
单词 旅行时
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FREE〕This policy ensures that you get emergency medical treatment free of charge when travelling abroad. 该保险单保证出国旅行时看急诊免费。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Minor stomach disorders are common when travelling abroad. 在国外旅行时,轻微的胃部不适是常有的事。朗文写作活用〔Kremlin〕We visited the Kremlin when we traveled to Russia.我们在俄罗斯旅行时参观了克里姆林宫。韦氏高阶〔REDUCE〕Magnetic board games can help relieve the boredom of long car journeys for kids. 磁板象棋可以有助减轻孩子们坐车长途旅行时的无聊感。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Travelling in rural Thailand, I saw first hand the devastating effects of economic reform. 我在泰国的农村地区旅行时,亲眼目睹了经济改革所带来的惊人影响。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Most diplomats now travel with bodyguards, following a series of kidnappings. 自从发生了一连串绑架事件后,大部分外交官外出旅行时都带上了保镖。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕Corbett met a number of his contacts on his travels to Taiwan. 科比特到泰国旅行时和几个熟人碰了头。朗文写作活用〔adventure〕I had some hair-raising adventures when I was backpacking.我背着背包徒步旅行时经历过非常恐怖的事情。牛津搭配〔baggage〕The trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one's belongings while traveling; luggage.行李:某人旅行时携带物品的大皮箱、手提包、小包裹和衣箱等;行李美国传统〔beforehand〕When you go on a journey, be beforehand with your packing.你出门旅行时要事先整理好行装。英汉大词典〔begin〕He began by showing some photographs of his trip. = He began with some photographs of his trip.他首先展示了他旅行时的一些照片。韦氏高阶〔canteen〕A flask for carrying drinking water, as on a hike.水壶:携带饮用水的小壶。如外出旅行时所带的美国传统〔contract〕He contracted malaria while he was travelling.他旅行时染上了疟疾。剑桥高阶〔creased〕Most outfits crease a bit when you are travelling.旅行时大多数服装都会略微起褶。柯林斯高阶〔crease〕Most outfits crease a bit when you are travelling.旅行时大多数服装都会略微起褶。外研社新世纪〔deadhead〕A vehicle, such as an aircraft, that transports no passengers or freight during a trip.空车:在旅行时不载乘客或货物的交通工具,如飞机美国传统〔delicate〕He has a delicate stomach and often gets sick when traveling.他的胃很虚弱,经常会在旅行时不舒服。韦氏高阶〔divert〕It's a great game for diverting restless kids on long car rides .这个游戏很棒,可供那些乘车长途旅行时出现烦躁情绪的孩子们进行消遣。剑桥高阶〔dope〕We always have to dope up our cat for long car journeys.开车长途旅行时我们总是给猫吃安眠药。剑桥高阶〔drink〕I drink lots of water when I'm hiking.我徒步旅行时会喝很多水。韦氏高阶〔effort〕Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。柯林斯高阶〔eventful〕Our next journey was longer and much more eventful.我们接下来的那次旅行时间更长,更加丰富多彩。柯林斯高阶〔eventuality〕I'm looking for a travel insurance policy that will cover me for any eventuality.我正在找一种能够承保旅行时发生的任何意外的险种。剑桥高阶〔extra〕I travel with a few extras: a peppermill, a steamer basket, a plastic spatula, and a six-pint casserole.我旅行时还多带了几件东西:一个手碾胡椒磨, 一个蒸笼, 一把塑料刮勺和一口六品脱砂锅。外研社新世纪〔fever〕She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died.她在非洲旅行时患热病而死。牛津高阶〔garment bag〕A long, zippered bag used to carry and protect suits, dresses, and coats when traveling.折叠式旅行袋:一长形的、有拉链的包,用来供旅行时携带或保护衣服、裙子或大衣美国传统〔haversack〕A bag carried over one shoulder to transport supplies, as on a hike.粗帆布背包:一种旅行时装运给养的背于肩头的包美国传统〔holdall〕A case or bag for carrying miscellaneous items, as when traveling.