
单词 袋子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CARRY〕She struggled along the street, weighed down by bags. 她沿着大街艰难地走着,手里提着沉甸甸的袋子朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕I looked in her bag, but there was nothing in it. 我看了她的袋子,但是里面什么也没有。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕Will this bag fit in the trunk? 这个袋子能放进箱子吗?朗文写作活用〔GET〕I had left my bag at the railroad station and went back to retrieve it. 我把袋子遗忘在火车站,于是回去取回。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Can I take your bag - it looks heavy. 要我帮你拿袋子吗—好像很重。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕He was a nice, old-fashioned gentleman who would hold open the door for you or offer to carry your bags. 他是一位友善的老派绅士,会给你开门或主动帮你拎袋子朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Shove anything you don't want in that sack. 把你不要的东西都塞进那个大袋子里。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Someone's going to snatch your purse if you leave it sticking out of your bag like that. 如果你让钱包这样露在袋子外面的话会被人抢走的。朗文写作活用〔WET〕The bag had been sitting in a dank tent for three days and smelled like an old laundry hamper. 那只袋子放在阴湿的帐篷里三天了,有股像旧洗衣筐的味道。朗文写作活用〔and what have you〕There were a couple of bags full of old records, magazines, and what have you.那几个袋子装满了旧唱片、杂志之类的东西。剑桥高阶〔attach〕She attached labels to all her bags.她把标签系(或贴)在所有袋子上。21世纪英汉〔bag〕An object that resembles a pouch.囊状物:类似袋子的物体美国传统〔bag〕He got a job bagging groceries.他找到一份工作,在杂货店里装袋子朗文当代〔bag〕She had a heavy bag swinging from each hand.她两只手各拎一只重袋子牛津搭配〔bag〕The boy at the checkout helped me to bag up my shopping.收款台的男孩帮我把买的东西装到袋子里。外研社新世纪〔bag〕The mushrooms are sealed in a bag for freshness.蘑菇密封在袋子里保鲜。牛津搭配〔black bag〕A bag in which physicians traditionally carry instruments and a stock of drugs, as on a house call.黑手提包:传统上医生携带的装有医疗器具和常备药剂的袋子,如医生出诊时携带的袋子美国传统〔bota〕A leather bag or sack for holding wine.酒囊:放酒的皮袋子或大皮袋子美国传统〔break〕The bag had split open on the way home.在回家的路上袋子裂开了。牛津高阶〔bulge with〕His bag was bulging with presents.她的袋子由于装了礼物而胀得鼓鼓的。21世纪英汉〔bulge〕Her bags were bulging with shopping.她的袋子鼓鼓的,装满了买来的东西。剑桥高阶〔bundle〕He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.他把脏衣服捆起来塞进袋子牛津高阶〔bunt〕The pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated.鱼网的网身:象袋子似的重网的中间部分,所有的捕获物都集中于此美国传统〔burst〕Unfortunately, the bag burst.真倒霉, 袋子撑破了。外研社新世纪〔cosmetic〕Mother has a special bag for keeping her cosmetics in.母亲有一个专放化粧品的袋子文馨英汉〔ditty bag〕A bag used by armed forces personnel to carry small items such as sewing implements.随带的日用杂品袋;针线包:武装部队人员用于携带日用杂品,如针线的袋子美国传统〔doggy bag〕A bag for leftover food that a customer of a restaurant may take home after a meal.食袋,打包袋:餐馆中用以给顾客把剩饭菜带回家的袋子美国传统〔exit〕Do not leave bags lying around which could block the emergency exits.不要把袋子随处乱放,这会阻塞紧急出口。牛津搭配〔fanny pack〕A waist pack, especially as worn with the pouch over the buttocks.后腰包:腰包,尤指围在臀部上的小袋子美国传统〔feel〕She felt in her bag for a pencil.她在袋子里摸索着找铅笔。朗文当代〔gasbag〕An expansible bag for holding gas.气袋:一种可伸展的用来盛放气体的袋子美国传统〔get〕You can get a lot of things into this bag.