
单词 长生
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The town I grew up in has changed out of all recognition. 我成长生活的小镇已经彻底变了样。朗文写作活用〔ageless〕Seeming never to grow old.永不显老的;长生不老的:看起来好象永远不会变老的美国传统〔amrita〕The ambrosia, prepared by the Hindu gods, that bestows immortality.甘露:印度神话中赐人长生不老的仙露美国传统〔amrita〕The immortality that is achieved by drinking this substance.长生不老:饮甘露之后的长生不老美国传统〔artificially〕He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means.他不想靠人为方式延长生命。柯林斯高阶〔ash〕The party had risen, like a phoenix, from the ashes of electoral disaster.该党像长生鸟一样,从选举惨败的灰烬中重新崛起。牛津高阶〔beginning〕It was an auspicious beginning to his long career.这是他漫长生涯的良好开端。牛津搭配〔biomedical〕Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.生物医学研究将会使许多艾滋病患者延长生命、提高生命质量。柯林斯高阶〔chair〕The Deputy Speaker took the chair when the Speaker was ill.议长生病,会议由副议长主持。英汉大词典〔curtail〕The minister fell ill and his visit had to be curtailed.部长生病了, 出访只好提前结束。外研社新世纪〔deputy〕The mayor was ill, so his deputy conducted the ceremony.市长生病,所以由副市长主持仪式。牛津同义词〔difficult〕It is extremely difficult being a single parent.单亲家长生活非常艰辛。剑桥高阶〔forever〕No one lives forever.没有人长生不老的。英汉大词典〔gifted〕Schools often fail to meet the needs of gifted children.学校常常不能满足特长生的发展要求。剑桥高阶〔hen-and-chickens〕Any of several plants having many runners or offshoots, especially the houseleek.屋顶长生草:有许多长匐茎或分株的几种植物之一,尤指长生草属植物美国传统〔immortality〕The pharaohs were considered gods and therefore immortal.法老们被视为神灵,且长生不死。柯林斯高阶〔live〕Who wants to live forever? 谁想要长生不老?麦克米伦高阶〔live〕Who wants to live forever? I don't.谁想长生?反正我不想。牛津搭配〔living will〕A will in which the signer requests not to be kept alive by medical life-support systems in the event of a terminal illness.自然死亡声明:签名者要求在病入膏肓时不必依靠医学的生命维持系统来延长生命的遗嘱美国传统〔matriarch〕The tribe's matriarch ruled for 20 years before her death.这个部落的女族长生前统领部落20年。韦氏高阶〔patriarch〕The tribe's patriarch ruled for 20 years before his death.这个部落的族长生前统领部落20年。韦氏高阶〔phoenix〕According to myth, the phoenix died and was reborn in a pyre of cinnamon.据神话传说, 长生鸟在肉桂树柴堆上自焚后又重生。外研社新世纪Humans long to be immortal. 人类渴望长生不老。译典通It's another health product claiming to be the elixir of life/youth (= something to make you live longer/stay young) .这又是一种自称为长生不老药的保健产品。剑桥国际Much of the town was destroyed by bombs in the war but it was rebuilt and in the following decade rose from the ashes like a/the phoenix.在战争中,镇子的大部分被炸弹毁掉了,后来又重建,十年后象一只长生鸟从死灰中再生。剑桥国际The company's speciality (= best skill) is the manufacture of high-performance cars.这家公司最擅长生产高性能的汽车。剑桥国际

