
单词 负责人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕It is the hospital manager who should match the availability of staff with the needs of the patients. 应该由医院负责人根据病人的需要来安排员工。朗文写作活用〔BLAME〕The captain was just a scapegoat. The real villains were the people in charge of the shipping company. 船长不过是替罪羊罢了。真正的问题出在航运公司的负责人身上。朗文写作活用〔BLAME〕You were in charge of that project, so don't try to pass the buck. 你是那项目的负责人,所以别想推卸责任。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕College officials insist that higher education is a good buy despite rising tuition costs. 大学的负责人坚持说尽管学费在涨,但接受高等教育是合算的。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕The court heard that the head of department would routinely bully and humiliate workers. 证人在法庭上作证说,部门负责人经常欺侮、羞辱工人。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Prison officials are carrying out a full investigation after two prisoners escaped from a prison vehicle. 两名囚犯藏在监狱车上逃脱后,监狱负责人正在进行彻底调查。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕According to Rice, the head of the planning committee, the project is 25% completed. 据计划委员会的负责人赖斯说,这项计划已经完成了25%。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I'm in charge here, and I'm not going to have anyone telling me what to do. 我是这里的负责人,我不需要任何人来对我指手画脚。朗文写作活用〔action〕Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.度假景区游客数量显著回升, 旅游公司的负责人竞相抢夺客源捞实惠。外研社新世纪〔allocate〕As project leader, you will have to allocate people jobs/allocate jobs to people.作为项目负责人,你必须给大家分派工作。剑桥高阶〔angry〕The speech provoked an angry response from teachers and community leaders.这个演讲在教师和社区负责人中引起了愤怒的反响。麦克米伦高阶〔appointee〕The new appointee will be working closely with both departments.新委任的负责人将与这两个部门紧密工作。剑桥高阶〔assent〕The director has given her assent to the proposals.负责人已表示同意提案。牛津高阶〔buck〕The buck stops with him. He is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the broadcast.责任在于他。他是该广播节目各方面的总负责人柯林斯高阶〔bull〕He is bull of the woods in the proofroom.他是校对室的负责人英汉大词典〔censor〕One of two officials in ancient Rome responsible for taking the public census and supervising public behavior and morals.监察官:古罗马负责人口调查、监察人民行为和社会风尚的两名官员之一美国传统〔chair〕John Hanlon, chair of Energywatch's Scottish committee约翰•汉隆, 能源观察苏格兰委员会负责人外研社新世纪〔charge〕He asked to speak to the person in charge.他要求和负责人说话。朗文当代〔chiefly〕Five men were chiefly responsible for the revolution.革命的主要负责人有五位。外研社新世纪〔clear〕The head of the agency has cleared her to see classified information.部门负责人已准许她查阅机密信息。韦氏高阶〔command〕Mr Baker would take command of the campaign.贝克先生将担任此次运动的负责人外研社新世纪〔consequent〕The new measures were put into effect, and the consequent protest led to the dismissal of those responsible.因实施新措施而引发的抗议导致相关负责人被免职。外研社新世纪〔controller〕That was the year he became Controller of Radio 4.那一年他成为广播4台的负责人剑桥高阶〔control〕Who is in control?谁是负责人牛津同义词〔counselor〕He works as a camp counselor.他担任夏令营负责人韦氏高阶〔curator〕Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人柯林斯高阶〔curator〕Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.彼得•福里是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人外研社新世纪〔deputize〕I've been deputized as the officer in charge of all recruitment and training of the People's Volunteer Army.我受委派负责人民志愿军招募和训练的一切相关事宜。外研社新世纪〔disqualification〕The stewards conferred and eventually decided to disqualify us.负责人商议之后,最终决定取消我们的资格。柯林斯高阶〔engineer〕Mr Carr had been the engineer of the company's fortunes.卡尔先生曾是公司财产的负责人麦克米伦高阶〔fact〕He knew their bitterness stemmed from the fact that he was in charge.他知道他们的不满源于他是负责人这一事实。牛津搭配〔fall〕He was the head of the intelligence service until his fall from grace.失去人们的信任之前,他是情报部门的负责人朗文当代〔fire marshal〕A person in charge of firefighting personnel and equipment at an industrial plant.防火负责人:工厂里负责消防人员和灭火设备的专门人员美国传统〔fire〕He's the person responsible for hiring and firing.他负责人员的招聘和解聘工作。麦克米伦高阶〔founding〕He is founding director of The Conservation Foundation.他是自然资源保护基金会的创办负责人柯林斯高阶〔front man〕A man who serves as a nominal leader but who lacks real authority.