这个袋子能装很多东西。麦克米伦高阶〔gripping〕His strong hand eased the bag from her grip.他强有力的手迫使她松开了握紧袋子的双手。柯林斯高阶〔heave〕Reg picked up the sack and heaved it into the back of the truck.雷吉拎起大袋子, 用力把它扔进了卡车后部。外研社新世纪〔hold〕One bag won't hold all of the shopping - we'd better take two.买的这些东西一个袋子装不下——我们最好拿两个。剑桥高阶〔invert〕The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty.魔术师把袋子由里往外翻,表明里面是空的。英汉大词典〔kick〕They dropped their bags in the front hall and kicked off their shoes.他们把袋子撂在前厅,踢掉了鞋子。牛津搭配〔knee〕He went on his knees and filled his bag with oysters picked up at random.他跪下去,把随手捡起的牡蛎装进袋子英汉大词典〔lift〕He lifted up the heavy bags.他搬起这些沉重的袋子麦克米伦高阶〔light〕Here, take this bag - it's quite light.给你,拿着这个袋子——很轻的。剑桥高阶〔light〕This bag is light to carry.这袋子带起来不重。文馨英汉〔light〕You can carry this bag – it's fairly light.你可以提这个袋子 — 它很轻。朗文当代〔mark down〕As he marks down the prices, he stops now and then to pack things into a large bag.他一边抄价钱,一边不时停下来往一个大袋子里装东西。柯林斯高阶〔mind〕Could you mind my bags for a few minutes?你能不能帮我照看一下袋子外研社新世纪〔nose at〕The goats came up and nosed at the bag.那几只山羊走过来, 嗅了嗅这个袋子外研社新世纪〔pack〕The tent packs away in a small bag.帐篷可以折叠装进小袋子里。牛津高阶〔peck〕A bird had pecked a hole in the sack.一只鸟把袋子啄了个洞。牛津高阶〔plonk〕Just plonk your bag anywhere.把你的袋子随便搁在哪儿吧。牛津高阶〔plunge〕He plunged his arm into the sack once more.他又一次迅速把胳膊伸进袋子里。麦克米伦高阶〔pocketbook〕The increase is likely to hit the pocketbooks of consumers.提价可能会砸到消费者的钱袋子牛津高阶〔pocketful〕He carried a pocketful of money.他带了一袋子的钱。韦氏高阶〔pocket〕A pouch in an animal body, such as the cheek pouch of a rodent or the abdominal pouch of a marsupial.袋形构造:动物身体里的肚袋或腹带,如齿类动物的颊囊成有袋类动物腹部的袋子美国传统〔pocket〕Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you(= on a plane).安全求生的资料放在您前方的小袋子里。牛津高阶〔poke〕A sack; a bag.袋子;包美国传统〔pomander〕A case, box, or bag for holding this mixture.香盒:盛装这种混合物的小箱、盒子或袋子美国传统〔pop〕He blew the bag up and then popped it between his hands.他把袋子吹鼓起来,然后用两手砰的一声把它拍破。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕A bag or sack used to carry mail or diplomatic dispatches.袋子:用于装信件或外交信函的邮袋或文件袋美国传统〔pouch〕A leather bag or case for carrying powder or small-arms ammunition.(皮制)弹药袋,弹药盒:用来装枪药或小型武器之弹药的皮革袋子或箱子美国传统〔pouch〕To cause to resemble a pouch.使成袋状:使变得象袋子美国传统〔pouch〕Zoology A saclike structure, such as the cheek pockets of the gopher or the external abdominal pocket in which marsupials carry their young.【动物学】 袋状结构:袋状结构,如地鼠的脸颊袋或袋鼠腹部外面的用来装其幼兽的袋子美国传统〔prise〕He prised her fingers from the bag and took it from her.他掰开她的手指,把她手中的袋子抢走了。牛津高阶〔purse seine〕A fishing seine that is drawn into the shape of a bag to enclose the catch.大型袋网:一种捕鱼用的拖成袋子形状以包围捕鱼器的大拖网美国传统〔ragbag〕A bag for storing rags.放碎布的袋子美国传统〔ram〕The bag was rammed with torn paper.袋子里塞满碎纸。英汉大词典〔reach for〕She reached inside the bag for a pen.她把手伸进袋子去拿钢笔。韦氏高阶〔sacculate〕Formed of or divided into a series of saclike dilations or pouches.囊状的:由一系列膨胀的囊或袋子组成的或分成一系列膨胀的袋或囊美国传统〔sack〕The sack was too heavy to lift.这个袋子太沉了,拎不动。麦克米伦高阶〔sack〕They filled the sacks with potatoes.他们将袋子装满了土豆。