
单词 在体育馆
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CROWD〕A mob of fans caused millions of pounds worth of damage in the area surrounding the stadium. 一帮闹事的球迷在体育馆周围的区域造成了数百万英镑的损失。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Jerry joined the crowd of people who were waiting in line outside the stadium. 杰里也加入了在体育馆外排队等候的队伍。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕We queued up outside the stadium and had to wait over an hour for our tickets. 我们在体育馆外面等了一个多小时才买到票。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Dealers were selling heroin outside the stadium. 毒贩在体育馆外面兜售海洛因。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕It was raining, so we had to play football in the gym this afternoon. 下雨了,所以这个下午我们只好在体育馆里踢足球。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Several supporters were arrested outside the stadium. 有几名球迷在体育馆外被捕。朗文写作活用〔brawl〕Fans brawled outside the stadium.球迷们在体育馆外面闹事。朗文当代〔common〕The commons is next to the gym.学生公共食堂在体育馆的旁边。牛津高阶〔fork over/up sth〕We had to fork over ten bucks to park near the stadium.我们不得不付了10美元以在体育馆附近停车。剑桥高阶〔graduation〕Before graduation the entire school was gathered together in the gymnasium.全校师生在体育馆里集合完毕, 随后举行了高中毕业典礼。外研社新世纪〔gym〕You can tell he works out at the gym.看得出他在体育馆锻炼。牛津搭配〔locker〕A small, usually metal compartment that can be locked, especially one at a gymnasium or public place for the safekeeping of clothing and valuables.小橱:尤指在体育馆和公共场合用于保存衣服或贵重物品的、可以锁起的、通常是金属的小柜美国传统〔pep rally〕The school held a pep rally in the gym before the football game.橄榄球比赛前,学校在体育馆进行了动员大会。韦氏高阶〔perfection〕In his quest for physical perfection, he spends hours in the gym.为了追求完美的体形,他在体育馆里花许多时间锻炼身体。剑桥高阶〔press box〕A section for reporters, as in a stadium.记者席:记者专用区,如在体育馆美国传统〔pump〕I saw him pumping up at the gym.我看到他在体育馆里积极地锻炼美国传统〔scuff〕Please wear trainers in the gym, to avoid scuffing the floor.在体育馆内请穿运动鞋,避免磨损地板。剑桥高阶〔sweat out〕He's trying to sweat out his cold at the gym.他在体育馆锻炼,想出出汗把感冒治好。韦氏高阶〔tout〕People were touting outside the stadium.有人在体育馆外倒卖门票。韦氏高阶〔tout〕People were touting tickets outside the stadium.有人在体育馆外倒卖门票。韦氏高阶〔weight〕I was in the gym lifting weights.我在体育馆举哑铃。外研社新世纪A figure like that is usually the product of many hours spent in the gym.那样的体形通常是在体育馆花了好多小时的结果。剑桥国际Groups of gymnasts are having their physical training in the gymnasium. 几组体操运动员正在体育馆里进行体育锻炼。译典通He was always at the gym. 他常在体育馆里。译典通Hugh works out in the gym two or three times a week.休每周在体育馆里锻炼两三次。剑桥国际I met her at the gymnasium. 我在体育馆遇见她。译典通In his quest for physical perfection, he spends hours in the gym.他为了获得完美的体格在体育馆里花了许多时间。剑桥国际They run a burger concession at the stadium.他们在体育馆内经营一个汉堡包小吃摊。牛津商务

