
单词 辱骂性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THREATEN〕He was arrested for threatening behaviour and using abusive language. 他因行为带有威胁性并使用辱骂性语言被拘捕。朗文写作活用〔order〕Mr. Smith was called to order for using unparliamentary language.史密斯先生因使用了辱骂性言辞而被告知须遵守会议秩序。 英汉大词典〔roast〕A facetious tribute, usually in the form of a banquet, in which the honoree's friends and acquaintances alternate short speeches of praise and insult.开玩笑:通常指宴会上受奖赏人的朋友和熟人轮流作的简短的赞美或辱骂性讲话等诙谐的言辞美国传统〔slang〕To attack with abusive language; vituperate.谩骂:用辱骂性的语言攻击;谩骂美国传统〔vituperate〕To use harshly abusive language; rail.咒骂:使用十分刻薄的辱骂性语言;责骂美国传统〔vituperation〕The act or an instance of vituperating; abusive censure.谩骂,辱骂:责骂的行为或实例;辱骂性的责备美国传统〔vituperative〕Using, containing, or marked by harshly abusive censure.谩骂的:使用、包含或带有尖刻的辱骂性责备的美国传统

