“to empty”例句

单词 to empty
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMPTY〕The police made us stand against the wall and told us to empty our pockets. 警察让我们靠墙站好,然后叫我们掏空口袋。朗文写作活用〔bag〕The customs officer asked him to empty out the contents of his bag.海关关员让他把包里的东西倒出来。牛津搭配〔bail〕To empty (a boat) of water by bailing.舀空:用舀的方式弄空(船里的)水美国传统〔bail〕To empty a boat of water by bailing.把…舀空:舀空盛满水的船美国传统〔basket〕I decided to empty the waste-paper basket.我决定把废纸篓倒空。牛津搭配〔clean〕To empty of contents or occupants.使…空出:去除内容物或居住者美国传统〔crash〕Sheets of corrugated iron were blown off Birmingham City's stadium roof and crashed on to empty seats.伯明翰市体育场顶棚的瓦楞铁皮被风吹掉, 哗啦啦落到了体育场内的空座位上。外研社新世纪〔dump〕To empty out (a container or vehicle), as by overturning or tilting.倒空:翻转或倾斜而倒空(容器或车辆)美国传统〔dustbin〕The dustbin men forgot to empty our bin this morning.今天早上环卫工忘记清空我们的垃圾桶了。牛津搭配〔empty out〕The cinema had started to empty out.电影院里的人开始散去。外研社新世纪〔empty〕He ordered her to empty her pockets.他命令她把口袋掏空。麦克米伦高阶〔empty〕He tried to empty himself of all emotion.他试图使自己挣脱一切情感的羁绊。外研社新世纪〔empty〕He was told to empty out his desk and leave.他被告知腾空自己的桌子,然后离开。麦克米伦高阶〔empty〕It's your turn to empty the trash.轮到你倒垃圾了。韦氏高阶〔empty〕Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat.由于炸弹的威胁,警方奉命将人撤离这栋大楼。牛津高阶〔empty〕The stadium quickly began to empty.体育场里的人很快就走空了。麦克米伦高阶〔empty〕The stores were closing, and the streets began to empty.商铺陆续关门,街道开始变得空荡荡的。朗文当代〔evacuate〕To empty or remove the contents of.使空,撤空:使…的内容变空或撤空美国传统〔gasbag〕Slang One given to empty or boastful talk.【俚语】 一个空洞的且喜欢自夸的人美国传统〔lock out〕I went to empty the bins and found that I'd locked myself out.我去倒垃圾, 结果发现我把自己反锁在门外了。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕The police officer asked us to empty our pockets.警官叫我们掏空口袋。麦克米伦高阶〔pressure〕The children are not pressured to empty (或into emptying) their plates.孩子们并不是被迫把盘子里的东西吃完的。英汉大词典〔stomach pump〕A suction pump with a flexible tube inserted into the stomach through the mouth and esophagus to empty the stomach in an emergency, as in a case of poisoning.胃唧筒:一种紧急情况下(如在食物中毒时)使用的从口和食道伸入胃中以抽出胃内物的唧筒,用可弯曲的管制成美国传统〔the last but one〕I'm almost finished - this is the last but one box to empty.我马上就要完工了——现在还有最后两个箱子要清空。剑桥高阶〔tilt〕He tilted the barrel so as to empty it.他将大桶倾侧倒空。21世纪英汉〔tip〕To empty (something) by overturning; dump.倾倒:用倾倒的方式把(某物)倒空;倾泻美国传统〔vacate〕To empty of occupants or incumbents.使空缺:使(官职或职位)空缺美国传统He has to empty the bucket twice daily (= two times every day).他一天要倒水桶两次。剑桥国际I need to blow my nose (= breathe out suddenly and strongly through my nose into a HANDKERCHIEF to empty it).我需要擤鼻涕。剑桥国际I've almost finished packing--I've just got to empty (= put the contents of) that drawer into my suitcase.我已经快捆扎好了----只是还要把那只抽屉里的东西装入我的手提箱。剑桥国际They inserted a catheter to empty the patient's bladder.他们插了根导管排空病人的膀胱。剑桥国际