(团体的)名誉负责人:一个名义上是领导却没有实权的人美国传统〔functionary〕One who holds an office or a trust or performs a particular function; an official.做负责人或行使特殊使命的人;官员美国传统〔head〕Lord Justice Scott will head the inquiry.法官斯科特大人将担任这个调查组的负责人麦克米伦高阶〔imagine〕His colleagues see him as a future director.他的同事认为他很可能是未来的负责人牛津高阶〔inveigle〕He'd managed to inveigle his way into taking charge.他通过哄骗的手段设法当上了负责人外研社新世纪〔keyworker〕She had been Mr Joseph's keyworker for two years.两年来她一直是约瑟夫先生的主要负责人外研社新世纪〔leader〕One who is in charge or in command of others.负责人:管理或指挥其他人的人美国传统〔matriarch〕A woman who dominates a group or an activity.团体或活动的女负责人美国传统〔meeting〕He was summoned to a meeting with the head of the department.他被召去参加有部门负责人出席的会议。牛津搭配〔mention〕Brigadier Ferguson was mentioned in the report as being directly responsible.弗格森准将作为直接负责人在报道中被提及。柯林斯高阶〔operator〕The owner or manager of a business or an industrial enterprise.管理者:(工商企业的)经营者或负责人美国传统〔person〕Can I speak to the person in charge, please? 我能和负责人谈一谈吗?牛津搭配〔perusable〕Officials of the company are perusing the deal.公司的负责人员正在仔细考虑这项交易。21世纪英汉〔peruse〕Officials of the union are perusing the deal.工会负责人正在仔细考虑那项交易。英汉大词典〔play〕Jim made a play for head of department, but didn't succeed.吉姆曾竭力谋取部门负责人的职位,但没有成功。麦克米伦高阶〔plea〕The director of the charity made an impassioned plea for help.慈善机构的负责人强烈要求援助。牛津搭配〔president〕One appointed or elected to preside over an organized body of people, such as an assembly or a meeting.主持人,主席:被任命或选举为某一组织的负责人,例如集会或会议美国传统〔president〕The chief officer of a branch of government, a corporation, a board of trustees, a university, or a similar body.主管人:政府机关、公司、董事会、学校或相似组织的负责人美国传统〔principal〕One who holds a position of presiding rank, especially the head of an elementary school or high school.首长,负责人:处于最高地位的人,尤指小学或高中校长美国传统〔principal〕The principal of the business has an office in New York.这个公司的负责人在纽约有一个办事处。朗文当代〔production〕She is head of the production company.她是制片公司的负责人柯林斯高阶〔programme〕The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.课程负责人扼要地介绍了我们要学习的课程。牛津搭配〔pull aside〕The reporter pulled me aside and asked if I knew who was in charge.记者把我拉到一旁,问我知不知道谁是负责人韦氏高阶〔rector〕The principal of certain schools, colleges, and universities.校长;院长:某些学校、学院和大学的负责人美国传统〔responsibility〕Who has responsibility here? 这里谁是负责人剑桥高阶〔see〕His colleagues see him as a future director.他的同事认为他很可能是未来的负责人牛津高阶〔solely〕He became solely responsible for the firm.他成了公司唯一的负责人牛津高阶〔speeding〕Those in charge deluded themselves they were up to speed.那些负责人自以为掌握了最新情况。柯林斯高阶〔steward〕Kissinger was now chief steward of US foreign policy.基辛格现在是美国外交政策的负责人了。朗文当代〔steward〕The steward at the march stood his ground while the rest of the marchers decided to run.当其他的游行者决定逃跑时,游行活动的负责人坚守着阵地。柯林斯高阶〔stress〕He's had to give up his job as leader of the project-he just couldn't take the stress.他不得不辞去项目负责人的职位 - 他实在承受不了这种压力。牛津搭配〔wardrobe〕He's in charge of wardrobe at the local amateur theatre.他是当地业余剧院戏装部的负责人剑桥高阶〔welfare〕He was the head of a charity for the welfare of children.他是一个儿童福利慈善机构的负责人柯林斯高阶〔welfare〕He was the head of a charity for the welfare of children.他是一家儿童福利慈善机构的负责人外研社新世纪I am the head of a small company.我是一家小公司的负责人牛津商务I demand to see the person in charge.我一定要见负责人剑桥国际If you need instructions, ask Mark--he's running the show (= directing the operation, project, etc.).如果你想要一些指示,找马克----他是这个项目的负责人剑桥国际Our project leader usually reviews our progress daily.我们的项目负责人通常每天都会检查我们的工作进度。牛津商务She has been in charge of the firm since its formation in 1998.自 1998 年公司成立以来,她一直都是负责人牛津商务She is head of a residential school for disturbed and maladjusted children.她是一所寄宿学校的负责人,这所学校是专为有心理障碍和适应不良的儿童开设的。剑桥国际She is head of customer services.她是顾客服务部的负责人牛津商务She is the director of clandestine operations of the CIA.她是中央情报局秘密行动的负责人剑桥国际She's been appointed controller of their US operations.她获任命为美国业务的负责人牛津商务That's not my department—let me transfer you (= said on the telephone).那不是我的职责范围 ── 我把你的电话转给相关的负责人吧。牛津商务The leader of the expedition must be a man of great vigor. 探险队的负责人必须是个精力充沛的人。译典通There's a very angry customer in the shop who wants to know who's in charge.店里有个怒气冲冲的顾客,他想知道谁是负责人剑桥国际

