“on that”例句

单词 on that
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔account〕She was divorced, and on that account alone my mother disliked her.她离过婚,就因为这个原因我母亲不喜欢她。麦克米伦高阶〔agent〕One that acts or has the power or authority to act.行动者:行动的人或有力量、权力做的人美国传统〔belong〕This book belongs on that shelf.这本书应放在那个架上。英汉大词典〔betray〕You have betrayed my trust by passing on that information.你把这个消息传给了他们, 辜负了我对你的信任。外研社新世纪〔bibelot〕A miniature book, especially one that is finely crafted.小画像,尤指精细制作的美国传统〔bunch up〕If they need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel, they will do so.如果需要将飞机挨得更紧一些好使其中那架燃油不足的飞机不致掉队,他们会这么做的。柯林斯高阶〔cardholder〕One that holds a card, especially a credit card.持卡人:尤指持有信用卡的人美国传统〔close the door on〕I'd like to close the door on that chapter in my life.我要彻底翻过自己人生中的那一页。韦氏高阶〔counter〕One that counts, especially an electronic or mechanical device that automatically counts occurrences or repetitions of phenomena or events.计数者;计算器:计数者,尤指电子或机械装备,自动记下某种现象或事件发生或重复的次数美国传统〔criminal〕One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.罪犯:犯有罪行或被依法判定有罪的人美国传统〔curler〕One that curls, as a device on which hair is wound for curling.卷曲物:卷曲物,如用于将头发固定在上面进行卷发的发夹美国传统〔dear〕One that is greatly loved.亲爱的人美国传统〔declarant〕One that makes a declaration, especially a person who has signed a declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen.入籍申请者:指作出正式申请的人,尤指在入籍申请书上签字有意成为美国公民的人美国传统〔drier〕One that dries.干燥工美国传统〔edger〕One that edges, such as a tool for trimming the edge of a lawn.修边器:修边用的工具,如用来修剪草坪边缘的工具美国传统〔extra〕I worked extra hard (= more than usual) on that essay.我在那篇文章上格外下功夫。剑桥高阶〔farrier〕One that shoes horses.钉马掌的铁匠:给马钉掌的人美国传统〔fateful〕His decisive action on that fateful night saved many lives.在那个决定性的夜晚, 他的果断行动拯救了许多人的生命。外研社新世纪〔fateful〕The goalkeeper on that fateful day in 1954 was Fred Martin.1954 年灾难性的那一天,门将是弗雷德‧马丁。朗文当代〔healer〕One that heals or attempts to heal, especially a faith healer.医疗者:尤指信仰宗教疗法的治疗者或尝试医治的人美国传统〔holdout〕One that withholds agreement or consent upon which progress is contingent.坚持不让步的人,不让步的人:拒绝同意或满意与进程有关事项的人美国传统〔innocence〕One that is innocent.无辜的人美国传统〔irritate〕The way she puts on that accent really irritates me.她故意操那种口音的样子实在令我恼火。牛津高阶〔laggard〕One that lags; a straggler.落后者;落伍者美国传统〔man〕I've worked on that farm man and boy.我在那个农场工作了一辈子。朗文当代〔nag〕You'll never go anywhere on that old nag.你骑着那匹老马哪儿都去不了。外研社新世纪〔nullifier〕One that nullifies.使无效者美国传统〔obscurity〕One that is unknown.未知的人或事物美国传统〔occasion〕I seem to remember that on that occasion he was with his wife.我好像记得那一次他和她的妻子在一起。剑桥高阶〔on sb's account〕They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic on that account.他们很累,但是他们的热情并没有因此而减弱。剑桥高阶〔orthodox〕One that is orthodox.正统的人美国传统〔palliative〕One that palliates, especially a palliative drug or medicine.缓和剂:尤指一种用作减缓麻醉药或药美国传统〔put/set sb right〕She thought she wouldn't have to work hard, but we soon put her right on that.她认为不需要努力工作,但是我们很快就纠正了她这种错误的想法。剑桥高阶〔quote〕It was quote, ‘the hardest decision of my life’, unquote, and one that he lived to regret.那是,原话起,“我一生最难作出的决定”,原话止,而且是他终生悔恨的决定。牛津高阶〔reactor〕One that reacts to a stimulus.反应者:对刺激起反应的人美国传统〔reliever〕One that provides relief.缓解者,救济者:提供援助者美国传统〔rover〕One that roves; a wanderer.流浪汉;漫游者美国传统〔safeguard〕One that serves as protection or a guard.保卫者:保护或守卫的人美国传统〔schoolmaster〕One that educates, guides, or instructs.教导者,教育者或引导者美国传统〔stop〕I put a stop on that check to the store.我让银行止付给商店的那张支票。朗文当代〔support〕One that supports.支撑物美国传统〔thinking〕The act or practice of one that thinks; thought.思考:思考的人的行为或行动;思索美国传统〔thriller〕One that thrills, especially a sensational or suspenseful book, story, play, or movie.惊险读物:尤指引起震憾或具有悬念的书、故事、剧本或电影美国传统〔yardage〕The team lost yardage on that play.这支队在那场比赛中的推进码数不及对手。韦氏高阶As a mere male, I wouldn't dare comment on that.作为区区男性,对此我不敢发表意见。剑桥国际I've cut myself/my hand on that glass/with that knife.我被那玻璃片/那把小刀割伤了(手)。剑桥国际Look at the lovely shiny finish on that piano.看这钢琴亮铮铮的外表,多好啊!剑桥国际Okay, son--get out on that stage and knock'em dead! 好,儿子----上台去尽量演好!剑桥国际The party split on that issue and is now in danger of breaking into two or more factions.这个党在那个问题上发生分歧,面临分裂成两个或更多宗派的危险。剑桥国际There is no sense in fastening on that pretext of yours. 一味强调你那个借口是没有用处的。译典通

