
单词 medium
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Extra large eggs are generally a better buy than medium or large. 一般来说,买特大号鸡蛋比买中号或大号的合算。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕The man the police are looking for is about thirty years old, blond, and of medium build. 警方正在寻找的男子约三十岁,金黄色头发,中等身材。朗文写作活用〔German shorthaired pointer〕Any of a breed of medium to large sporting and hunting dog, developed in Germany and having a short, smooth coat with white and reddish to tan markings.德国短毛大猎犬:一种中型到大型的运动或猎用狗,生长于德国并有短而光滑的皮毛及白和红到黄褐色的斑纹美国传统〔Logos〕In biblical Judaism, the word of God, which itself has creative power and is God's medium of communication with the human race.圣子:在圣经犹太教中的上帝这个词,这个词本身有创造力,上帝通过它与人类沟通美国传统〔Macoun〕A variety of apple having medium fruit with a red skin and white, crisp flesh.玛康苹果:苹果的变种,果实中等大小,果皮红色,果肉白色松脆美国传统〔TYPE〕Eggs are classified by weight as Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, and Peewee. 鸡蛋按重量分类成特大、大、中等、小和特小。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕Wines can be classified according to their sugar content - that is dry, medium or sweet. 葡萄酒可以按其含糖量来分类,也就是分为干、半干和甜葡萄酒。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕With uncharacteristic modesty, Will explained his contribution to the development of the film medium. 威尔以难得的谦逊态度阐述了他对电影媒介的发展所作出的贡献。朗文写作活用〔agarose〕A polysaccharide obtained from agar that is the most widely used medium for gel electrophoresis procedures.琼脂糖:从琼脂中提取的多糖,是凝胶电泳过程中用途最普遍的介质美国传统〔airwave〕The medium used for the transmission of radio and television signals. Often used in the plural.波段,无线电频率:传送无线电和电视信号的媒介。常用复数美国传统〔automatic writing〕Writing performed without conscious thought or deliberation, typically by means of spontaneous free association or as a medium for spirits or psychic forces.无意识书写:不经思考或考虑的书写动作,尤指经由自然产生的自由联想或由灵媒、精神压力所致美国传统〔blood agar〕A nutrient culture medium that is enriched with whole blood and used for the growth of certain strains of bacteria.血培养基:用全血培育的一种营养培养基,用于某些细菌的生长美国传统〔breakdown〕Electricity The abrupt failure of an insulator or insulating medium to restrict the flow of current.【电学】 击穿:绝缘体或绝缘介质突然无法制止电流通过美国传统〔broad〕He was of medium height, but had very broad shoulders.他中等身材,但肩膀很宽。麦克米伦高阶〔brown〕Any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation.棕色,褐色:一组介于红黄间的颜色,亮度由适中到低,色彩的饱和度由低到适中美国传统〔build〕He was of medium build and about my height.他中等体形,身高跟我差不多。麦克米伦高阶〔build〕He's described as around thirty years old, six feet tall and of medium build.他被描述成一个30岁左右、6英尺高、中等身材的人。柯林斯高阶〔channel〕The medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with the physical world.灵媒:精神导师进行据称与物质世界的交流所凭借的媒介美国传统〔channel〕To serve as a medium for (a spirit guide).作为灵媒:做(精神导师的)媒介美国传统〔cholangiography〕X-ray examination of the bile ducts following administration of a radiopaque contrast medium.胆管造影术:使用一种辐射不透明的对照物质进行处理的对胆管的X光检查美国传统〔citizenry〕He used the medium of radio when he wanted to enlist public support or reassure the citizenry.他试图获得公众支持或安定民心时, 就会利用广播媒体。外研社新世纪〔clairvoyant〕A person, such as a medium, possessing the supposed power of clairvoyance.