
单词 多亿
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕By the end of the war the Canadian government had borrowed over $5 billion from its own citizens. 战争结束时,加拿大政府向国民借了五十多亿美元。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Texas faces a budget deficit of over $4 billion. 得克萨斯面临四十多亿美元的预算赤字。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕British Telecom made over $3 billion last year. 英国电信公司去年赚了三十多亿英镑。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The Spanish government announced that it would invest over $14,000 million in the Latin American region. 西班牙政府宣布将在拉丁美洲地区投资一百四十多亿美元。朗文写作活用〔chomp〕British people chomp their way through more than a billion bars of chocolate every year.英国人一年要吃掉十多亿条巧克力。朗文当代〔form〕The rocks were formed more than 4000 million years ago.这些岩石是 40 多亿年前形成的。朗文当代〔import〕Britain last year spent nearly £5, 000 million more on importing food than selling abroad.去年英国进口食品的耗资比出口食品的收入多出50多亿英镑。外研社新世纪〔net〕Vernon estimates the company's net worth at over $8 billion.弗农估算公司的资产净价值为 80 多亿美元。朗文当代〔plough〕The government has ploughed more than $20 billion into building new schools.政府已投放 200 多亿元兴建新学校。牛津高阶〔plunder〕The former President plundered more than $3 billion of state cash.前总统侵吞了30多亿美元的国家资金。外研社新世纪〔register〕The company registered over one billion dollars in sales.公司销售额达到了十多亿美元。韦氏高阶〔skim〕The health insurance industry skimmed off more than $5 billion of profits.医疗保险业瞒报了50多亿美元的利润。英汉大词典〔wager〕More than $2 billion was wagered legally on sports in Nevada in the last 12 months.在过去的12个月里,有20多亿美元的资金通过合法渠道投注到内华达州的各项体育赛事上。剑桥高阶Atlanta's five largest banks receive more than a billion dollars in public deposits from local, state and federal governments.亚特兰大最大的五家银行收到来自地方、州和联邦政府 10 多亿元的政府存款。牛津商务More than £2 billion in subcontracts has been awarded to small businesses.20 多亿英镑的分包合同已给了小企业。牛津商务More than €60 billion flowed out of these funds last year.去年从这些基金流出的资金有 600 多亿欧元。牛津商务One of the busiest day's trading on the stock market saw more than £86 billion added to share values.证券交易所交易最繁忙的一天中,股票的价值上升了860多亿英镑。剑桥国际The Internet comprises more than 4 billion IP addresses.互联网由 40 多亿个 IP 地址组成。牛津商务The country owes more than $100 billion in foreign debt.这个国家欠着 1 000 多亿元的外债。牛津商务The insurance company sustained underwriting losses of over $2 billion.这家保险公司遭受了 20 多亿元的承保亏损。牛津商务The merger has been consummated (= completed) with a dowry of more than $8 billion.这宗合并在支付了 80 多亿元的额外资金后方告完成。牛津商务The new taxes will contribute over $60 billion to government coffers.新的税项将给国库增加 600 多亿元。牛津商务UK consumers buy over €30bn worth of goods through direct mail each year.英国消费者每年通过直邮广告购买价值 300 多亿欧元的商品。牛津商务

