“blood flow”例句

单词 blood flow
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPECT〕A SPECT scan can show how blood flows in the heart.单光子发射扫描可显示血液如何流经心脏。剑桥高阶〔brain scan〕A scintigram of the brain, used to identify cerebral blood flow and to detect intracranial masses, lesions, tumors, or infarcts.脑部扫描:脑部的扫描谱,用来标示脑部血液流动和探测颅内物质、损伤、肿瘤或栓塞美国传统〔coronary occlusion〕The partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery, as by a thrombus or the progressive buildup of atherosclerotic plaque.冠状动脉阻塞:冠状动脉的部分阻塞或完全阻塞,如由于血栓或粥样沉着而不断形成美国传统〔diagram〕The teacher drew a diagram showing how the blood flows through the heart.老师画了一张示意图来说明血液如何进出心脏。剑桥高阶〔dilatation〕Dilatation of blood vessels is always associated with increased blood flow and increased blood pressure.血管扩张总是跟血流量增加和血压升高有关联。剑桥高阶〔diminish〕These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.这些药物会减少流向脑部的血液量。朗文当代〔flow〕Blood flows round body.血液在体内循环。21世纪英汉〔flow〕It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower.它只在静脉里起作用,在静脉中血液流动更慢一些。柯林斯高阶〔hemostasis〕The stoppage of blood flow through a blood vessel or body part.止血法:阻止血液流过某一血管或身体某一部位美国传统〔hyperemia〕An increase in the quantity of blood flow to a body part; engorgement.充血症:流往身体各部位的血液数量的增加;充血美国传统〔hypostasis〕Medicine The settling of blood in the lower part of an organ or the body as a result of decreased blood flow.【医学】 坠积性充血:血液减少造成的血往器官或身体下部沉淀美国传统〔infarction〕A myocardial infarction happens when the blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged.当流往部分心肌的血液被阻时间过长,心肌因此受损时,就会发生心肌梗塞。剑桥高阶〔reperfusion〕The restoration of blood flow to an organ or tissue that has had its blood supply cut off, as after a heart attack.再灌注:血液复流到先前血液供应停止的器官或组织,如心脏病发作后美国传统〔restrict〕The drug restricts blood flow.药物会减缓血液流通。麦克米伦高阶〔thereby〕Diets that are high in saturated fat clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.高饱和脂肪和高胆固醇的饮食容易阻塞我们的动脉,从而减少向心脏和大脑的供血。剑桥高阶〔vasospasm〕A sudden constriction of a blood vessel, causing a reduction in blood flow.血管痉挛:由于血液流动的减弱而导致突然的血管收缩美国传统〔waste material〕Blood flows through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients and removing waste materials from the tissues.血液在身体内流动, 输送氧气和养分, 清除组织里的垃圾。外研社新世纪Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains. 高饱和脂肪和高热量的饮食使我们的动脉阻塞,从而减少流入心脏和脑的血液。剑桥国际The teacher drew a diagram showing how the blood flows through the heart.老师画了张示意图,显示血液如何流过心脏。剑桥国际Your blood flows continuously through your veins.血液在你的血管里永不停息地流动。剑桥国际