千里眼:有假想的超视能力的人,如巫师美国传统〔class〕I would class my garden as medium in size.我的花园只能算是中等大小。柯林斯高阶〔class〕I would class my garden as medium in size.我认为我的花园只能算是中等大小。外研社新世纪〔collage〕I use the medium of collage.我使用拼贴的方法。外研社新世纪〔colony〕Microbiology A visible growth of microorganisms, usually in a solid or semisolid nutrient medium.【微生物学】 一种可看得见的微生物的发育生长,通常在固体或半固体的营养媒质中美国传统〔conductor〕Physics A substance or medium that conducts heat, light, sound, or especially an electric charge.【物理学】 导体:传导热、光、声或特别是电荷的物质或介质美国传统〔control〕A spirit presumed to speak or act through a medium.附体鬼魂:被认为会通过一个中间人(或物)来说话或行事的鬼魂美国传统〔coverage〕The percentage of persons reached by a medium of communication, such as television or a newspaper.新闻覆盖率:受某一通讯媒介,比如电视或报纸影响的人数百分比美国传统〔cruiser〕One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship.巡洋舰:一种中等吨位的快速战舰,有很长的巡航半径,但比战列舰装甲少,火力小美国传统〔culture〕The growing of microorganisms, tissue cells, or other living matter in a specially prepared nutrient medium.培养:在经过特殊准备的营养培养基中的微生物、组织细胞或其它生物的培养美国传统〔cyberspace〕The electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place.网际空间:计算机网络的电子媒介,在其中会发生在线沟通美国传统〔data carrier〕A medium, such as magnetic tape, that is selected to record and often transport or communicate data.数据载体:一种如磁带的介质,被选择用于记录数据,并常用来传送或交流数据美国传统〔diffuser〕A medium that scatters light, used in photography to soften shadows.漫散屏,柔光屏:散射光线的介质,用在摄影中使背景柔和美国传统〔discouragement〕Another discouragement, for a child without any linguistic ability, was the use of Irish as the medium of instruction in the school.对于没有任何语言能力的孩子而言, 另一件使人泄气的事情便是学校里用爱尔兰语教学。外研社新世纪〔disperse phase〕The particles or droplets in a disperse system that are dispersed throughout a medium.分散相:在分散体系中,通过介质过滤的小粒或小滴美国传统〔disperse〕To distribute (particles) evenly throughout a medium.使粒子分散:(粒子)均匀分散在介质中美国传统〔dispersion medium〕The continuous medium, such as a gas, liquid, or solid, in which a disperse phase is distributed.弥散剂:分散相得以分发的连续剂,如气体、液体或固体美国传统〔drag〕The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.阻力:流体介质,如水或空气对移动物体施加的阻力美国传统〔drive〕Computer Science A device that reads data from and writes data onto a storage medium, such as a floppy disk.【计算机科学】 驱动器:从存储媒介(如软盘)上读出或写入数据的设备美国传统〔drugola〕Bribery with payment or kickbacks made by using illegal drugs as the medium of exchange.以非法毒品形式付给的贿赂或回扣美国传统〔economic〕For practical and economic reasons the painter adds gel medium to his colours.从经济实用的角度出发, 画家通常在颜料中加入凝胶调色剂。外研社新世纪〔edutainment〕The act of learning through a medium that both educates and entertains.寓教于乐:透过媒体结合娱乐与教育的学习过程美国传统〔electrode〕A solid electric conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves an electrolytic cell or other medium.电极:一个固体电导体,电流通过它进入或离开电解电池或其它媒质美国传统〔emergent〕Rising above a surrounding medium, especially a fluid.升起的,浮起的:从周围的介质中升起,尤指液体美国传统〔encephalography〕Radiographic examination of the brain in which some of the cerebrospinal fluid is replaced with air or another gas that acts as a contrasting medium.脑照相术:在大脑的部分脑脊液被空气或其它可作为对比媒介的气体替代后所作的脑的射线照相检查方法美国传统〔exotoxin〕A poisonous substance secreted by a microorganism and released into the medium in which it grows.