
单词 imaginary
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chimera〕An imaginary monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts.虚构怪物:由奇形怪状的、不相干的部分组成的一种虚构的怪物美国传统〔Cockaigne〕An imaginary land of easy and luxurious living.世外桃源:虚构的既安逸又放纵的生活之地美国传统〔Docetic〕The Docetic teaching held that Christ's suffering was only imaginary.幻影说认为基督受难只是假想。英汉大词典〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Kids have wonderful imaginations, and it is natural for them to create imaginary friends. 儿童有着丰富的想象力,他们自然就会想象出一些朋友来。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕Frankie was the kind of guy who lived in an imaginary world all of his own. 弗朗姬是个完全生活在自己的想象世界里的家伙。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕He pointed an imaginary gun at me and pretended to shoot. 他用手指做假想枪指着我并假装开枪射击。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕When Linda was a child she had an imaginary friend called Booboo. 琳达小时候有一个假想出来的朋友叫波波。朗文写作活用〔Shangri-la〕An imaginary, remote paradise on earth; utopia.理想国:地球上一个幻想的、遥远的天国;理想国美国传统〔absolute value〕The modulus of a complex number, equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of the number.复数的模:一复数的模,等于该数实部部分与虚部部分平方和的平方根美国传统〔aerial〕Unsubstantial; imaginary.虚幻的:不现实的;想象的美国传统〔agonic line〕An imaginary line on the earth's surface connecting points where the magnetic declination is zero.无偏线,零磁偏线:一条在地球表面上连接磁偏为零的点的假想线美国传统〔amaranth〕An imaginary flower that never fades.不凋花:想象中不凋谢的花美国传统〔anti-utopia〕An imaginary place or society characterized by human misery and oppression; a dystopia.反面乌托邦,反面理想国:一种想象中的以人类痛苦和压迫为特征的地方或社会;反面乌托邦美国传统〔apostrophe〕The direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the course of a speech or composition.呼语:直接称呼不在场或虚构的人物或称呼拟人的事物,尤指作为演讲或作文过程中的离题话美国传统〔axis〕An imaginary line to which elements of a work of art, such as a picture, are referred for measurement or symmetry.中轴线:相对于某些要求测量或对称的文艺作品的一条假想线,如绘画美国传统〔axis〕One of three or four imaginary lines used to define the faces of a crystal and the position of its atoms.晶轴:用于决定水晶表面和它的原子位置的三、四条假想线中的一条美国传统〔bugbear〕A fearsome imaginary creature, especially one evoked to frighten children.妖怪:一种想象出来的令人害怕的动物,尤指用来吓唬孩子的美国传统〔bunyip〕An imaginary monster inhabiting swamps and lagoons.沼泽怪兽:一种想象中的西自于沼泽地和水池里的怪物美国传统〔celestial sphere〕An imaginary sphere of infinite extent with the earth at its center on which the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies appear to be located.天球:一个虚构的以地球为中心的球体,在其上可看到恒星、行星和其他天体的位置美国传统〔concept〕He formulated the concept of imaginary time.他创造了虚拟时间这一概念。牛津搭配〔crud〕A disease or ailment, imaginary or real, especially one affecting the skin.怪病:想象的或真实存在的疾病或病痛,尤指皮肤疾病美国传统〔dreamland〕An ideal or imaginary land.理想或想象的世界美国传统〔dystopia〕An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror.反面乌托邦:一个想象中的由于掠夺、压迫或恐怖造成生活条件极差的国家和地区美国传统〔faerie〕A tiny, mischievous, imaginary form; a fairy.仙女:微小的、淘气的、幻想的形式;仙女美国传统〔failing〕He had invented an imaginary son, in order to make up for his real son's failings.为了弥补现实中儿子的不足之处,他就想象出了一个儿子。柯林斯高阶〔fairyland〕The imaginary land of fairies.仙境:想象的仙境美国传统〔fairy〕A tiny imaginary being in human form, depicted as clever, mischievous, and possessing magical powers.仙女:具有人形的小的虚构形象,被描述为聪明、淘气和有魔力美国传统〔fictitious〕Of, relating to, or characterized by fiction; imaginary.虚构的,想象的:属于或关于虚构的故事的,或以此为特征的;想象的美国传统〔gremlin〕An imaginary gnomelike creature to whom mechanical problems, especially in aircraft, are attributed.