牛津搭配〔saddlebag〕One of a pair of pouches hanging across the back of a horse behind the saddle.鞍囊:马鞍后横放在马背上的两个袋子之一美国传统〔settle〕Shaking the bag makes the sugar settle slightly.晃动袋子会使里边的糖稍许装紧一些。英汉大词典〔sew up〕This material was then put into cotton bags which were weighed and then sewn up.然后这些材料被放入棉布袋子里称重,接着再缝好。柯林斯高阶〔shield〕He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack.他用一只旧袋子顶在头上遮阳。外研社新世纪〔slam〕He slammed the bag (down) on the table.他将袋子砰然放在桌上。文馨英汉〔sleeping bag〕A large, warmly lined, usually zippered bag for sleeping, especially outdoors.睡袋:一种用于睡眠的,加有暖和的衬里而且通常装有拉链的大袋子,尤指用于户外美国传统〔slit〕I slit the bag open at the top.我从顶部把袋子划开了。韦氏高阶〔snatch〕Jessie snatched at the bag but I pulled it away.杰西伸手抓袋子,但我把它拉开了。朗文当代〔spill out〕All the shopping had spilled out of my bag.采购的东西全从我的袋子里掉了出来。剑桥高阶〔spill〕A number of bags had split and were spilling their contents.许多袋子裂开了, 里面的东西散落了出来。外研社新世纪〔sporran〕A leather or fur pouch worn at the front of the kilt in the traditional dress of men of the Scottish Highlands.毛皮袋:一种系于褶裥短裙前的革的或毛皮的袋子,苏格兰高地男子传统服装美国传统〔stuff〕She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag.她又往她的袋子里塞了两件毛线衫。朗文当代〔stuff〕Under her bed, they found a bag stuffed with money.他们在她床下找到了一个装满钞票的袋子剑桥高阶〔toil〕I was toiling up the hill with four heavy bags when he took pity on me.我正背着4个沉重的袋子艰难地往山上爬,这时他动了恻隐之心。剑桥高阶〔trickle〕Sand trickled from a hole in the bag.沙从袋子的一个小孔中泄出。英汉大词典〔unattended〕An unattended bag was spotted near the platform at Gatwick.在盖特威克机场站的站台附近发现了一个无主袋子柯林斯高阶〔unzipper〕He unzippered the sack.他拉开袋子上的拉链。英汉大词典〔vote〕People generally vote their pocketbooks against new taxes.人们考虑到自己的钱袋子通常都投票反对新的税收。朗文当代〔way〕She picked up her bag, and went on her way.她拾起袋子, 继续赶路。外研社新世纪〔whatnot〕Put your bags, cases and whatnot in the back of the car.把你的袋子、盒子等等放到汽车后面。朗文当代〔wineskin〕A bag made from the skin of a goat for example, and used for holding and dispensing wine.酒囊:用羊皮等做成的用来装酒和分发酒的袋子美国传统〔with〕The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes.袋子里塞满了脏衣服。牛津高阶After carrying his bags for some time, they began to feel heavy.他们提了一会儿袋子,开始觉得袋子沉了。剑桥国际And to find out who are the lucky winners of our competition, Samantha is going to draw some names out of the bag.为了找出谁是我们竞赛中的幸运获奖者,萨曼莎将从袋子中取出一些名字。剑桥国际Don't leave the packet open, or the cornflakes will go soft.不要让袋子敞开着,否则玉米片会变软的。剑桥国际I don't want people to see me with this haircut -- perhaps I could set (= start) a new trend for wearing paper bags over the head.我不要人们看见我理这种发式----也许我可以创一个新潮流,在头上戴个纸袋子剑桥国际Sarah put her maps in the outside pocket of her rucksack.莎拉把地图放到帆布背包外面的袋子里。剑桥国际The corn was stored in large sacks.人们将玉米储藏在大袋子里。剑桥国际The flight attendant said that we would find the safety instructions in the pocket of the seat in front of us.飞机服务员告诉我们可以在前面座位的袋子里找到安全指南。剑桥国际The ticks seem to be coming from that bag over there.滴答声似乎来自那边的袋子剑桥国际These bags are made of degradable plastic.这些袋子是用一种可降解的塑料制成的。剑桥国际When you pack the shopping, don't put all the tins in one bag or it'll make it too heavy.在把所买的东西打包时,不要把所有的罐头都放在一个袋子里,否则会使袋子太沉重了。剑桥国际