外毒素:由微生物分泌并排入其生长的介质中的有毒物质美国传统〔explant〕To remove (living tissue) from the natural site of growth and place in a medium for culture.外植:把(活组织)从原生长处移植入一种基质中培养美国传统〔fading〕Fluctuation in the strength of radio signals because of variations in the transmission medium.时强时弱:由于传播中介的变化而引起的无线电波信号的强弱波动美国传统〔firmly〕Choose a soft, medium or firm mattress to suit their individual needs.针对他们各人不同的需要挑选柔软、软硬适中或者坚硬的床垫。柯林斯高阶〔gap〕Computer Science An absence of information on a recording medium, often used to signal the end of a segment of information.【计算机科学】 间隙,间隔:记录介质上的信息空缺,经常用于给信息片段的末端作标志美国传统〔gap〕Electronics The distance between the head of a recording device and the surface of the recording medium.【电子学】 录音间隙:录音磁头和录音媒体表面之间的距离美国传统〔grill〕Preheat the grill to medium.预热烤架至中温。牛津搭配〔happy medium〕I try to strike a (= achieve a) happy medium when I'm on holiday, and spend half my time doing things and the other half just relaxing.假期里我会争取休息做事两不耽误,用一半时间做事,另一半时间放松休息。剑桥高阶〔happy〕I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.我一直想找个满意的折中办法,使家里既不会像被炸过那样乱,也不会像有洁癖似的过分齐整。朗文当代〔heavy〕Melt the butter in a heavy pan over a medium heat.把黄油放在厚锅里用中火熔化。朗文当代〔height〕He was a man of medium height.他是个中等个子的男子。柯林斯高阶〔heretical〕The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.教会将灵媒巫师和自称能和死者交谈的人都视为异端。柯林斯高阶〔heretical〕The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.教会把灵媒和声称能与死人交谈的人视为异教徒。外研社新世纪〔howitzer〕A relatively short cannon that delivers shells at a medium muzzle velocity, usually by a high trajectory.榴弹炮:一种相对较短的大炮,通常以较高的弹道和中等初速度发射炮弹美国传统〔hydrosol〕A colloid with water as the dispersing medium.水溶胶:一种胶,其中的水作为分散的物质美国传统〔image〕Computer Science An exact copy of data in a file transferred to another medium.【计算机科学】 图象,映象:转入另一介质中的对文件数据的完全复制美国传统〔infancy〕Attenborough has been making TV programs since the infancy of the medium.阿滕伯勒自电视这一媒介物始创以来一直在做电视节目。外研社新世纪〔instruction〕The medium of instruction throughout the course is English.整个课程使用英语教学。牛津搭配〔large〕These T-shirts are available in three sizes: small, medium, and large.这款T恤衫有三种尺寸:小号、中号和大号。韦氏高阶〔lyophilic〕Characterized by strong attraction between the colloid medium and the dispersion medium of a colloidal system.亲液的:胶体系统中的胶体媒质和分离媒质的强烈吸引特性的美国传统〔lyophobic〕Characterized by a lack of attraction between the colloid medium and the dispersion medium of a colloidal system.疏液的:胶体系统中胶体媒质和分离媒质之间缺乏吸引力特性的美国传统〔l〕S, M and L(= small, medium and large) 小号、中号和大号牛津高阶〔madder〕Color A medium to strong red or reddish orange.【色彩】 茜红:深红或桔红色美国传统〔meanwhile〕Cook the sauce over a medium heat until it thickens. Meanwhile start boiling the water for the pasta.用中火把调味汁煮到变稠,同时烧水准备煮意大利面。朗文当代〔mean〕Intermediate in size, extent, quality, time, or degree; medium.中等的:在两极端之间占具中间位置的,居中的美国传统〔medium term〕In the short to medium term, there will be an agreement of some sort.短期到中期将会达成某种共识。麦克米伦高阶〔medium term〕The company's prospects look good in the medium term.公司前景中期是看好的。朗文当代〔medium〕A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.中等剂量几小时之内会引发严重的恶心。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.中等剂量几小时内就会引发严重的恶心。外研社新世纪〔medium〕A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across.