手提包,手提箱:旅行时用来装零碎物品的包或箱美国传统〔hostel〕To stay at hostels while traveling.留宿于招待所:旅行时住在招待所内美国传统〔in style〕When she travels she likes to do it in style.她旅行时喜欢大张旗鼓。韦氏高阶〔incognito〕Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito.电影明星旅行时常喜欢隐瞒身分。牛津高阶〔incognito〕To avoid the crowds the film star travels incognito.为了避开人群,影星旅行时常隐匿身份。英汉大词典〔interpret〕I'll need someone to interpret for me when I travel to China.我到中国旅行时需要有人给我当翻译。韦氏高阶〔journey〕As we journeyed south, the landscape became drier and rockier.我们向南旅行时,土地越来越干燥,岩石越来越多。剑桥高阶〔keep to〕She keeps to the main roads when she travels.她旅行时总是走大路。韦氏高阶〔keep〕He kept to the mainroads in his travels.他旅行时总是走大路。 英汉大词典〔knitting〕I always take my knitting when I travel.我旅行时总是把自己正在织的东西带上。麦克米伦高阶〔mean〕Time meant nothing (=it was not important) to me while I was travelling.旅行时,时间对我就不重要了。朗文当代〔must〕Promptness on the job is a must. Comfortable shoes are a must when taking a walking tour of Wales.工作上准时是绝对必要的。步行去威尔士旅行时舒服的鞋是绝对必要的物品美国传统〔occupy〕On long journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles.长途旅行时,我用解数学难题来打发时间。剑桥高阶〔office〕I call the office twice a day when I'm travelling.我旅行时每天给办公室的工作人员打两次电话。麦克米伦高阶〔off〕When his master's off traveling, Caleb stays with Pierre's parents.凯莱布在主人外出旅行时与皮埃尔的父母住在一起。柯林斯高阶〔on〕I often get carsick when I'm on a long journey.长途旅行时我常晕车。剑桥高阶〔outward〕We met on the outward journey.我们在外出旅行时相遇了。外研社新世纪〔pair〕He decided to pack a pair of binoculars for the trip.他决定旅行时带上一副双筒望远镜。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕I always take a lot of photographs when I travel.我旅行时总是会拍很多照片。韦氏高阶〔pick ... up〕It's not safe to travel by standing at the road side hoping to be picked up by passing motorists.旅行时站在路旁希望过路车捎带是不安全的。21世纪英汉〔plus〕There will be two adults travelling, plus three children.旅行时将有两个大人,外加三个小孩。剑桥高阶〔pouch〕When I was travelling, I always carried my jewellery in a little pouch.旅行时, 我总是把首饰放在一个小袋子里。外研社新世纪〔preventive〕While travelling abroad, take preventive measures to avoid illness.在国外旅行时,要采取预防措施以免患病。朗文当代〔problematic〕Some places are more problematic than others for women travelling alone.女子独自旅行时, 有些地方比其他地方更容易出问题。外研社新世纪〔pub〕We ate at a lot of good pubs on our trip to England last summer.去年夏天我们在英格兰旅行时去过许多家很棒的酒吧。韦氏高阶〔recommend〕We strongly recommend you insure your luggage when you travel.我们强烈建议你旅行时要确保行李的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔record〕When I travel, I keep a record of everything that happens.我旅行时,总是将旅途中发生的每件事都记录下来。英汉大词典〔romance〕She loved the romance of travel.她喜欢旅行时的浪漫。外研社新世纪〔side road〕We like driving on side roads when we travel.我们旅行时喜欢在辅路上开车。韦氏高阶〔stand someone/something in good stead〕His language skills will stand him in good stead when he is traveling.旅行时,他的语言技能将派上用场。韦氏高阶〔swagman〕A man who seeks casual work while traveling about carrying his swag.流浪汉,临时工人:背着行囊在旅行时寻找临时工作的人美国传统〔swell〕My ankles tend to swell when I travel by air.我坐飞机旅行时脚踝常会肿起来。麦克米伦高阶〔tack〕Our last trip involved a coastal passage, tacking east against wind and current.