.他具有演员的典型的多变表情。剑桥国际He has a changeable character. 他性格多变译典通He was so protean as an artist that the critics could never categorize his work.他是一个风格相当多变的艺术家,评论家从来无法将他的作品归类。剑桥国际Heavy traffic and variable weather can wear out (=make increasingly weak until useless) the surface of a road.繁忙的交通与多变的天气会磨损路面。剑桥国际His moods are very changeable.他的脾气非常多变剑桥国际I prefer the gently undulating hills of the Dales to the more dramatic landscape of the Moors.我喜欢谷地缓慢起伏的丘陵甚于荒草原那更多变的风景。剑桥国际Many changes happened over the six months she was in charge of the company.她负责公司的六个月内发生了许多变化。剑桥国际My new boss has set a lot of changes in motion in our department.我的新上司在本部门推行了许多变革。剑桥国际She can be very erratic, one day she is friendly and the next she'll hardly speak to you.她性情多变,今天很友好,而明天她会几乎不跟你说话。剑桥国际She has her own style and is not influenced by the vagaries of fashion.她有自己的生活方式,不受各种怪异多变的时尚所影响。剑桥国际The 5-day Alpine forecast is for continuing unsettled weather, with even more snow to come.未来5天阿尔卑斯山天气预报是继续多变, 甚至会有更多的降雪。剑桥国际The graphics give you highly complex morphing effects.这些图像会让你感受到复杂多变的效果。牛津商务The weather might be a bit dodgy at this time of year.一年的这个时候,天气有些多变剑桥国际

