
单词 舞者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETERMINED〕I was determined to be a professional dancer, and practised for hours every day. 我决意要成为职业舞者,每天练习很多个小时。朗文写作活用〔angular〕The dancers make thrusting, angular movements of hand and arm – the body taut.众舞者绷紧了身体, 做出各种僵硬的手臂伸展动作。外研社新世纪〔backup〕Beyoncé's backup dancers 为碧昂絲伴舞的舞者剑桥高阶〔ballon〕Buoyancy or lightness in movement that allows a dancer to rise and fall smoothly.轻快优雅:动作的弹跳能力或敏捷轻盈,舞者可藉此平稳地跳跃和落下美国传统〔ballroom dance〕Any of various social dances, such as the fox trot, tango, or waltz, in which couples follow a conventional pattern of steps.交际舞:一种社交舞,如狐步舞、探戈或华尔兹,由一对对舞者随常规的步式起舞美国传统〔barre〕A handrail fixed to a wall, as in a dance studio, used by ballet dancers as a support in certain exercises.把杆:(练舞厅、舞蹈教室)固定在墙壁的扶手,芭蕾舞者在某些练习中用作支撑物美国传统〔bathe〕The dancers bathed in luscious strains.跳舞者沉浸在悦耳的乐曲中。21世纪英汉〔breath〕The acrobatic skill of the dancers took my breath away.舞者们的特技令我惊叹。韦氏高阶〔bring〕The dancer brought his hands up to his face.舞者把双手举到脸前。韦氏高阶〔cluttered〕The stage was cluttered with lamps and electrical leads, which the dancers neatly sidestepped.舞台上到处都是灯和电线, 舞者们都灵巧地避开了。外研社新世纪〔coordinate〕Dancers need to coordinate their moves.舞者需要协调他们的舞步。韦氏高阶〔coryphée〕A ballet dancer who ranks above a member of the corps de ballet and below a soloist and who performs in small ensembles.芭蕾舞演员:一个芭蕾舞蹈演员,其地位高于芭蕾群舞中的一员,低于独舞者,在小组中表演美国传统〔country-dance〕A folk dance of English origin in which two lines of dancers face each other.乡村舞:源自英国的一种乡村舞蹈,舞者排成两行,面对面跳美国传统〔create〕The choreographers had to create a whole new ballet.编舞者不得不编一套全新的芭蕾舞。麦克米伦高阶〔dancer〕She's a very good flamenco dancer.她是一名非常优秀的弗拉门柯舞舞者牛津搭配〔dancer〕The dancers moved gracefully to the music.舞者随着音乐优雅起舞。牛津搭配〔defiance〕The dancers leap in seeming defiance of the laws of gravity.那些舞者轻盈地跳跃,似乎万有引力定律完全不起作用。韦氏高阶〔depth〕The dancers expressed great depth of feeling/emotion.舞者表达了强烈的情感。韦氏高阶〔developed〕Dancers' thighs are very developed.舞者的大腿非常健壮。外研社新世纪〔disengage〕The two dancers moved together in a series of quick movements before disengaging and leaping apart.两位舞者先一起做了一组轻快的动作,然后跳跃分开。韦氏高阶〔drum for〕The band are drumming a rhythm for dancers.乐队正在为跳舞者敲出节奏。21世纪英汉〔drum〕They drummed a rhythm for dancers.他们为跳舞者敲出节奏。21世纪英汉〔elaborate〕The dancers were wearing elaborate costumes.舞者全都身着精心挑选的服装。韦氏高阶〔enemy〕Some dancers become their own worst enemies, criticizing themselves for every imperfection.一些舞者总是因每一处不完美而责备自己,成了他们自己最大的敌人。牛津搭配〔entrechat〕A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.空中交叉跳跃:一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿美国传统〔ever〕He's ever such a good dancer.他是个非常出色的舞者外研社新世纪〔excellence〕She had to demonstrate excellence as a dancer, singer, and comedienne.她不得不证明自己是一个卓越的舞者、歌手和喜剧表演家。牛津搭配〔exceptionally〕He's an exceptionally talented dancer.他是个非常有天赋的舞者柯林斯高阶〔fall〕The rise and fall of the dancers' bodies create a pattern.