
单词 carping
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔carp at〕He cannot understand why she's constantly carping at him.他不明白为什么她总找自己的茬。外研社新世纪〔carping〕He cannot understand why she's constantly carping at him.他不明白为什么她总是找他的茬儿。柯林斯高阶〔carping〕I love being given constructive feedback rather than carping criticism.我喜欢别人给我建设性的反馈而不是吹毛求疵的批评。外研社新世纪〔carping〕I received endless, carping criticism.对我的批评连篇累牍、吹毛求疵。外研社新世纪〔carping〕I'm tired of all his carping.我厌倦了他所有的抱怨。韦氏高阶〔carping〕She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.她心情不好,受不了布兰奇的吹毛求疵。柯林斯高阶〔carping〕She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.她没有心情忍受布兰奇的抱怨。外研社新世纪〔carp〕He's always carping about his boss.他总是抱怨他的老板。韦氏高阶〔carp〕He's always [constantly] carping at me [my errors].他老是在找我的错。文馨英汉〔carp〕His grandfather is always carping about the young.他的祖父总是指摘青年人不懂事。21世纪英汉〔carp〕I can't stand the way he's always carping.我受不了他那副总是吹毛求疵的样子。剑桥高阶〔cavil〕A carping or trivial objection.找碴:吹毛求疵或琐屑的指责美国传统〔critic〕One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder.爱挑剔的人:习惯于作出严厉的或挑剔评价的人;吹毛求疵者美国传统〔faultfinding〕Petty or nagging criticism; carping.挑剔:吹毛求疵,挑毛病;挑刺美国传统〔ride〕To harass with persistent carping and criticism.数落:用不断的指责或批评使某人烦恼美国传统After years of having to listen to her carping criticism, he finally left her.他多年来一直不得不听她吹毛求疵的批评,终于离开了她。剑桥国际I can't stand the way he's always carping.我无法忍受他经常性的吹毛求疵。剑桥国际She never stops carping at him.她从不曾停止挑他的小毛病。剑桥国际

