
单词 重病
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Untrained nurses are not allowed to treat patients who are seriously ill. 未受正规训练的护士不允许去照顾重病患者。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕You are allowed time off work only in cases of serious illness or bereavement. 只有在患重病或家人去世的情况下你才可以请假不来上班。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕These self-styled complementary therapists make a fortune out of preying on the gullibility of often very sick people. 这些自命为辅助治疗专家的人,利用患重病之人容易轻信别人的弱点,大发横财。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕Serious illness often results in a loss of confidence and self-respect. 重病缠身常常会导致丧失信心和自尊。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕Very sick people should be allowed to die with dignity. 重病的人应当被允许有尊严地死去。朗文写作活用〔Raynaud's disease〕A circulatory disorder caused by insufficient blood supply to the hands and feet and resulting in cyanosis, numbness, pain, and, in extreme cases, gangrene.雷诺氏病:由于流到手脚的血液供应不足而引起的循环异常,会导致发绀病、麻木、疼痛以及严重病例中的坏疽美国传统〔alternate〕David was too sick to attend, so Janet served as his alternate.戴维重病不能出席,珍妮特作为他的替代者参加。剑桥高阶〔awful〕He has some awful disease.他患有某种重病韦氏高阶〔better〕That seriously ill dog would be better off dead.那条患着重病的狗还是死了好。英汉大词典〔blindside〕Just when it seemed life was going well, she was blindsided by a devastating illness.正当生活似乎一帆风顺的时候,她出人意料地得了一场重病牛津高阶〔bug〕Was your illness any serious or did you just have a bug or something? 你得的是重病还是只不过是小毛小病? 英汉大词典〔danger〕He was in a critical condition, but is now off the danger list.他曾经一度病情危急,但现在已经不在危重病人名单上了。牛津搭配〔death〕Near to death; gravely ill or injured.行将就木;重病,重伤美国传统〔discover〕He was later discovered to be seriously ill.后来才了解到他患了重病牛津高阶〔endure〕The hardships I had endured caused me to fall dangerously ill.经受过的苦难让我得了重病外研社新世纪〔fell〕A serious disease felled him.一场重病夺去了他的生命。21世纪英汉〔fell〕A serious disease felled him.一场重病夺去了他的生命。英汉大词典〔fine〕Sarah's been quite ill, but she's fine now.萨拉生过重病,但现在已经好了。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕She went through a nasty illness.她害了一场重病牛津同义词〔grave〕Her husband had been gravely ill for some time.她的丈夫重病缠身有一段时间了。麦克米伦高阶〔illness〕Have you ever had any serious illnesses ? 你得过重病吗?朗文当代〔illness〕He contracted a serious illness and died a month later.他身染重病,一个月后去世了。牛津搭配〔ill〕She was taken violently ill and had to be put to bed.她突发重病,不得不卧床休息。牛津搭配〔important〕Information and support are important in helping people deal with serious illness.信息和支持在帮助人们对付重病时是很重要的。麦克米伦高阶〔impotence〕Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness.男人在重病后有时会阳痿。剑桥高阶〔infant〕She was seriously ill as an infant.她年幼时曾患重病牛津高阶〔intensive care unit〕A specialized section of a hospital containing the equipment, medical and nursing staff, and monitoring devices necessary to provide intensive care.重病特别护理病区:医院中备有重病特别护理必需的装置,医护人员和监控设备的特别病区美国传统〔intensive care〕Continuous and closely monitored health care that is provided to critically ill patients.对重病患者的特别护理:为重病患者提供的连续的严密的临控的健康护理美国传统〔lay ... aside〕The editor was laid aside half a year by a serious illness.由于一场重病,那名编辑歇了半年。21世纪英汉〔lay〕Have you been laid up with anything serious lately? 最近你是不是得了什么重病一直在家休息?英汉大词典〔list〕He was operated on and listed as in critical condition.他动了手术并被列入危重病人名单。英汉大词典〔loss〕Weight loss can be a sign of a serious illness.体重下降可能是重病的信号。牛津搭配〔major medical〕Insurance that covers all or most of the medical bills engendered by major or prolonged illnesses above a set amount.重病医疗保险:对因重病或长期疾病所花费的医药费用高于某一特定数额之上的部分进行承保的一种保险形式美国传统〔make〕She's made it through the worst of the illness now.现在她已经从重病中挺过来了。麦克米伦高阶〔misfortune〕She had the misfortune to become gravely ill.她真倒霉,得了重病美国传统〔nerve〕Caring for him while he was so ill has been a great strain on her nerves.照顾重病的他使她心力交瘁。牛津搭配〔overextend〕Be careful not to overextend yourself. You've been very ill.注意不要让自己操劳过度,你已经重病在身了。朗文当代〔rheumatism〕Any of several pathological conditions of the muscles, tendons, joints, bones, or nerves, characterized by discomfort and disability.风湿病:任一种肌肉、腱、关节、骨或神经的严重病理情形,症状为不适和功能丧失美国传统〔self-discovery〕Her own journey/voyage of self-discovery started as she was recovering from a severe illness.在重病康复的过程中,她开始了自我发现的历程。剑桥高阶〔shamble〕Sick patients shambled along the hospital corridors.重病患者沿着医院的走廊蹒跚而行。剑桥高阶〔sick〕The sickest patients are in intensive care.危重病人得到特别护理。韦氏高阶〔wish〕It's important to respect the wishes of the patient.尊重病人的意愿很重要。朗文当代Badly cooked shellfish can make you seriously ill.烹调不当的贝壳类食物会使你患重病剑桥国际He had been so ill for so long that, from his point of view, death was a blessing.他已经重病很久了,以他自己来看,死亡已是福份。剑桥国际He was brought into intensive care shortly after the crash and immediately put on a ventilator.撞车事故发生后不久,他立即被送到重病特别护理室并戴上一个呼吸器。剑桥国际Her own journey/voyage of self-discovery started as she was recovering from a severe illness.由重病恢复时,她开始了自我发现的历程。剑桥国际I have never seen her since her father fell sick of a serious illness. 自从她父亲生重病后,我就再也没有见过她。译典通It was reported on the news that he was gravely ill.新闻上报道他身患重病剑桥国际Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness.男人有时会在重病后得阳痿。剑桥国际My brother has been seriously ill for so long that we're hoping he will be delivered soon (= that his suffering will soon be ended by death).我兄弟身染重病这么久,我们都希望他快点以死解脱。剑桥国际She's burying her head in the sand and ignoring the signs that she may have a serious illness.她不愿面对现实,忽视可能有重病的迹象。剑桥国际We sympathized with our classmate whose mother was very ill. 我们十分同情那位母亲得了重病的同学。译典通You never know when serious illness will strike you abroad, so it's a good idea to take out travel insurance.你无法预知你在国外何时会得重病,所以买旅行保险是个好办法。剑桥国际