舞者身体的起伏构成了一幅图案。朗文当代〔fancy dance〕A fast, elaborately choreographed Native American powwow dance performed by a costumed male dancer to a drum accompaniment.印第安祈祷舞步:一种快速、精巧、精心设计美国印第安原住民的祈祷舞步,通常由穿着特殊传统服饰的男性舞者伴随着鼓声起舞美国传统〔finale〕All the dancers come on stage during the grand finale.在高潮性的大结局中所有的舞者都上了台。剑桥高阶〔floor〕Several couples took the floor.几对舞者进入舞池跳舞。韦氏高阶〔follow〕The dancers moved round the floor, following some indeterminate pattern.舞者们在舞池中移动着, 步子有点看不出章法。外研社新世纪〔gesture〕He gestures, gesticulates, and moves with the grace of a dancer.他举手投足之间流露出舞者的优雅。柯林斯高阶〔gesture〕He gestures, gesticulates, and moves with the grace of a dancer.他举手投足犹如舞者般优雅。外研社新世纪〔gifted〕Janice is a gifted dancer.贾尼丝是位有天分的舞者外研社新世纪〔gigolo〕A man who is hired as an escort or a dancing partner for a woman.职业舞男,妇女的男陪伴:被一妇女雇来作护卫者或伴舞者的男人美国传统〔gorgeously〕The dancers posed gorgeously with grey velvet draped around them.舞者们摆出漂亮的姿势, 周围有灰色的天鹅绒垂饰。外研社新世纪〔graceful〕He has become a very graceful dancer.他已成为一位动作十分优雅的舞者韦氏高阶〔grind〕Slang To rotate the pelvis erotically, as in the manner of a stripteaser.【俚语】 淫荡地晃动:卖弄色相地摇摆臀部,如脱衣舞者一样美国传统〔gyrate〕The dancers gyrated wildly to the beat of the music.舞者随着音乐的节奏疯狂地旋转起舞。朗文当代〔headdress〕The dancers wore ceremonial headdresses.舞者们戴着礼仪头饰。韦氏高阶〔hora〕A traditional round dance of Romania and Israel.霍拉舞:罗马尼亚或以色列的一种传统的圆舞(跳舞者形成圆圈转动)美国传统〔in sync〕The dancers moved in sync.舞者们步调一致地移动。韦氏高阶〔light〕The dancer was light and graceful.舞者的舞姿轻盈优美美国传统〔limbo〕A West Indian dance in which the dancers keep bending over backward and passing under a pole that is lowered slightly each time.林波舞:一种西印度群岛的舞蹈,舞者须向后仰并穿过一支水平杆,每次都要比前一次仰得更低美国传统〔line dance〕A dance in which individuals line up without partners and follow a choreographed pattern of steps to country music.排排舞:舞者单独排成一行,无需舞伴,随乡村音乐节拍变换舞步的一种舞蹈美国传统〔madwoman〕She is a madwoman on the dance floor.在舞池里,她是个疯狂的舞者韦氏高阶〔masked〕The dancers were masked.这些舞者戴了面具。韦氏高阶〔morris〕An English folk dance in which a story is enacted by costumed dancers.莫里斯舞:一种英国民间舞蹈,其中一故事被着特殊服装的舞者表演美国传统〔mosh pit〕An area in front of a concert stage in which audience members mosh.舞者聚集区,舞台前方跳舞区:音乐会舞台前听众可以跳舞的区域美国传统〔motley〕It does not seem a place that would gladly welcome a motley of musicians and dancers.那里不像是愿意接纳一帮乐师和舞者的地方。外研社新世纪〔organically〕They allowed the piece to evolve organically in collaboration with the dancers.他们任由乐曲随着舞者的动作自然展开。外研社新世纪〔out of step〕One of the dancers was out of step.其中一位舞者的舞步不合拍。韦氏高阶〔out of sync〕She was out of sync with the other dancers.她与其他舞者步调不一致。韦氏高阶〔pick out〕Flashing lights picked out groups of dancers at random.闪光灯随意照向成群的舞者外研社新世纪〔pirouette〕Twelve dancers pirouetted across the stage.十二位舞者从舞台的一边单脚尖旋转到另一边。韦氏高阶〔pole dancer〕She is a pole dancer at London's famous Spearmint Rhino club.她是伦敦著名的“薄荷犀牛”夜总会的钢管舞舞者柯林斯高阶〔practiced〕Only a few of the dancers are practiced in traditional ballet.只有少数舞者能跳好传统芭蕾。