*T 恤衫可以成为一种极好的表达信息的媒介。牛津高阶〔medium〕A culture medium.培养基美国传统〔medium〕Advertising is a powerful medium.广告是具有强大影响力的传播媒介。朗文当代〔medium〕Air is a medium for sound.空气是传播声音的媒质。英汉大词典〔medium〕Air is the medium by which sound is transmitted.空气是声音传播的介质。外研社新世纪〔medium〕An artist uses his preferred medium to satiate his creative zeal.艺术家用他喜欢的艺术种类来满足自己的创作热情。外研社新世纪〔medium〕An optical disk is just another kind of electronic storage medium.光盘只是另一种电子存储介质。牛津搭配〔medium〕Andrea has medium brown hair.安德烈娅有着中等长度的棕发。外研社新世纪〔medium〕Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.血液是将氧气输送到全身各处的媒介。外研社新世纪〔medium〕But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium.但是阿尔托对电影这种媒介越来越不满。外研社新世纪〔medium〕But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium.但是阿尔托对电影这种表现方式越来越不满。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕Cook over medium heat.用适中的火候烧煮。英汉大词典〔medium〕English is an important medium of international communication.英语是国际交流的一个重要工具。韦氏高阶〔medium〕English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school.英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。英汉大词典〔medium〕English is still the main medium of instruction in Nigeria.在尼日利亚英语仍然是主要的教学媒介语言。朗文当代〔medium〕English is the medium of instruction in many African countries.英语是许多非洲国家的教学语言。牛津搭配〔medium〕Foods that contain only medium levels of sodium are bread, cakes, milk, butter and margarine.含钠量仅为中等水平的食物有面包、蛋糕、牛奶、黄油和人造黄油。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕Fry the onions over a medium heat until they are golden.用中火把洋葱炸到金黄色。朗文当代〔medium〕Have you got a medium in this style? 这种样式有中号的吗?麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕He became a professional medium.他成为了一名职业灵媒。外研社新世纪〔medium〕He likes his steak cooked medium.他喜欢五分熟的牛排。韦氏高阶〔medium〕He was of medium height with blond hair and light blue eyes.他中等身材,金发碧眼。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕He was of medium height.他中等身材。外研社新世纪〔medium〕Her preferred medium is sculpture.她喜欢的表现方式是雕塑。韦氏高阶〔medium〕How would you like your steak, sir: rare, medium, or well-done? 先生,你喜欢吃什么样的牛排:嫩的、半熟的,还是全熟的?韦氏高阶〔medium〕I still aim to strike a happy medium between producing football that's worth watching and getting results.我仍致力于打造这样一种球风——既具观赏性, 又能得分, 两全其美。外研社新世纪〔medium〕I still aim to strike a happy medium between producing football that's worth watching and getting results.我仍致力于打造这样一种球风——既具观赏性,又能得分,两全其美。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕In medium winds, the plane remained stable.在中等强度气流中,飞机保持平稳飞行。麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕It's always best to try and find the happy medium.努力找到折中办法总是最好的。外研社新世纪〔medium〕It's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody.找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。外研社新世纪〔medium〕Make my French fries a medium.我要中份的炸薯条。韦氏高阶〔medium〕Ocean fish live in a medium of salt water.海洋鱼类生活在咸水环境中。韦氏高阶〔medium〕Patients can express their emotions through the medium of drama.病人能够通过戏剧这种媒介表达他们的情感。麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕Put each plant in a medium pot.把每株植物放入中等大小的花盆中。麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕Sand and clay are added to produce the perfect planting medium.添加沙和黏土是为了制出理想的栽植培养基。麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕She's of medium height.她中等身材。朗文当代〔medium〕She's slim, of medium height, with dark hair.她身材苗条,中等身高,一头乌发。麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕Television is a powerful medium.电视是一种强有力的新闻媒体。英汉大词典〔medium〕The T-shirt has become a medium of advertising.T恤衫已成为一种广告媒介。麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕The facts can be made known through the medium of the press.事实可以通过报纸的渠道让大家知道。英汉大词典〔medium〕The gallery has been committed to the photographic medium for 25 years.这家美术馆 25 年来一直致力于摄影艺术。牛津搭配〔medium〕The government communicates through the medium of television.政府通过电视媒介传达信息。牛津搭配〔medium〕There are three sizes—small, medium and large.有三种尺寸 — 小号、中号和大号。牛津高阶〔medium〕These shirts are all mediums and I take a large.这些衬衫都是中号的,我要一件大号的。韦氏高阶〔medium〕They told the story through the medium of dance.他们用舞蹈的形式来讲述这个故事。剑桥高阶〔medium〕This sculptor's favourite medium is stone.这位雕刻家爱用的材料是石头。英汉大词典〔medium〕Video is a good medium for learning a foreign language.录像是一种学习外语的好方法。牛津高阶〔medium〕Watercolour is his favourite medium.水彩画是他最喜欢的表现方式。牛津高阶〔medium〕What size shirt does he wear – small, medium or large? 他穿多大的衬衫 — 小号,中号还是大号?朗文当代〔medium〕When violet is added to the medium blue a particularly striking, warm coloration is created.在中蓝色中加入蓝紫色就形成了一种格外鲜艳夺目的暖色。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕Would you like your steak rare, medium, or well done? 你的牛排要嫩的、中熟的还是熟透的?剑桥高阶〔medium〕You may distribute this data by disk, CD, or any other medium.你可以通过磁盘、光盘或任何其他存储介质分配数据。麦克米伦高阶〔moderate〕Of medium or average quantity or extent.中等的:中等的或一般的数量或范围的美国传统〔mousy〕He was aged between 25 and 30, with a medium build and collar-length mousy hair.他年龄在25至30岁之间,中等个,灰褐色的头发长至衣领。柯林斯高阶〔mousy〕He was aged between 25 and 30, with a medium build and mousy hair.他年龄在25至30岁之间, 中等个头, 灰褐色的头发。外研社新世纪〔m〕S, M and L(= small, medium and large) 小号、中号、大号牛津高阶〔occasionally〕Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes.用中档火煮10分钟左右,偶尔搅动一下。韦氏高阶〔offensive〕The material is patently offensive as measured by the standards for the broadcast medium.按照广播媒体的标准,这样的素材无疑令人反感。牛津搭配〔olive〕Color A yellow green of low to medium lightness and low to moderate saturation.【色彩】 橄榄色:一种低到中等尖亮度和低至中等饱和度的黄绿色美国传统〔oxblood red〕A dark or deep red to medium reddish brown.牛血色:一种黑的颜色或深红色到中红棕色的颜色美国传统〔pastelist〕An artist who works in the medium of pastels.粉蜡笔画家:以粉蜡笔为媒介的艺术家美国传统〔pastel〕A drawing medium of dried paste made of ground pigments and a water-based binder that is manufactured in crayon form.粉蜡笔:一种干糊状的绘画材料,由彩色底料和水基胶粘土制成粉笔状美国传统〔pink〕Color Any of a group of colors reddish in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation.【色彩】 粉红色:色彩中略带红色的颜色中的一组,亮度中到高等,彩度饱和度从低到中等美国传统〔platinum〕Color A medium to light gray.【色彩】 铂灰色:亮灰色的媒质美国传统〔print〕A design or picture transferred from an engraved plate, wood block, lithographic stone, or other medium.拓印:从镌版盘、木刻、石印石或其他媒介上转移下来的图案或图画美国传统〔prism〕A medium that misrepresents whatever is seen through it.折光体:扭曲通过它看到的东西的中介质美国传统〔propagate〕Physics To move through a medium.