“have difficulty”例句

单词 have difficulty
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIND〕If you have difficulty locating a particular book, please ask one of the librarians for assistance. 如果你找某一本书有困难,可请图书管理员帮忙。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕He seems to have difficulty relating to others and expressing his feelings. 他好像不懂理解别人,不会表达自己的情感。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Youngsters may have difficulty applying the paint because of its thin consistency. 这种颜料小孩子用起来也许有困难,因为它很稀。朗文写作活用〔abstract〕I have difficulty dealing with the abstract - let's discuss particular cases.我难以理解抽象概念,我们讨论一些具体的案例吧。剑桥高阶〔accept〕Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.许多男性仍然无法接受女性商业伙伴。柯林斯高阶〔access〕Some groups still have difficulty gaining access to social services.一些群体要获得享用社会服务的权利还有困难。麦克米伦高阶〔as〕As it is, I shall have difficulty finishing all this work, without any more.实际上, 即便不再分给我其他活儿, 光手头这些活儿我也很难完成。外研社新世纪〔choke〕To have difficulty in breathing, swallowing, or speaking.哽塞:在呼吸、吞咽或说话上有困难美国传统〔credit〕Students may have difficulty transferring credits to other institutions.学生要把学分转到其他学校恐怕有难度。牛津搭配〔difficulty〕I have difficulty getting up in the morning.我早上起床很困难。外研社新世纪〔difficulty〕People with asthma have difficulty in breathing.哮喘患者呼吸有困难。剑桥高阶〔distinguish〕I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.我有时很难分清西班牙语和葡萄牙语。剑桥高阶〔distinguish〕Small children have difficulty distinguishing fiction from reality.小孩子难以将虚构与真实区别开。牛津搭配〔express〕Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves.十来岁的孩子在表达思想方面常常有困难。牛津高阶〔express〕Young children often have difficulty expressing themselves.幼儿常常很难清楚地表达自己。朗文当代〔finality〕Young children have difficulty grasping the finality of death.小孩子很难理解死亡的不可改变性。柯林斯高阶〔finality〕Young children have difficulty grasping the finality of death.小孩子难以理解死亡的终结性。外研社新世纪〔go along〕You may have difficulty with this book at first, but you'll find it easier as you go along.你刚开始读这本书时可能会有困难,但读下去就会变得容易了。21世纪英汉〔illness〕As his illness progressed, Neil began to have difficulty speaking.随着病情的发展,尼尔开始出现言语困难。牛津搭配〔operation〕Less profitable business operations will have difficulty in finding financial support.盈利较少的企业将很难得到财政资助。剑桥高阶〔perceive〕The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.发现病人呼吸困难。牛津高阶〔prop up〕If you have difficulty sitting like this, prop up your back against a wall.如果这么坐着有困难, 就背靠墙坐吧。外研社新世纪〔prop〕If you have difficulty sitting like this, prop up your back against a wall.如果这么坐着有困难,就背靠墙坐吧。柯林斯高阶〔quantity〕If you've never been published before, you're an unknown quantity, so you're going to have difficulty selling your first novel.如果你之前从未发表过作品,你就是一位尚不知名的作者,因此要卖掉你的第一部小说将是有难度的。韦氏高阶〔rebuild〕Many people have difficulty in rebuilding their lives when they come out of prison.很多人在出狱后很难重新过正常的生活。剑桥高阶〔sanction〕Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.没有切实可行的处罚措施,有些教师难以维持课堂秩序。剑桥高阶〔short-winded〕Likely to have difficulty in breathing, especially from exertion.易气急的:容易呼吸困难的,尤其是由用力引起的美国传统〔through〕Many people have difficulty in walking, for example through age or frailty.许多人行走有困难,譬如说由于年老或虚弱。英汉大词典〔time〕Small children often have difficulty singing in time with the music (= at the same speed at which the music is being played).幼儿唱歌时常常难以与音乐合拍。剑桥高阶〔verbally〕Twins often have difficulty expressing themselves verbally.双胞胎往往有言语表达方面的困难。柯林斯高阶〔woman〕Older women often have difficulty conceiving.年龄较大的女性不容易怀孕。牛津搭配I have difficulty in dealing with the abstract --let's get down to some particulars.我考虑抽象概念有些困难,让我们处理一些具体事情吧。剑桥国际I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.有时候我难以辨别西班牙语和葡萄牙语。剑桥国际Less profitable business operations (= organizations) will have difficulty in finding financial support.赢利较少的企业会难于找到财政资助。剑桥国际Many people have difficulty in rebuilding their lives when they come out of prison.许多人出狱后在重建他们的生活上有困难。剑桥国际People with asthma have difficulty in breathing (= need to use effort to breathe because it is not easy).哮喘病人呼吸起来很费力。剑桥国际Small children often have difficulty singing in time with the music (= at the same speed at which the music is being played).小孩子常常难以合着音乐的节拍唱。剑桥国际The report criticizes their high-handed treatment of customers who have difficulty paying their bills.这份报告批评他们专横地对待支付帐单有困难的顾客。剑桥国际They have difficulty getting parts for their ageing machinery.他们很难为那部老机器找到零部件。牛津商务Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.没有切实可行的强硬措施,有些教师很难维持课堂秩序。剑桥国际

