“playing field”例句

单词 playing field
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOVE〕About 400 fans jumped over barricades and invaded the playing field. 大约有400名球迷越过障碍冲进球场。朗文写作活用〔KICK〕He booted the ball up to the other end of the playing field. 他猛地一脚把球踢到球场的另一头去。朗文写作活用〔LAND/GROUND〕We went out onto the school playing fields to watch a game of football. 我们出去到学校的操场上看一场足球赛。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Several school playing fields have been sold off to raise money. 有几个学校操场被卖掉来筹钱。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕The village has attractive playing fields, with a football and cricket pitch. 村里有吸引人的运动场,包括一个足球场和一个板球场。朗文写作活用〔city〕The playing field was mud city after the big rain.大雨过后运动场地成了泥泞之都美国传统〔diamond〕The whole playing field.(棒球或垒球的)整个比赛场地美国传统〔embody〕She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.在运动场上,她展现了优秀运动员的风采。剑桥高阶〔end line〕A line perpendicular to the sidelines that marks an end boundary of a playing field or court.底线:运动场或游戏场中用以标出终边界限的线,与边线成直角相交美国传统〔end zone〕The area at either end of the playing field between the goal line and the end line.球门区:球场两端位于球门线和底线之间的区域美国传统〔field〕The portion of a playing field having specific dimensions on which the action of a game takes place.比赛场:有特定范围的举行比赛的比赛场地的一部分美国传统〔goal line〕Football A line at either end of the playing field over which the ball must be carried or passed to score a touchdown.【橄榄球】 门线:在运动场一边的线,球必须传过或通过这一线获得底线得分美国传统〔goal post〕One of a pair of posts often joined with a crossbar and set at each end of a playing field to form a goal.球门柱:两根立柱中的一根,常有一横木相连,在球场的每一端都设置一个用来构成球门美国传统〔hop〕The ball hopped around the playing field.皮球在运动场上蹦来跳去。英汉大词典〔ice〕Sports The playing field in ice hockey; the rink.【体育运动】 溜冰场:冰球的场地;冰球场美国传统〔inspection〕Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field.伊莱恩走到外面查看操场。柯林斯高阶〔level playing field〕He wants the government to break up large corporations so that there is a level playing field for smaller companies.他希望政府拆分大型公司以建立一个公平的竞争环境,让小公司参与竞争。韦氏高阶〔level the playing field〕He wants the government to level the playing field by breaking up large corporations so that smaller companies can compete.他希望政府拆分大型公司以建立一个公平的竞争环境,让小公司参与竞争。韦氏高阶〔level〕Small businesses want to compete on a level playing field with larger ones.小企业想和大企业在平等的基础上进行竞争。朗文当代〔midfield〕The section of a playing field midway between goals.中场:比赛场地中位于两个球门之间中央的部分美国传统〔netting〕Safety netting was put up around the playing field.在游乐区周围挂上了安全网。剑桥高阶〔old〕They'd built a supermarket on the old playing fields.他们在以前是运动场的地方建了一个超市。外研社新世纪〔outside〕Sports A position at a distance from the inside or center, as of a playing field or racetrack.【体育运动】 界外,外侧位置:远离,如运动场或跑道的内部或中心的位置美国传统〔pitching〕There was a swimming-pool, cricket pitches, playing fields.有一个游泳池、几个板球场和运动场。柯林斯高阶〔playing field〕Local children used the area as a playing field for football.当地的孩子把那片区域当做足球场。外研社新世纪〔playing field〕The school playing fields were marked out for football and rugby.学校的运动场里划出了足球场和橄榄球场。剑桥高阶〔playing field〕The school had playing fields on the edge of the town.学校的运动场在小镇边上。外研社新世纪〔playing field〕We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies.我们寻求一个能与外国公司公平竞争的环境。柯林斯高阶〔playing field〕We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies.我们寻求一个能与外国公司公平竞争的环境。外研社新世纪〔rail sth off〕Part of the playing field had been railed off for use as a car park.运动场的一部分被栏杆隔开,用作停车场。剑桥高阶〔separate〕A high wall separated our back yard from the playing field.我们的后院和运动场之间隔着一堵高墙。牛津高阶〔spill〕Fans spilled onto the playing field.足迷们纷纷涌上赛场美国传统〔touchline〕Either of the sidelines bordering the playing field in soccer and Rugby.边线:足球或橄榄球赛场的边线中的任意一条美国传统〔troop〕The little boys trooped after him across the playing fields.小男孩们一个接一个跟在他后面穿过操场。剑桥高阶〔turf〕An artificial substitute for such a grassy layer, as on a playing field.人工草皮:人工种植的这种草皮的替代品,如在运动场地上美国传统〔turf〕Synthetic turf was installed in the playing field instead of grass.运动场地铺设的是人造草坪,而非真草坪。韦氏高阶〔turn into〕They're going to turn the playing fields into a car park.他们要把运动场改建为停车场。外研社新世纪Ashe always embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.艾什在运动场上总是体现出良好的运动员风范。剑桥国际Many people believe that technology can level the playing field.许多人相信技术能够创造平等竞争的局面。牛津商务Part of the playing field had been railed off for use as a car park.游乐场的一部分已被围起来作停车场用。剑桥国际The playing field was mud city after the big rain. 大雨之后,操场上泥泞一片。译典通The playing fields were off limits to the school-children during the winter months.运动场冬天禁止学生入内。剑桥国际The aim of the changes is to create a level playing field for life assurance companies.改革的目的就是为寿险公司创造一个公平竞争的环境。牛津商务The government wants to ensure the playing field remains level.政府希望确保公平竞争。牛津商务The little boys trooped after him across the playing fields.小男孩们鱼贯地跟在他后面穿过操场。剑桥国际The police roped off the playing field to keep back the crowd. 警察把比赛场地用绳子围起来,以防人群靠近。译典通The school playing fields were marked out for football and rugby.学校的运动场被划出来用于足球和橄榄球运动。剑桥国际The strength of the pound had tilted the playing field away from UK operations (= made it more difficult for them to compete).英镑的坚挺使英国企业失去了竞争优势。牛津商务The tariffs mean that Europe and the US are not competing on a level playing field.这些关税意味着欧美之间并非公平竞争。牛津商务There is no playing field at the school.这所学校没有运动场。剑桥国际