【物理学】 通过煤介传送美国传统〔pump〕A woman's shoe that has medium or high heels and no fastenings.轻舞鞋:后跟中等或很高的无带女鞋美国传统〔range〕Eggs were ranged small, medium, and large.蛋按小号、中号、大号排列成行。英汉大词典〔rap〕The medium said that the spirits would rap out communication.那巫师说,阴魂会轻敲桌子向人传话。英汉大词典〔rarefaction〕A decrease in density and pressure in a medium, such as air, caused by the passage of a sound wave.稀薄化:介质中密度和压力的下降,例如在空气中,由于声波的穿越而发生美国传统〔rare〕I'll take a steak medium rare.我要一客中嫩牛排。英汉大词典〔read〕Computer Science To obtain information from a storage medium, such as a magnetic disk.【计算机科学】 读,读取:从例如磁盘等的储存器中取得信息美国传统〔refraction〕The turning or bending of any wave, such as a light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium into another of different density.折射: 当光或声波等物质从一个媒体进入别一个密度不同的媒体中时产生的转向或折回美国传统〔satellite〕Microbiology A colony of microorganisms whose growth in culture medium is enhanced by certain substances produced by another colony in its proximity.【微生物学】 卫星细胞:一个微生物群落中,微生物在培养基中的生长由于其邻近的另一个菌落分泌出的某些物质而得到加强美国传统〔save〕Computer Science To copy (a file) from a computer's main memory to a disk or other storage medium so that it can be used again.【计算机科学】 存档:从计算机主内存中将(文件)拷贝到磁盘或其它工具上以备再用美国传统〔schlieren〕Regions of a transparent medium, as of a flowing gas, that are visible because their densities are different from that of the bulk of the medium.纹影法:透明的媒介区域,如可以看见流动的气体,因为它们的密度不同于媒介主体的密度美国传统〔screen dump〕The act or process of transferring data on a screen to a printer or storage medium.屏幕转储:把屏幕上的数据转移到打印机或者储存介质的动作或者过程美国传统〔sea green〕A medium green or bluish green.海绿色的:一种中性的绿色或浅蓝色美国传统〔sell〕An employee sold him on the notion that cable was the medium of the future.一名雇员让他认识到有线电视是未来的传播媒介。柯林斯高阶〔semen〕A viscous, whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing spermatozoa and serving as their transporting medium.精液:雄性生殖器官产生的白色粘液,含有精子并是精子的输送媒介物美国传统〔semisoft〕Of medium softness.半软的:适度柔软的美国传统〔silver〕Color A lustrous medium gray.【色彩】 银灰色:有亮泽而适中的灰色美国传统〔size〕The hats are made in three sizes: small, medium and large.这些帽子分小、中、大三个尺码。牛津高阶〔size〕The shirts come in three sizes: small, medium, and large.这些衬衣有三个尺码: 小号、中号和大号。朗文当代〔skillet〕Place the skillet over medium heat.把锅放在中火上。牛津搭配〔small〕The sweater comes in three sizes – small, medium and large.这羊毛衫有三个尺寸: 小号、中号和大号。朗文当代〔smear〕Biology A sample, as of blood or bacterial cells, spread on a slide for microscopic examination or on the surface of a culture medium.【生物学】 涂片:涂抹在玻璃片上供显微镜观察或培养基表面上的标本,例如血细胞或细菌细胞美国传统〔smoke〕A suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium.烟尘:悬浮在气态媒介中的固态或液态小颗粒美国传统〔spiritualism〕The belief that the dead communicate with the living, as through a medium.招魂说:认为死者的亡魂可与活人互相交流的学说,例如通过中介物质美国传统〔stir〕Stir over a medium heat for three minutes.用中火加热并搅拌 3 分钟。牛津搭配〔streak〕Microbiology A bacterial culture inoculated by drawing a bacteria-laden needle across the surface of a solid culture medium.【微生物学】 种菌划线:用载有细菌的针尖在培养基的硬表层划线以移入培养的细菌美国传统〔supersonics〕The study of phenomena produced by the motion of a body through a medium at velocities greater than that of sound.