我们上次旅行时曾经沿着海岸,逆着风浪向东曲折航行。柯林斯高阶〔time〕Bad weather could add another hour to your journey time.天气不好可能会使旅行时间延长一个小时。麦克米伦高阶〔travel-sick〕My daughter always gets travel-sick on car journeys.我女儿乘车旅行时总是晕车。英汉大词典〔travel〕He travels with a huge entourage.他旅行时有大批随行人员陪同。牛津搭配〔unadventurous〕When it comes to travel, she's very unadventurous.当涉及旅行时,她就非常缺乏冒险精神。韦氏高阶〔with〕Edward entertained me with stories of his travels.爱德华给我讲他旅行时的故事来让我开心。麦克米伦高阶As we journeyed south, the landscape became drier and rockier.我们向南旅行时,地貌越来越干燥,岩石越来越多。剑桥国际Comfort is an important consideration when you're deciding how to travel.在决定以何种方式旅行时, 舒适是一个重要的应考虑到的因素。剑桥国际Gamma globulin injections are often used as a way of protecting you against certain diseases, esp. when travelling abroad.注射丙种球蛋白常用于防治某些疾病,特别是在出国旅行时剑桥国际He always brings a canteen with him on a hike. 他作徒步旅行时总是带著水壶。译典通He didn't receive much formal schooling (= education at school), but he did learn a lot about the world when he was travelling with his parents.他没有受过很多正规的学校教育,但他在和父母旅行时学到了许多处世实际本领。剑桥国际He fell in with a friendly group of people when he was travelling in Europe.他在欧洲旅行时,结交了一群友好的人。剑桥国际His money will come in handy when I want to travel.当我想去旅行时,他的钱会派得上用场。剑桥国际His parents shook their heads in wonder as he told them of his extraordinary journey down the Amazon.当他告诉父母他沿着亚马孙河顺流而下的不寻常旅行时,他们惊叹地摇着头。剑桥国际I always take a small mending kit with me when I travel.我旅行时总带着小缝纫包。剑桥国际I take as little baggage as possible with me when I travel.我旅行时尽量少带行李。剑桥国际I'm 17, but I'm still classed as (=considered to be) a child when I travel by bus.我已经17岁了,可我乘公共汽车旅行时还给归入儿童类。剑桥国际John got engaged to her when travelling last winter. 去年冬天旅行时,约翰与她订了婚。译典通She missed a trick when she decided not to go on that business trip to China.当她决定不去中国做商务旅行时,她错失了良机。剑桥国际She struck on the idea for her novel while she was travelling in Russia.她在俄国旅行时突然想到小说该写什么题材。剑桥国际The thing I fear the most when traveling on a plane is to have a garrulous neighbor. 我搭飞机旅行时,最怕有个喋喋不休的邻座。译典通The ticket is valid for off-peak travel only.这票只在淡季旅行时有效。剑桥国际The trouble/problem with inviting Mandy to come with us is that she gets travel sick.邀请曼蒂与我们一同去的麻烦是她旅行时会眩晕。剑桥国际There are always a lot of incidental expenses when you go on foreign trips.当你去外国旅行时总是会有许多附带的支出。剑桥国际Traveling in the desert, he met a woman standing alone and terribly dejected. 在沙漠旅行时他遇见了一个女人,她孤独地站著,非常沮丧。译典通We crossed the Equator on the voyage.我乘船旅行时途经赤道。剑桥国际We exchanged knowing smiles as Caroline told yet another person about her trip on the Trans-Siberian express.当卡罗琳对又一个人再次提起关于她乘横越西伯利亚的快车旅行时,我们互相会心一笑。剑桥国际When she travels, the President has a large retinue of aides and bodyguards.当她旅行时,这位总统有一大群助手和保镖的随从。剑桥国际When we go on holiday, we only take (the bare) essentials.我们假期旅行时只带必需品。剑桥国际When we went on our cycling tour, we stayed mainly in youth hostels.我们骑自行车旅行时,主要住在青年招待所里。剑桥国际Whenever I go travelling, I always make sure that I don't take any superfluous luggage with me.每当我去旅行时,总要确保不携带多余的行李。剑桥国际You should take plenty of reading matter (= books) away with you on your trip.你在旅行时得带足读物。剑桥国际