小妖精:一种据认为引起机械故障,尤其是飞机机械故障的想象出的矮小生物美国传统〔guitar〕He would stand in front of the mirror, playing air guitar (= playing an imaginary electric guitar) to Van Halen songs.他会站在镜子前,想象自己弹着电吉他演奏范・海伦的歌曲。牛津搭配〔hobbit〕An imaginary creature resembling a diminutive human being, having some rabbitlike characteristics, and being naturally peace-loving, domestic, and sociable.小矮人:一种类似于矮人的想象中的动物,有一些兔子的特征,生性酷爱和平、驯服及易于交往美国传统〔ideal〕Existing only in the mind; imaginary.想象的:仅存在于脑海中的;想象的美国传统〔imaginary number〕A complex number in which the real part is zero and the coefficient of the imaginary unit is not zero.虚数:一个实部为零而虚部系数不为零的复数美国传统〔imaginary〕An imaginary number.虚数美国传统〔imaginary〕An only child often creates an imaginary friend to play with.独生子女常常会虚构出一个朋友跟他一起玩。麦克米伦高阶〔imaginary〕As a child I had an imaginary friend.小时候我有个想象中的朋友。剑桥高阶〔imaginary〕As she listened, she played an imaginary piano on her knees.她边听边在膝盖上作弹钢琴状。朗文当代〔imaginary〕Lots of children have imaginary friends.许多孩子都会凭空想象一些朋友。外研社新世纪〔imaginary〕Lots of children have imaginary friends.许多孩子都会凭空想象一些朋友。柯林斯高阶〔imaginary〕Of, relating to, involving, or being an imaginary number.虚数的:虚数的,与虚数有关的,包括虚数的美国传统〔imaginary〕Of, relating to, or being the coefficient of the imaginary unit in a complex number.虚部系数的:一个复数中虚部系数的,与之有关的,或是虚部系数的美国传统〔imaginary〕Some of these dangers are purely imaginary.有些危险纯属虚构。外研社新世纪〔imaginary〕The Equator is just an imaginary line.赤道只是一条假想的线。麦克米伦高阶〔imaginary〕The characters in this book are purely imaginary.本书中的人物纯属虚构。牛津搭配〔imaginary〕The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth.赤道是假想的环绕地球的大圆。英汉大词典〔imaginary〕The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。牛津高阶〔imaginary〕The story is set in an imaginary world.故事发生在一个虚构的世界中。剑桥高阶〔imaginary〕The two groups were separated by an imaginary line down the middle of the room.房屋中间似乎有一道无形的界线,将这两群人隔开了。韦氏高阶〔imaginary〕The unicorn is an imaginary beast.独角兽是幻想出来的动物。牛津同义词〔imaginary〕We must protect older people from harm, whether it is real or imaginary.我们必须保护老人免受伤害,无论是真实的或是想象中的。朗文当代〔invent〕Many children invent an imaginary friend.很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。牛津高阶〔line of scrimmage〕An imaginary line across the field on which the ball rests and at which the teams line up for a new play.争球线:橄榄球场上的一条想象的线,当在此线附近球队聚合准备新的比赛时球放上这条线上美国传统〔line of sight〕An imaginary line from the eye to a perceived object.视线:从眼到被观察物之间的想象的线美国传统〔line〕A real or imaginary mark demarcating a specified section of a playing area or field.阵线:在球场或竞技场上表明范围的实线或想象中的线美国传统〔line〕A real or imaginary mark or point at which a race begins or ends.起始线,终点线:赛跑中起点或终点的实际或想象的线美国传统〔line〕A real or imaginary mark positioned in relation to fixed points of reference.线:与固定的点相 关的实线或虚线美国传统〔meridian〕An imaginary great circle on the earth's surface passing through the North and South geographic poles. All points on the same meridian have the same longitude.过两极的大圆:一个通过地球表面南北两极的假想线圈。同一子午线上的所有点都具有相同的经度美国传统〔metaphase plate〕An imaginary plane perpendicular to the spindle fibers of a dividing cell, along which chromosomes align during metaphase.中期板:一个与分裂细胞的纺缍体纤维组织垂直的假想平面,染色体在中期期间内在这个平面上定向排列美国传统〔monster〕An imaginary or legendary creature, such as a centaur or Harpy, that combines parts from various animal or human forms.怪物:一个想象或传说中的由各种兽形或人形组成的怪物,如半人半马的怪物或哈比(一种怪物)美国传统〔mythological〕Fabulous; imaginary.神话似的,想象的美国传统〔never-never land〕An imaginary and wonderful place; a fantasy land.幻境:想象中的美好的地方;虚幻的地方美国传统〔notional〕Of, containing, or being a notion; mental or imaginary.