韦氏高阶〔shimmy〕Dancers shimmied in the streets of New Orleans.舞者们在新奥尔良的大街上跳希米舞。外研社新世纪〔shimmy〕Dancers shimmied in the streets of New Orleans.舞者们在新奥尔良的大街上跳着希米舞。柯林斯高阶〔sinuous〕He enjoyed watching the sinuous bodies of the dancers.他喜欢观赏舞者婀娜的身段。剑桥高阶〔slam dancing〕A style of dancing, usually performed to punk rock, in which participants collide violently with one another.碰碰舞:一种舞蹈风格,通常伴以普克摇滚音乐,舞者之间互相猛烈地撞击美国传统〔slinky〕The dancers wore slinky costumes.那群舞者穿着紧身性感的舞蹈服。韦氏高阶〔spin〕The dancers spun round and round.舞者不停地旋转。牛津高阶〔stepper〕Informal A dancer.【非正式用语】 跳舞者美国传统〔subtlety〕African dance is vigorous, but full of subtlety, requiring great strength and control.非洲舞蹈充满活力,但不乏精妙之处,需要舞者有很强的力量和控制能力。柯林斯高阶〔suggestively〕The dancers moved suggestively.舞者挑逗地扭动肢体。韦氏高阶〔sway〕Couples were swaying to the rhythm of the music.一对对舞者随着音乐的节奏摆动身子。牛津搭配〔synchronization〕The dancers moved in perfect synchronization.舞者们的动作完全一致。韦氏高阶〔synchronize〕The dancers practiced until they synchronized their movements.舞者们一直练习,直到动作一致。韦氏高阶〔synchronous〕The dancers perform a sequence of wonderfully synchronous movements.舞者们的一段表演整齐划一,十分奇妙。剑桥高阶〔thunderously〕Flamenco dancers do have stomping thunderously on the boards down to a fine art.弗拉明科舞者们当真把木板地上的轰鸣舞步变成了精美艺术。外研社新世纪〔time〕The dancers timed their steps to the music.跳舞者合着音乐的拍子跳舞。英汉大词典〔uncoordinated〕I'm too uncoordinated to be a good dancer.我的肢体太不协调,成不了优秀的舞者韦氏高阶〔waver〕The shadows of the dancers wavered continually.舞者的身影在轻轻晃动着。柯林斯高阶〔whirl around〕As the dancers whirled around, their skirts billowed out.随着舞者旋转起舞, 她们的裙子鼓了起来。外研社新世纪〔wrap〕Ribbons were wrapped around the dancers' arms.舞者们的胳臂上系了丝带。韦氏高阶Coming off a back injury, it wasn't clear if she could resume her role as the troupe's principal dancer.在背伤痊愈之后,她是否能重新担当剧团的主要领舞者这个角色还不清楚。剑桥国际He did a sketch of the ballet dancers. 他为这些芭蕾舞者画了一张素描。译典通He's one of those singers who always appear on TV surrounded by scantily-clad dancers.他属于那种歌星,凡在电视中出现时总是被一群穿着暴露的伴舞者所环绕。剑桥国际It is most amazing to see eight dancers move in synchrony. 八位舞者同步动作让人赞叹。译典通My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer. 我妹妹能像舞者一样踮著脚尖旋转。译典通Not since Nureyev's partnership with Fonteyn have we seen such chemistry between two dancers.自从奴来耶夫和福天恩成为舞伴以来我们就没看见过两个舞者之间有这样神秘的变化。剑桥国际Our daughter is a great dancer, she stands out above the rest. 我们的女儿是一个不错的舞者,她从许多舞者中脱颖而出。译典通She is a dancer of genius. 她是个有天赋的舞者译典通That club has the best go-go dancers in the city. 那个俱乐部有全市最棒的舞者译典通That young dancer really stole the show tonight. 那年轻的舞者今晚大出风头。译典通The entire roomful of dancers moved in perfect synchronization (= at exactly the same time), just like in the movies.一屋子的舞者们步调完全一致地跳着舞,就像电影里的情形一样。剑桥国际The singers and dancers stirred up a lot of excitement. 歌者和舞者们令群众兴奋不已。译典通We can teach dancers up to intermediate level here.在这儿我们可以教跳舞者达到中级水平。剑桥国际〔élan〕The dancer performed with great élan.舞者的表演十分热情奔放。韦氏高阶

