
单词 通水
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔O level〕The educational background and skills required to pass this test.普通水平,普通程度:通过这次考试所需的受教育状况和技巧美国传统〔Portland cement〕A hydraulic cement made by heating a mixture of limestone and clay in a kiln and pulverizing the resulting material.普通水泥:一种硬性水泥,其制法是将石灰石和粘土混合后放在窑里烧制,再将烧制出的材料粉碎而成美国传统〔cement〕Portland cement.波特兰水泥,普通水美国传统〔connection〕The building is ready for connection to the mains.这座楼已经准备通气、通水、通电。麦克米伦高阶〔deck hand〕A member of a ship's crew who performs manual labor.舱面水手,普通水手:船上干体力活的船员美国传统〔educated〕Having an education, especially one above the average.受过教育的:受过教育的,尤指受过超过普通水平教育的美国传统〔hire〕She hired on as a deck hand. He hired out as a photographer.她找到了一份普通水手的工作。他受雇作了摄影师美国传统〔hookup〕The cabin has electric and water hookups.这间小木屋通电通水韦氏高阶〔limbers〕Gutters or channels on each side of a ship's keelson that drain bilge water into the pump well.污水道,通水孔:船底龙骨两侧用来排污水的水槽或水道美国传统〔main〕The house is not yet connected to the mains.这房子还没有通水电。牛津高阶〔main〕The house is not yet connected to the mains.这所房屋尚未通水电。牛津搭配〔main〕They bought a house with no mains supply.他们买了一套没有通水电的房子。剑桥高阶〔mast〕Common sailors used to be berthed before the mast.普通水手的舱位以前通常安置在艏舱。英汉大词典〔mast〕He sailed for two years mast.他作为一个普通水手出海航行了两年。英汉大词典〔plumb〕All the bathroom fixtures have been plumbed.浴室的所有洗浴设施都已接通水管。韦氏高阶〔rise above〕The quality of the food never rises above average.这种食品的质量从未超越过普通水准。韦氏高阶Each campsite has electric, water and sewage hook-ups (= connections).每个露营地都通水通电,还有排污管道。剑桥国际

