
单词 不愿给
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OWE〕Loans are often refused to poorer borrowers because the risk of default is greater. 人们通常不愿给穷人贷款,因为拖欠债款的风险较大。朗文写作活用〔grudge〕His crude master grudged him even the food he ate.他那残忍的主人甚至连他的食物也不愿给他。21世纪英汉〔hassle〕I hate to cause you any hassle – are you sure it's OK? 我不愿给你造成任何麻烦, 你确信没事吗?麦克米伦高阶〔straight〕He wouldn't give me a straight answer.他不愿给我一个坦率的答复。麦克米伦高阶〔strip〕She wasn't willing to strip for such a small audience.她不愿给这么少的一批观众表演脱衣舞。英汉大词典Johnny had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets.我不愿给约翰尼买糖,他便在商店里大发脾气。剑桥国际My dad's always a bit parsimonious with the gin!.我老爸对那杜松子酒总是有点吝啬!(不愿给别人喝一点)!剑桥国际

