
单词 非常挑剔
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFUSED〕He's so fussy about how he wants things done, it really does my head in. 他对于自己要求的做事方式非常挑剔,这真让我头痛。朗文写作活用〔choosy〕She's very choosy about what she eats and drinks.她对饮食非常挑剔剑桥高阶〔critical〕Her father was a very critical man.她父亲是个非常挑剔的人。麦克米伦高阶〔judging〕Health visitors and nurses were very judging and unkind to me when I was having my first child.在我怀第一个孩子期间, 卫生访视员和护士对我非常挑剔且不友善。外研社新世纪〔nitpicking〕I can get down to nitpicking detail, I am pretty fussy about certain things.我会深究琐碎细节, 在某些事情上我是非常挑剔的。外研社新世纪〔particular〕He's very particular about the kitchen - everything has to be perfectly clean and in its place.他对厨房非常挑剔——每样东西都得一尘不染,物归原位。剑桥高阶〔particular〕She's very particular about what she eats.她对吃的非常挑剔剑桥高阶〔particular〕She's very particular about what she eats.她对饮食非常挑剔麦克米伦高阶〔pernickety〕He is a very rigorous man, very pernickety.他是一个要求苛刻的人, 非常挑剔外研社新世纪〔persnickety〕He is a very rigorous man, very persnickety.他是个很严厉的人,非常挑剔柯林斯高阶〔picky〕Some people are very picky about who they choose to share their lives with.有些人对选择与什么样的人共度一生非常挑剔外研社新世纪〔picky〕Some people are very picky about who they choose to share their lives with.有些人对选择什么样的人共度一生非常挑剔柯林斯高阶〔selective〕He's very selective about the people he associates with.他对交往的人非常挑剔文馨英汉He's very particular about the kitchen -- everything has to be perfectly clean and in its place.他对厨房非常挑剔----每样东西都得一尘不染,该放哪放哪。剑桥国际People born under Virgo (= during this period) are supposed to be highly critical.出生在室女宫时段的人据说非常挑剔剑桥国际She's very choosy about what food she eats.她对吃什么食物非常挑剔剑桥国际She's very choosy about what she eats and drinks.她对吃喝非常挑剔剑桥国际

