
单词 下注
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕The nurse came in with a hypodermic needle, and Rob went white as a sheet. 护士拿着一支皮下注射针进来,罗布吓得脸色发白。朗文写作活用〔Place your bets〕Place your bets.下注吧。韦氏高阶〔Syrette〕A trademark used for a collapsible tube having an attached hypodermic needle containing a single dose of medicine.西雷特皮下注射:带含有一次剂量的药的皮下注射针头的可折叠针管的商标美国传统〔across-the-board〕Sports Games Of, relating to, or being a racing wager whereby equal amounts are bet on the same contestant to win, place, or show.【体育运动】 【游戏】 全面下注的,连赢注的:把同样数目的赛马赌注下在同一匹可能赢得第一名、第二名或第三名的赛马上美国传统〔ampoule〕A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution.安瓿:小的玻璃容器,装满后密封,主要用于贮放皮下注射液美国传统〔ante-post〕Joly Bey, well backed ante-post, misses the race as he is not 100 per cent fit.乔利•贝赛前被下注较多, 但因其未处于最佳状态而未能参赛。外研社新世纪〔ante〕Games To put (one's stake) into the pool in poker.【游戏】 下注:纸牌游戏中(把赌金)放入赌注总额美国传统〔backer〕She's unlikely to find many backers at those odds.以这样的赔率她不可能找到很多下注者。外研社新世纪〔bet〕Bookmakers are already taking bets on the outcome.马票商已经开始接受对比赛结果的下注了。朗文当代〔bet〕He regularly goes to the races and bets heavily.他常去赌马而且下注很大。剑桥高阶〔bet〕I told him which horse to bet on.我告诉他对哪匹马下注外研社新世纪〔bet〕I wouldn't bet against him winning the championship this year.我不会下注赌他今年拿不到冠军。朗文当代〔bet〕I'm going to place a bet on that white horse.我要在那匹白马身上下注牛津搭配〔bet〕Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races.职业赛马骑师禁止对赛马结果下注柯林斯高阶〔bet〕Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races.职业赛马骑师被禁止对赛马结果下注外研社新世纪〔bet〕Our team is a sure bet to win.下注我们队肯定能赢美国传统〔bluff〕Games To try to mislead (opponents) in a card game by heavy betting on a poor hand or by little or no betting on a good one.【游戏】 玩牌戏中下大注迷惑对手:玩牌游戏中手气坏时下大注或手气好时下小注或不下注,以迷惑(对手)美国传统〔brim〕She watched the crowd from beneath the brim of her hat.她从帽檐下注视着人群。牛津搭配〔call〕To equal the bet of (the preceding bet or bettor) in a poker game.叫牌:扑克游戏中抵上(以前的注或下注者)所下的注美国传统〔deaden〕Surgeons can inject Botox into the armpit to deaden nerves that control sweating.外科医生可以通过向腋下注入肉毒素的方法来麻痹神经, 从而达到抑制排汗的效果。外研社新世纪〔disposable〕An article, such as a paper diaper or hypodermic syringe, that can be disposed of after one use.可抛弃的物品,免洗用具:用后即可丢弃的物品,如纸制尿布或皮下注射器美国传统〔even〕If I were betting I'd take even money on United.要是我下注的话,我就以同额赌注押联队。剑桥高阶〔from〕The men were watching us from above the trees.那些人从树上往下注视着我们。英汉大词典〔gamble〕He would often gamble hundreds of dollars on a hand of poker.他经常会对一手牌下注数百美元。韦氏高阶〔game〕To play for stakes; gamble.下注;赌博美国传统〔gloss〕To provide (an expression or a text) with a gloss or glosses.下注释,作解释,加注解美国传统〔hedge your bets〕They decided to hedge their bets by putting half their money in stocks and the other half in bonds.他们决定两面下注,一半钱投资股票,另一半钱投资债券。韦氏高阶〔hedge〕Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.预测家对本周六路易斯安那州州长竞选的结果骑墙观望,多手下注柯林斯高阶〔hedge〕Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.预测者对本周六路易斯安那州州长竞选的结果骑墙观望, 多手下注外研社新世纪〔hedge〕To minimize or protect against the loss of by counterbalancing one transaction, such as a bet, against another.两面下注,套期保值:两面下注以减少或防止交易(如赌博)的损失美国传统〔hype〕A hypodermic injection, syringe, or needle.皮下注射器:一次皮下注射,皮下注射器,或皮下注射的针美国传统〔hypodermic injection〕A subcutaneous, intracutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection by means of a hypodermic syringe and needle.皮下注射:用皮下注射管或针做的皮下注射、皮肤注射、肌肉内注射或静脉内注射美国传统〔hypodermic needle〕A hollow needle used with a hypodermic syringe.皮下注射针:和皮下注射管一起用的一根空针美国传统〔hypodermic needle〕A hypodermic syringe including the needle.皮下注射针管:一支皮下注射管(包括针)美国传统〔hypodermic syringe〕A piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections.皮下注射管:一支活塞管,和一根皮下注射针配合用来注射美国传统〔hypodermic〕A hypodermic injection.皮下注美国传统〔hypodermic〕A hypodermic needle.皮下注射针美国传统〔hypodermic〕A hypodermic syringe.皮下注射管美国传统〔hypodermic〕He held up a hypodermic to check the dosage.他拿起一支皮下注射针筒检查剂量。外研社新世纪〔hypodermic〕Injected beneath the skin.