“immediately after”例句

单词 immediately after
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LESS〕His popularity in the state began to wane almost immediately after the election. 几乎是选举一结束,他在州里的支持率就开始下降了。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Immediately after they were shown the property, they made an offer of $165,000. 他们看了这幢物业之后,立即出价165,000美元。朗文写作活用〔PRAY〕Immediately after supper Mrs Carey rang the bell for evening prayers. 吃过晚饭后,凯里太太马上拉响铃召集人们做晚间祈祷。朗文写作活用〔RETURN〕Immediately after his return he was forced to do his military service. 他刚回来就被迫服兵役去了。朗文写作活用〔To my dismay〕Much to the dismay of her fans, she announced her retirement immediately after the book's release.让粉丝们大为失望的是,书出版后她立即宣布退休了。韦氏高阶〔almost〕The boat sank almost immediately after it had struck the rock.船撞到岩石上,几乎一瞬间就沉了。剑桥高阶〔apply〕The term “baby boomer” is usually applied to people who were born immediately after World War II.生育高峰期出生者”通常指第二次世界大战刚结束后出生的人们。韦氏高阶〔apply〕The term “baby boomer” usually applies to people who were born immediately after World War II.生育高峰期出生者”通常指第二次世界大战刚结束后出生的人们。韦氏高阶〔concede〕England conceded a goal immediately after half-time.英格兰队在下半场一开始就被攻入一球。牛津高阶〔continental〕Continental Of or relating to the American colonies during and immediately after the Revolutionary War. Continental 美洲殖民地的:独立战争期间以及之后短时期内的北美洲殖民地的,或与之有关的美国传统〔convene〕A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident.事故后调查委员会立即召开了会议。牛津高阶〔dawdle〕Come home immediately after school, and don't dawdle.放学后马上回家,不要在路上磨蹭。韦氏高阶〔distribute〕Immediately after his election he began to distribute major offices among his friends and supporters.他当选后立即着手将要职分派给他的朋友和支持者们。柯林斯高阶〔ear〕Immediately after she offered the suggestion, a storm broke around her ears.她那建议一提出,就立刻引起一场轩然大波。英汉大词典〔fertilize〕Immediately after fertilization, the cells of the egg divide.卵受精后细胞立即开始分裂。牛津高阶〔flash-freeze〕To freeze (produce, meat, or fish) immediately after harvesting, butchering, or catching.急速冷冻:于收割、屠宰或捕获后(农产,肉或鱼)马上冷冻美国传统〔flashback〕I had a sudden flashback to the time immediately after the war.我的思绪突然闪回到战争刚结束的那段时间。牛津搭配〔graduation〕She managed to find a job immediately after graduation.她刚毕业就找到了一份工作。牛津搭配〔half volley〕A stroke in certain games, such as tennis, in which the ball is hit immediately after it bounces off the ground.球一落地弹起即击球:在一些如网球等的具体比赛项目中,球一落地弹起即击之的一着美国传统〔hereupon〕Immediately after this.随即:紧随这之后美国传统〔hop〕Immediately after, we hopped back to France.紧接着, 我们就回到了法国。外研社新世纪〔immediately〕Dinner was served immediately after the ceremony.庆典一结束,晩宴就开始了。韦氏高阶〔immediately〕He retired immediately after the end of the war.战争一结束他就退休了。朗文当代〔immediately〕Milton Street is on the left, immediately after the bank.米尔顿大街在左边,一过银行就是。剑桥高阶〔immediately〕The boat had run into a storm almost immediately after leaving harbour.船几乎是刚一离港就遇到了风暴。外研社新世纪〔immediately〕The school was built immediately after the passing of the Education Act.那学校是在教育法通过后紧接着建成的。英汉大词典〔immediately〕They wish to begin immediately after dinner.他们希望饭后马上就开始。柯林斯高阶〔immediately〕Turn right immediately after the church.一过教堂就向右拐。牛津高阶〔lift〕The hijacker was lifted immediately after he stepped down the plane.劫机犯刚走下飞机就被捕了。21世纪英汉〔look for〕He began to look for a new job immediately after he was fired.他被解雇后立即开始寻找一份新工作。21世纪英汉〔make ... up〕We made up our beds immediately after getting up.我们一起床就把床铺整理好。21世纪英汉〔map onto〕Immediately after the tests, the results were mapped onto a graph.测试之后, 结果立即标绘到图表上。外研社新世纪〔postnatal〕Of or occurring after birth, especially during the period immediately after birth.产后的:出生后的或出生后发生的,尤指刚出生后的时期的,或发生于刚出生后时期的美国传统〔prostrate〕Immediately after my father's death my stepmother was prostrate.我父亲死后,我的继母一下就垮了。柯林斯高阶〔prostrate〕Immediately after my father's death my stepmother was prostrate.父亲死后, 继母一下就垮了。外研社新世纪〔quarterback sneak〕An offensive play in which the quarterback runs forward into the offensive line immediately after receiving the ball at the snap.四分卫持球冲锋,四分卫快速带球切入:一种进攻动作,对阵开球时四分卫接到球后立刻向前冲到攻击线美国传统〔rush〕The intensely pleasurable sensation experienced immediately after use of a stimulant or a mind-altering drug.快感:用刺激品或麻痹神经的毒品之后立刻产生的一种极强的愉悦的感受美国传统〔send〕She sent the kids to bed immediately after supper.晚饭后,她马上打发孩子们去睡觉。韦氏高阶〔sheet〕A sheet of flame shot up into the air immediately after the explosion.爆炸之后,紧接着腾起一片烈焰。剑桥高阶〔strenuous〕Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.刚吃完饭避免剧烈运动。牛津高阶〔synkaryon〕The nucleus of a fertilized egg immediately after the male and female nuclei have fused.受精核:雄性与雌性胞核溶合后受精卵细胞的细胞核美国传统〔take over/up the reins〕He took up the reins of government immediately after the coup.在那次政变之后,他立即控制了政府。剑桥高阶〔venom〕The snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey.毒蛇咬住猎物之后马上注入毒液。牛津搭配He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery. 他抢劫后即被拘捕。译典通I went to the post office straight / immediately after I left you.我离开你之后直接/马上去了邮局。剑桥国际June comes immediately after May. 五月一过便是六月。译典通Milton Street is on the left, immediately after the bank (=the first road after and very close to the bank).米尔顿大街在左边,一走过银行就是。剑桥国际The boat sank almost immediately after it had struck the rock.小船在撞上岩石后,几乎马上沉掉了。剑桥国际The party began searching for scapegoats immediately after their election defeat.选举失败后这个党立刻开始寻找替罪羊。剑桥国际They got off immediately after lunch. 他们吃过午饭马上就动身了。译典通

