
单词 backwoods
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backwoods〕I was living in the backwoods going slowly insane with boredom.我住在偏远地区, 乏味无聊正在让我慢慢疯掉。外研社新世纪〔backwoods〕She grew up in the backwoods of Maine.她在缅因州的边远地区长大。韦氏高阶〔backwoods〕With television, even peasants in the backwoods could be in touch with world events.有了电视,即令在偏僻莽林地区的农人也能知天下事。文馨英汉〔boondocks〕Rural country; the backwoods.穷乡僻壤:乡村;偏僻的莽林地区美国传统〔hillbilly〕A person from the backwoods or a remote mountain area.山里人,乡下人:来自山林或偏僻山区的人美国传统〔the backwoods〕I grew up in the backwoods, with no cable TV and no Internet access.我的童年是在落后的边远地区度过的,没有有线电视也没有机会上网。剑桥高阶Not many people live in this small backwoods town.这个边远小镇住的人不多。剑桥国际They spent their childhood in the backwoods.他们在人烟稀少的边远地带度过童年。剑桥国际

