“to examine”例句

单词 to examine
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEND〕Visitors will be able to examine original documents loaned from the British Museum. 参观者将可以阅览到从大英博物馆借得的原件。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕The video shows women how to examine their breasts for cancer. 这个录像向妇女示范如何检查自己的乳房是否患有癌症。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕An external auditor is brought in to examine the accounts. 外聘了一名审计员来核查账务。朗文写作活用〔candle〕To examine (an egg) for freshness or fertility by holding it before a bright light.对光检查:把(一只鸡蛋)置于一个明亮的光源前以检查它的新鲜程度或受精状况美国传统〔censor〕A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.审查员:负责审查书籍、电影或其他材料并删去或削减其中被认为在道德上、政治上或其他方面有不宜内容的人美国传统〔collate〕To examine and compare carefully in order to note points of disagreement.校对:仔细地检查对比以便注出不同点美国传统〔commission〕Both states set up commissions to examine their public schools.两州都成立了委员会对本州的公立学校进行审查。韦氏高阶〔compare〕Abbr. cp.To examine in order to note the similarities or differences of.缩写 cp.比较:为记录相似性或差别而调查美国传统〔craftsmanship〕I bent down to examine the exquisite craftsmanship.我弯下腰仔细观察精巧的做工。外研社新世纪〔cystoscope〕A tubular instrument equipped with a light and used to examine the interior of the urinary bladder and ureter.膀胱镜:装有灯的管状仪器,用来检查膀胱内部和输尿管美国传统〔discuss〕To examine or consider (a subject) in speech or writing.论述,详述:以口头或书面形式来检查或考虑(主题)美国传统〔echelon grating〕A diffraction grating made of parallel glass plates, each of which extends slightly beyond the next, used to examine extremely fine structures.梯状光栅:用来检查极小结构的衍射光栅,由平行的玻璃片组成,每块玻璃片都比邻近一块长出一点美国传统〔establish〕The government agreed to establish two committees to examine the proposals.政府同意成立两个委员会来审议这些提议。麦克米伦高阶〔examine〕A team of divers was sent down to examine the wreck.一组潜水员被送到水下检查沉船。朗文当代〔examine〕An accountant has been hired to examine the company's books.一名会计师已受聘审核这家公司的账目。韦氏高阶〔examine〕Anna stopped to examine a plant growing by the stream.安娜停下来仔细观察长在小溪边的一株植物。牛津搭配〔examine〕He didn't even bother to examine the note.他甚至连笔记都懒得检查一下。牛津搭配〔examine〕The police will have to examine the weapon for fingerprints.警察得检查凶器看有没有指纹。朗文当代〔examine〕We continue to examine new ways of doing business.我们继续探索做生意的新方法。牛津搭配〔examine〕We need to examine how an accident like this can be avoided in the future.我们需要研究将来如何能避免类似的事故再次发生。剑桥高阶〔involved〕We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first.我们首先应该仔细考虑所有与这一项目有关的费用。牛津高阶〔magnification〕We used a microscope to examine the cells under magnification.我们用显微镜观察放大后的细胞。韦氏高阶〔necessary〕It is necessary to examine this claim before we proceed any further.我们必须先核实这一声明才能继续下一步。外研社新世纪〔nonintrospective〕Unable or unwilling to examine one's conscience or soul.不自省的:不能或不愿意检验某人的良心或灵魂的美国传统〔order〕Would it be in order for us to examine the manuscript? 按规定我们可以检查原稿吗?牛津搭配〔possibility〕We need to examine other possibilities before we book the flights.订飞机票之前,我们应该研究一下其他可能的选择。麦克米伦高阶〔proceed〕We have to examine this claim before we proceed any further.我们必须先审核一下这项主张, 然后才能继续其他事情。外研社新世纪〔proctoscope〕An instrument consisting of a tube or speculum equipped with a light, used to examine the rectum.直肠镜:由带灯的管筒或窥镜组成的仪器,用于检查肛门美国传统〔put〕A team of experts has been put together to examine the effects of global warming.组织了一支专家队伍来研究全球变暖的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔question〕To examine (a witness, for example) by questioning; interrogate.审问:通过提问检查(如证词);审问美国传统〔read〕To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).读,阅读:检查并掌握(书面或印刷体的文字、词语或句子的)意思美国传统〔remit〕The remit is to examine how staff deal with abusive customers.职责是检查员工如何对待口出恶言的顾客。麦克米伦高阶〔review〕We're keeping this policy under review (=we are continuing to examine it).我们继续审议这项政策。朗文当代〔scan〕To examine closely.细察:仔细地查看美国传统〔scan〕Medicine To examine (a body or a body part) with a CAT scanner or similar scanning apparatus.【医学】 检查身体:用CAT扫描仪或类似的扫描器械检查(身体或身体的某一部位)美国传统〔scope〕Let us extend the scope of the study to examine more factors.我们把研究范围扩大一下,对更多的因素进行考查。朗文当代〔screen〕To examine (a job applicant, for example) systematically in order to determine suitability.检查:系统地测试(例如一个申请工作的人)以决定是否适合美国传统〔scrutinize〕To examine or observe with great care; inspect critically.细看,仔细检查:详细检查或仔细观察;很挑剔地检查美国传统〔search〕To examine in order to find something lost or concealed.搜寻:为找到遗失或被隐藏起来的某物而进行的搜索美国传统〔search〕To examine the person or personal effects of in order to find something lost or concealed.搜寻:为了找到遗失或被隐藏起来的某物而对某人或个人财产进行的搜索美国传统〔send ahead〕They were sent ahead of the main troops to examine the enemy's position.他们被派作主力部队的先遣小组,去探明敌人的阵地。21世纪英汉〔sound〕An instrument used to examine or explore body cavities, as for foreign bodies or other abnormalities, or to dilate strictures in them.探子:用于检查或探测体腔的一种仪器,如为异物或其他不正常的东西,或者为扩大这些体腔的狭窄部分美国传统〔stimulate〕I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts.我深受启发, 开始审视自己内心深处的想法。外研社新世纪〔study〕To examine closely; scrutinize.研究:仔细审查,细审美国传统〔survey〕To examine or look at in a comprehensive way.综览:从广泛的方面检查或察看美国传统〔time〕Customers have only a limited amount of time to examine the goods.顾客只有有限的时间检查商品。朗文当代〔voluminous〕It will take months to examine his voluminous correspondence.检查他那浩如烟海的信件需要花几个月的时间。英汉大词典〔zoom in〕He trained his camera on nature, sometimes zooming in to examine single leaves.他把自己的照相机对准了大自然,时而拉近镜头仔细观察一片片的叶子。柯林斯高阶He was unable to examine the issue with detachment. 他不能客观公正地调查这一问题。译典通It is difficult to examine your own performance objectively.客观地考评自己的业绩是不容易的。牛津商务