概念的,包含概念的或是概念的;想象的或虚构的美国传统〔parallel〕Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.纬线,纬度圈:与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条美国传统〔people〕Her world was peopled with imaginary friends.她的世界充满了想象出来的朋友。朗文当代〔plan〕In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendicular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted.轮廓,平面图概略:在透视的图表中,与被描述的观察者和物体之间的视觉线垂直的虚构位面之一美国传统〔play along with〕When Sam starts talking to me about his imaginary friend, I just play along with him.萨姆开始跟我谈论他那假想的朋友时, 我就随声附和。外研社新世纪〔pole〕The meridian is an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole.子午线是从极点到极点的一条假想线。牛津搭配〔prosopopeia〕A figure of speech in which an absent or imaginary person is represented as speaking.拟人法:一种修辞手法,在这种修辞手法中一个不在场的或想象中的人物被表现为在说话美国传统〔psychological〕Her symptoms are more psychological than physical(= imaginary rather than real).她的病症是臆想的,而不是真实的。牛津高阶〔quaternion〕Mathematics An expression that is the sum of a real number and a vector and that contains four terms, one real and three imaginary.【数学】 四元数:一实数和一矢量的和的表达式,有四个项,一个为实数项,另外三个为虚数项美国传统〔real number〕A number that is rational or irrational, not imaginary.实数:有理数或无理数,不是虚数的数美国传统〔real〕Assuring the patient that she has a real and not imaginary problem is the first step.使病人确信她真的有病,并非杯弓蛇影,这是对她进行治疗的第一步。剑桥高阶〔real〕She had many illnesses, both real and imaginary.她有很多病,有些病是真的,有些是想象出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔real〕These adjectives are compared as they mean not imaginary but having verifiable existence.当这些形容词意为非想象的而是能证实存在的时,常把它们进行比较。美国传统〔shadowbox〕To spar with an imaginary opponent, as for exercise or training purposes.影子拳击:为练习或训练目的与假想的对手打斗美国传统〔strike〕She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette.她摆了个姿势, 一只手叉腰, 另一只手比划着假装在吸烟。外研社新世纪〔strike〕She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette.她摆了个姿势,一只手叉腰,另一只手夹着一支假想的香烟。柯林斯高阶〔substantial〕True or real; not imaginary.真实的,非想象的美国传统〔susceptance〕The imaginary part of the complex representation of admittance.电纳:导纳的复杂表示符号中的虚数部分美国传统〔symptom〕One of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia is hearing imaginary voices.精神分裂症的最常见的一个症状就是幻听。柯林斯高阶〔tale〕A narrative of real or imaginary events; a story.对真实的或想象中的事件的讲述;故事美国传统〔unreality〕Something unreal, insubstantial, or imaginary.幻想:不真实,不实在,或被想象出来的某个事物美国传统〔virtual reality〕A computer simulation of a real or imaginary system that enables a user to perform operations on the simulated system and shows the effects in real time.虚拟实境:对真实或虚构系统的计算机仿真,可令用户在仿真系统上操作并呈现真实效果美国传统〔visionary〕Existing in imagination only; imaginary.出于空想的:只存在于想象中的;想象的美国传统〔wonderland〕A marvelous imaginary realm.仙境:美妙的想象中的王国美国传统〔world〕She enjoys creating imaginary worlds for children.她喜欢为孩子们创造想象中的世界。牛津搭配All the characters in this book are imaginary. 这本书中的人物全是虚构的。译典通Assuring the patient that she has a real and not imaginary problem is the first step.让病人确知她得了真的而非想象的疾病是第一步。剑桥国际Children often invent imaginary playmates.孩子们经常想象一些玩耍的伙伴。剑桥国际George Orwell used the word ‘Newspeak’to describe the invented language spoken by people in his book about an imaginary future, ‘1984’.乔治·奥威尔在他有关想象未来的书《1984 》中,用了“新话” 这个词来描述人们所创造的语言。剑桥国际He wrote novels and fantastical tales (= about imaginary things).他写小说和荒诞故事。剑桥国际Pattie, puffing an imaginary cigar, did a brilliant imitation of Brian's way of walking.帕蒂吸着一支假想的香烟,学布莱恩走路的样子学得像极了。剑桥国际The child pulled the trigger of an imaginary gun.孩子扣动了想象中的手枪的扳机。剑桥国际We must consider our real options, not imaginary ones.我们必须考虑我们真实的选择,而不是虚构的东西。剑桥国际