超音速(空气动力)学:研究物体以大于音速的速度穿过媒介产生的现象美国传统〔term〕In the medium term the U.K. car industry has a brighter outlook.从中期来看, 英国汽车行业前景将会更好。外研社新世纪〔tip〕The loss of his son Raymond in 1916 tipped him over the edge and prompted him to contact a medium.1916年儿子雷蒙德的死令他无法承受, 促使他联系了一个灵媒。外研社新世纪〔tissue culture〕The technique or process of keeping tissue alive and growing in a culture medium.组织培养:使组织存活并在培养液中生长的技术和过程美国传统〔to〕The shirt is a light to medium pink.这件衬衫的颜色从淡粉渐变到中粉。韦氏高阶〔translate〕To express in another medium.变为:用另一种形式表示美国传统〔transmit〕Physics To cause (a disturbance) to propagate through a medium.【物理学】 传导:在通过一个媒质时产生的(振动)美国传统〔turn〕Shoes of medium width turn over quickly.中号宽度的鞋销得很快。英汉大词典〔ultrafiltration〕The filtration of a colloidal substance through a semipermeable medium that allows only the passage of small molecules.超滤作用:用只能通过小分子的半渗透性的中介对胶质物体的过滤美国传统〔vermiculite〕Any of a group of micaceous hydrated silicate minerals related to the chlorites and used in heat-expanded form as insulation and as a planting medium.蛭石:与绿混石有关的一组含云母的水合硅酸盐矿物质的统称,并以热膨胀形式用作绝缘材料和种植媒介美国传统〔visitation〕The medium promises that tonight I shall have a visitation.巫师保证说今晚我可见鬼魂显灵。英汉大词典〔wave front〕The continuous line or surface including all the points in space reached by a wave or vibration at the same instant as it travels through a medium.波阵面:波或振动在通过介质的同一时刻里形成的连续的线或面,包括其在空间里达到的所有点美国传统〔world〕Mediums claim to receive messages from the spirit world.通灵的人声称收到来自阴间的信息。牛津搭配Air is a medium for sound. 空气是声音的传播媒介。译典通All moving images before the 1950s were shot on nitrate film, a highly inflammable medium which inevitably tends to self-destruction.二十世纪五十年代以前,所有的活动影像都摄在硝酸盐胶片上,这是一种极为易燃、难免自毁的媒质。剑桥国际Email is our preferred medium for communicating with clients.电子邮件是我们与客户交流的首选媒介。牛津商务English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。译典通Her best work is when she uses the simple medium of watercolour on paper.她在纸上使用水彩这一简单手段时最得心应手。剑桥国际I try to strike a (=achieve a) happy medium when I'm on holiday, and spend half my time doing things and the other half just relaxing.在假期中我会试用一种折中方案,用一半时间做事,另一半时间休息。剑桥国际I went for a canter (=ride at medium speed on a horse) across the fields.我骑马小跑过田野。剑桥国际Radio Seven transmits on 201 medium wave (= uses those particular radio waves to broadcast on).第七电台是用201中波传送的。剑桥国际S, M and L (= small, medium and large) 小号、中号、大号牛津商务S, M and L (= small, medium and large) 小号、中号和大号牛津商务She was of medium height but she had an oddly pear-shaped physique.她个子中等,但体形怪怪的象只梨。剑桥国际Somewhere between the two extremes is a happy medium.在两个极端,总有一个折中办法。剑桥国际Television is the best medium for image advertising.电视是最好的形象广告媒介。牛津商务The Internet can be an effective advertising medium.互联网可以成为有效的广告媒介。牛津商务The T-shirts come in three sizes: small, medium and large.这些 T 恤有三种尺码:小号、中号和大号。牛津商务The dress comes in three sizes--small, medium and large.这衣服有三种尺码----小号,中号和大号。剑桥国际The man is of medium height. 这男人中等个儿。译典通Water color is an extremely difficult medium to work with. 水彩是一种极难掌握的绘画手法。译典通Water is the natural medium in which fish live. 水是鱼类赖以生存的自然环境。译典通You will need two medium tomatoes, quartered (= cut into four pieces each).你需要两只中等大小的西红柿,每只切成四块。剑桥国际

