
单词 archaeologist
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIG〕Archaeologists are excavating a Bronze Age settlement on the outskirts of the village. 考古学家正在该村庄外围发掘青铜器时代的一个村落。朗文写作活用〔DIG〕I don't know why archaeologists get such a thrill from digging up broken pots. 我不知道考古学家为什么对挖出这些破罐子会如此兴奋。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The coins were discovered by a team of archaeologists. 这些钱币是一个考古小组发现的。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕Josie isn't really an archaeologist, it's just an interest of hers. 乔茜不是个真正的考古学家,考古不过是她的一个爱好。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Archaeologists think that massive floods could have wiped out the dinosaurs. 考古学家认为可能是大洪水使恐龙灭绝的。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕Archaeologists think the temple was probably built in the 3rd century AD. 考古学家认为这座庙可能建于公元3世纪。朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an ancient Roman village. 考古学家发现了一座古罗马村落的遗迹。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕The archaeologists uncovered both domestic structures and what appear to have been commercial buildings. 考古学家发现了民居结构和看上去像商用的建筑。朗文写作活用〔archaeological〕The archaeologists found a house built around 300 BC, with a basement and attic.考古学家发现了一座建于公元前300年左右的带地下室和阁楼的房子。柯林斯高阶〔archaeologist〕The archaeologists found a house built around 300 BC, with a basement and attic.考古学家们发现了一座建于公元前300年的房屋, 有地下室和阁楼。外研社新世纪〔archaeology〕What does archaeologist have to contribute to modern society? 考古学对现代社会有何贡献?文馨英汉〔barely〕Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped.推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。柯林斯高阶〔bone〕The archaeologists found fragments of bone.考古学家发现了碎骨片。麦克米伦高阶〔chip〕Archaeologists were carefully chipping away at the rock.考古学家正小心地在岩石上铲凿。朗文当代〔date〕Archaeologists have been unable to date these fossils.考古学家无法确定这些化石的生成年代。剑桥高阶〔date〕Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius.考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。柯林斯高阶〔date〕Archaeologists have now dated the tomb.如今考古学家们已经确定了这座墓的年代。外研社新世纪〔date〕The archaeologist dated the ruins as belonging to the early Minoan period.这位考古学家确定该废墟属于早期弥诺斯时期。21世纪英汉〔dig〕He's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year.他是位考古学家,过去的一年都在参与克里特岛上的一项考古发掘工作。柯林斯高阶〔disagreement〕There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.考古学家在这尊雕塑的年代问题上意见不一。牛津高阶〔excavate〕Archaeologists were excavating the area.考古学家当时正在该地区进行挖掘。外研社新世纪〔excavate〕The site has been excavated by archaeologists.这个遗址已被考古学家发掘出来。牛津高阶〔intuition〕Archaeologists often use their intuition to decide where to dig.考古学家们常常凭直觉来判断从哪里挖掘。麦克米伦高阶〔laity〕Archaeologists use many words that the laity do not understand.考古学家的许多用语是外行人听不懂的。英汉大词典〔level〕Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。牛津高阶〔liken〕We liken the archaeologist to a detective searching for ancient clues.我们把考古学家比做探究古代线索的侦探。英汉大词典〔margin of error〕When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.考古学家在测定有数千年历史的物体的年代时,会允许有几百年的误差。剑桥高阶〔necropolis〕Archaeologists uncovered a necropolis of ancient Rome.考古学家发现了一处古罗马时期的大墓地。韦氏高阶〔onto〕Archaeologists knew they were onto something big when they started digging.考古学家在发掘之初就知道他们将有重大发现。柯林斯高阶〔onto〕Archaeologists knew they were onto something big.考古学家知道他们将有重大发现。外研社新世纪〔pothunter〕A nonprofessional archaeologist.业余考古学家美国传统〔puzzle〕The find left archaeologists with a puzzle.这个发现给考古学家留下了一个谜团。外研社新世纪〔reconstruct〕Archaeologists were able to reconstruct most of the ancient village from their findings.考古学家按照他们的研究成果,得以重建这座古代村庄的大部分。韦氏高阶〔reconstruct〕The archaeologist reconstructed the broken ancient vase from its fragments.这位考古学家将破碎的古瓶修复还原。21世纪英汉〔recumbent〕The archaeologist found a statue of a recumbent woman.那考古学家发现了一尊卧姿妇人雕像。英汉大词典〔relate〕Archaeologists hope to relate the discovery with the arrival of Vikings in the area in the tenth century.考古学家希望把这些发现与公元十世纪维京人的到来联系起来。剑桥高阶〔sceptically〕Other archaeologists are sceptical about his findings.其他考古学家对他的发现表示怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔simple〕Archaeologists found several simple tools at the site.考古学家在现场发现了几件简单的工具。麦克米伦高阶〔skeletal〕The archaeologist found skeletal remains.那名考古学家发现了骨骼遗骸。韦氏高阶〔speculate〕Archaeologists speculate that people first reached the islands over 1,000 years ago.考古学家们推测人类第一次到达这些岛屿是在1,000多年前。麦克米伦高阶〔tablet〕Archaeologists are labouring to decipher clay tablets.考古学家们正在辛劳地译读土简。英汉大词典〔trace〕Archaeologists excavated fossilized dinosaur tracks from the riverbed.考古学家从河床中挖掘出恐龙的足迹化石。美国传统〔uncover〕Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska.考古学家在阿拉斯加发掘出一个有11,700年历史的狩猎营地。外研社新世纪〔uncover〕Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska.考古学家在阿拉斯加发现了一个距今11,700年的狩猎营地。柯林斯高阶〔uncover〕Archaeologists uncovered the ruins of an ancient city.考古学家挖掘出了一座古城遗址。韦氏高阶Archaeologists are investigating whether the small hill is really a burial mound (= a place where people were buried in ancient times).考古学家在调查这小山是否确实是墓冢。剑桥国际Archaeologists are only able to surmise what these strange symbols might mean. 考古学家只能猜测这些奇怪符号的意思。剑桥国际Archaeologists found a sarcophagus in the burial chamber.考古学家在墓室发现了一口古代石棺。剑桥国际Archaeologists have been unable to date these fossils (= say how old they are).考古学家还无法确定这些化石的年代。剑桥国际Archaeologists have discovered several flints (=pieces of flint used as tools) on the site.考古学家们已经在现场发现了若干件燧石工具。剑桥国际Prehistoric remains have been found by archaeologists investigating the site.调查遗址的考古学家发现了史前遗迹。剑桥国际The archaeologists excavated a buried city. 考古学家发掘出一个埋在地下的城市。译典通The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area. 考古学家们在那个地区发现了一些古代文明的遗迹。译典通Underwater archaeologists will try to locate the remains of the sunken ship.海底考古学家将尽力寻找沉船的残骸。剑桥国际When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.考古学家对有数千年历史的物体测定年代时,会允许几百年的误差。剑桥国际

