
单词 音程
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔augmented〕Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.增半音的:比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个“半音”的美国传统〔chromatic〕Relating to chords or harmonies based on nonharmonic tones.和声的:与非和声音程上的和音或和声有关的美国传统〔complement〕Music An interval that completes an octave when added to a given interval.【音乐】 补充音程:特定的音程与全八度音程之间的间隔美国传统〔consonance〕Music A simultaneous combination of sounds conventionally regarded as pleasing and final in effect.【音乐】 和音:一个习惯上被认为具有和谐和决定性效果的同时奏出的音程组合美国传统〔diapason〕The interval and the consonance of an octave.八音度的音程和和音美国传统〔diminish〕Music To reduce (a perfect or minor interval) by a semitone.【音乐】 把(音程)减半音:把(纯音程或小音程)减小半度美国传统〔disjunct〕Music Relating to progression by intervals larger than major seconds.【音乐】 跳跃的,脱节的:演奏过程中,与比主要的二度音程稍大的间奏有关的美国传统〔equal temperament〕Modification of the intervals of just intonation in the tuning of instruments of fixed intonation to permit the modulation of harmony.平均律:对纯律的音程略加改变以适应乐器调音和转调的和谐美国传统〔fifth〕An interval encompassing five diatonic tones, such as C, D, E, F, and G.五度音程:包含五个全音阶音调如C、D、E、F和G的时间间隔美国传统〔fifth〕The harmonic combination of the two tones constituting the extremities of such an interval.五度和音:含有这样的五度音程的末端的两个音调的和声组合美国传统〔fourth〕The interval between two such tones.四度音程:两音调之间的间歇美国传统〔interval〕Music The difference in pitch between two tones.【音乐】 音程:两个音调之间音高的区别美国传统〔major〕Music A major scale, key, interval, or mode.【音乐】 大调音阶、调、音程或调式美国传统〔microtone〕An interval smaller than a semitone.微音程:小于半音的音程美国传统〔minor scale〕A diatonic scale having an interval of a minor third between the first and third tones and several forms with different intervals above the fifth.小音阶:在第一音和第三音间为小三度音阶、第五音之上有几个不同音程的全音音阶美国传统〔minor〕Less in distance by a half step than the corresponding major interval.半音的,短音程的:比相邻两个大调音阶之间的音程少半阶的美国传统〔minor〕Music A minor key, scale, or interval.【音乐】 小调音、短音阶或短音程美国传统〔mode〕Any of certain fixed arrangements of the diatonic tones of an octave, as the major and minor scales of Western music.调式:任何特定的一种八度音音程的固定组合,作为西方音乐的主音阶和次音阶美国传统〔ninth〕A harmonic or melodic interval of an octave and a second.九度音程:包含一个八度音程和第二度音程的合音或音程美国传统〔ninth〕The tone at the upper limit of such an interval.这个音程内的最高一个音调美国传统〔octave〕The interval of eight diatonic degrees between two tones, one of which has twice as many vibrations per second as the other.八度音程:两个音程之间有八个音度的间隔,其中一个每秒的振动是另一个的两倍美国传统〔perfect〕Designating the three basic intervals of the octave, fourth, and fifth.完全音程的:指出八音度、四音度、五音度三个基本停顿的美国传统〔range〕The maximum extent or distance limiting operation, action, or effectiveness, as of a projectile, an aircraft, a radio signal, or a sound.射程,音程:导弹、飞行器、无线电信号或声音等所能达到的限制运行、行动或效果的最大范围美国传统〔secondary stress〕The degree of stress weaker than a primary accent placed on a syllable in the pronunciation of a word.次重音:在字的发音中,重音程度次于主要重音的音节美国传统〔second〕A tone separated by this interval from another tone.二度音:通过音程从另外一个音调中分离出来的音调美国传统〔second〕Singing or playing a part having a lower range.第二度音程的:演唱或演奏低音域部分的美国传统〔second〕The interval between consecutive tones on the diatonic scale.二度音程:全音阶上连续声调间的音程美国传统〔seventh〕Music An interval encompassing seven diatonic degrees.【音乐】 七度音程:包括七度全音节的音程美国传统〔sixth〕A tone separated by this interval from a given tone.六度音:由给定声音通过六度音程分离出来的声音美国传统〔sixth〕An interval of six degrees in a diatonic scale.六度音程:全音节中的六度音程美国传统〔sixth〕The harmonic combination of two tones separated by this interval.六度和音:由六度音程分离出来的两种声音的和音美国传统〔tempered〕Music Tuned to temperament. Used of a scale, an interval, a semitone, or intonation.【音乐】 (音阶)调律的:符合调律的。用于音阶、音程、半音或转调美国传统〔tetrachord〕A series of four diatonic tones encompassing the interval of a perfect fourth.四整音阶:包括纯四度音程的一系列四个全音音调美国传统〔third〕An interval of three degrees in a diatonic scale.三度音程:全音阶中三度的间隔美国传统〔tone〕The interval from G to A is a whole tone.从 G 到 A 的音程是一个全音。剑桥高阶〔tone〕The interval of a major second in the diatonic scale; a whole step.全音:全音阶中大二度音程的间歇;全音程美国传统〔tritone〕An interval composed of three whole tones.三全音:三个全度音的音程美国传统〔tuning system〕An ordered collection of intervals that can be precisely expressed by rational numbers.定音系统,调音系统:一连串有次序的音程,可以用有理数字精确表示美国传统〔whole step〕The interval from G to A is a whole step.从 G 到 A 的音程是一个全音。剑桥高阶〔wolf〕Dissonance in some intervals of a keyboard instrument tuned to a system of unequal temperament.不协调音:适应不规则的音律系统的键盘乐器在某些音程中的不协调音美国传统The new exhaust system, it is claimed, will reduce noise levels, improve engine power and lower fuel consumption.据说新的排气装置会降低噪音程度,增强发动机动力和减少燃料消耗。剑桥国际