皮下注射的美国传统〔hypo〕A hypodermic injection.皮下注美国传统〔hypo〕A hypodermic syringe.皮下注射器美国传统〔jackpot〕The accumulated stakes in a kind of poker that requires one to hold a pair of jacks or better in order to open the betting.赌注:扑克牌戏中的累积赌注,为争取第一个下注而必须持有一对J牌以上的好牌美国传统〔judge〕They were typed records of his bets, going back a couple of years as far as I could judge.据我判断,这些是他过去几年下注打赌的书面记录。柯林斯高阶〔last〕I don't know why he bothers to bet - his horses always come in last.我不明白他为什么还要去下注——他选的马总是落在最后面。剑桥高阶〔lay〕Games To place (a bet); wager.【游戏】 下注;打赌美国传统〔lay〕Games To place all or a part of an accepted bet with another bookie in order to reduce the risk.【游戏】 两面下注:把全部或一部分定好的赌注分担给另一赌马者以降低风险美国传统〔lay〕He layed $10 on the horse.他在这匹马身上下注10美元。英汉大词典〔lay〕She had laid $100 on the favourite.她在那匹特别喜爱的马上下注 100 元。牛津高阶〔lay〕To bet; wager.打赌;下注美国传统〔luck〕With my luck, I'd lose if I backed the only horse in a one horse race.我这运气,就算是只有一匹马参加的比赛,我下注于唯一的马也会输掉。朗文当代〔mainline〕Instead of injecting drugs into toes, they mainlined themselves under the tongue.他们不是在脚趾注射毒品,而是在自己的舌头底下注射。21世纪英汉〔martingale〕Games A method of gambling in which one doubles the stakes after each loss.【游戏】 赌博中输后加倍下注的赌法美国传统〔needle〕A hypodermic needle.注射针:皮下注射针头美国传统〔needle〕Informal A hypodermic injection; a shot.【非正式用语】 皮下注射;注射美国传统〔needle〕She carried hypodermic needles and syringes in her bag.她包里带着皮下注射针和针筒。朗文当代〔nowhere〕The horse I bet on finished nowhere.我下注的那匹马没有获胜。剑桥高阶〔odds〕Games A ratio expressing the amount by which the stake of one bettor differs from that of an opposing bettor.【游戏】 赌注的比率:打赌者下注的数量及其对手下注数量的比率美国传统〔odds〕Gavin Jones, who put £25 on Eugene, at odds of 50 to 1, has won £1,250.加文·琼斯以50比1的赔率赌尤金胜,他下注25英镑,赢了1,250英镑。柯林斯高阶〔open〕Games To make a bid, bet, or lead in starting a game of cards.【游戏】 第一个叫牌,第一个下注,第一个打牌美国传统〔punter〕Bookmakers are offering punters odds of 6–1 on the horse Red Devil winning the race.对那匹叫“红色魔鬼”的马,赌注登记经纪人给下注人提出的获胜赔率是6比1。剑桥高阶〔punter〕Punters are expected to gamble £70 million on the Grand National.预计众多赌马者会在国家大马赛上下注7,000万英镑。外研社新世纪〔punter〕Punters are expected to gamble £70m on the Grand National.预计众多赌马者会在国家大马赛上下注7,000万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔see〕I'll see your 20 dollars.我跟你一样下注20美元。麦克米伦高阶〔shoot〕To inject (a drug, for example) with a hypodermic syringe.注射:用一个皮下注射器注射(比如毒品)美国传统〔shot〕A hypodermic injection.皮下注美国传统〔skin-pop〕To inject (a drug) beneath the skin rather than into a vein.皮下注射药品:在皮肤下面不是血管中注射(药品)美国传统〔stay〕Games To meet a bet in poker without raising it.【游戏】 不提高赌注:在扑克牌游戏中下注但不加注美国传统〔streak〕After winning a couple of bets, he thought he was on a winning streak.下注赢了几回后,他以为自己红运正当头。剑桥高阶〔syringe〕A hypodermic syringe.皮下注射器美国传统〔system〕He has a perfect system at roulette.他懂得有关轮盘赌如何下注的绝妙赌经。外研社新世纪〔taker〕The bookmakers were offering 4 to 1 on, but there were no takers.赌注登记经纪人提出4比1的条件,但无人下注英汉大词典〔transmission〕There is a risk of transmission of the virus between hypodermic users.接受皮下注射者有相互传染病毒的可能。牛津搭配〔wager〕He is so confident of victory he has wagered on himself. 他对获胜有十足的信心,甚至为自己下注剑桥高阶〔wager〕To risk or stake (an amount or a possession) on an uncertain outcome; bet.打赌:在一个未定的结果上下注或赌(一定数额或财产);赌博美国传统After winning a couple of bets, he thought he was on a winning streak and gambled away all his savings.在赢了几次下注后,他认为自己正走好运,结果赌光了他所有的积蓄。剑桥国际He placed/put a bet on the horse which was the favourite to win.他在最可能赢的马身上下注剑桥国际He regularly goes to the races and bets heavily.他常去赌马而且下注很大。剑桥国际She bet£500 000 on the horse which came in second.她下注500 000英镑的那匹马跑了第二名。剑桥国际She took one look at the hypodermic needle and fainted (dead) away (= lost consciousness immediately).她看了一眼皮下注射器,就昏(死)过去了。剑桥国际The HIV virus can be spread by sharing hypodermic syringes/hypodermics.艾滋病病毒可由共用的皮下注射器传播。剑桥国际The horse I'd put my money on just got beaten at the post (= as it was finishing).我下注的那匹马到终点柱时失败了。剑桥国际

