
单词 经常用
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PAIN〕The drug is often used to ease the pain of dying cancer patients. 这种药经常用于缓解癌症患者临终前的疼痛。朗文写作活用〔Vienna sausage〕A small sausage resembling a frankfurter, often served as an hors d'oeuvre.维也纳香肠:类似法兰克福香肠的一种小香肠,经常用作开胃小菜美国传统〔alley〕A large playing marble, often used as the shooter.大弹子:经常用来击打其它弹子的大理石弹子美国传统〔alligator clip〕A spring-loaded clip with serrated jaws, often used to make temporary electrical connections.弹簧夹,鳄鱼夹:带锯齿状夹紧装置的弹簧夹,经常用于临时连接电路美国传统〔anteroom〕An outer room that opens into another room, often used as a waiting room.前厅,候见室:通向另一个房间的靠外的房间,经常用作候见室美国传统〔ax〕A tool with a bladed, usually heavy head mounted crosswise on a handle, used for felling trees or chopping wood.斧:一种带刀片的工具,一般重的一头十字交叉地安置在一个把手上,经常用来伐树或砍木头美国传统〔but〕It must be used always, but always.必须经常用它,要经常用英汉大词典〔contempt〕They would often look at us with unmistakable contempt.他们经常用明显的轻蔑神情看着我们。外研社新世纪〔converse〕At home we often converse in Spanish.我们在家经常用西班牙语交谈。韦氏高阶〔crunch〕I pored over the books with great enthusiasm, often crunching the numbers until 1:00 a.m.我兴致勃勃地研究这些账簿, 经常用计算机算到凌晨1点。外研社新世纪〔crunch〕It is too much trouble to crunch a file unless you use it often.除非经常用这些文件,不然压缩时很费事。21世纪英汉〔demijohn〕A large, narrow-necked bottle made of glass or earthenware, usually encased in wickerwork.细颈大坛:用玻璃或泥土制成的一种大的细颈瓶子,经常用柳条包装美国传统〔double〕Their living room doubles as a home office.他们的客厅也经常用作家庭办公室。韦氏高阶〔flossing〕Regular flossing is essential for healthy gums.经常用牙线清洁牙缝对保持牙龈健康有必要。剑桥高阶〔gap〕Computer Science An absence of information on a recording medium, often used to signal the end of a segment of information.【计算机科学】 间隙,间隔:记录介质上的信息空缺,经常用于给信息片段的末端作标志美国传统〔gargle〕You should gargle the throat regularly.你应该经常用含漱液漱口。21世纪英汉〔gourd〕The dried and hollowed-out shell of one of these fruits, often used as a drinking utensil.葫芦瓠:把这种果实掏空晾干以后的外壳,经常用作喝水的容器美国传统〔ground rule〕A basic rule of procedure or behavior. Often used in the plural.基本规则:程序或行为的基本规则。经常用复数美国传统〔handlebar〕A curved metal steering bar, as on a bicycle. Often used in the plural.把手:一种曲形的金属操纵把手,比如说在自行车上的。经常用复数表示美国传统〔happi coat〕A Japanese jacket made of cotton or similar material and having an open front, often fastened with ties.宽松外衣:一种由棉线或相似材料制成的、有前开口的、经常用带子系紧的日本夹克衫美国传统〔hatch〕Drink up. Often used as a toast.干杯。经常用于祝酒美国传统〔hike〕To leave because one's presence is unwanted. Often used in the imperative.回避:因别人不需要所以离开,经常用于命令句中美国传统〔lantern〕A decorative casing for a light, often of paper.灯笼:灯的装饰性外套,经常用纸制成美国传统〔laptop〕She used to work at her laptop until four in the morning.她从前经常用手提电脑一直工作到凌晨4点。柯林斯高阶〔love handle〕A deposit of fat at the waistline. Often used in the plural.腰围间隙脂肪的积贮,经常用复数形式美国传统〔love〕A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.爱人,意中人:深切或强烈喜爱或吸引的对象;被爱者。经常用于昵称美国传统〔magician〕This process is often used by stage magicians.舞台魔术师经常用这种程序。外研社新世纪〔metaphor〕He often uses the metaphor of the family to describe the role of the state.他经常用家庭作比喻来描述国家的职责。麦克米伦高阶〔methylated spirit〕A denatured alcohol consisting of a mixture of ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. Often used in the plural.甲基化酒精:包含酒精与甲醇的混合物的一种变性酒精,经常用做复数形式美国传统〔ort〕A small scrap or leaving of food after a meal is completed. Often used in the plural.片:一小块碎片或吃完饭后所剩的食物。经常用作复数形式美国传统〔pajama〕A loose-fitting garment consisting of trousers and a jacket, worn for sleeping or lounging. Often used in the plural.宽松睡衣:由上衣和裤子组成的一种宽松的服装,睡觉或休闲时穿的,经常用复数形式美国传统〔pajama〕Loose-fitting trousers worn in the Far East by men and women. Often used in the plural.宽松薄裤:远东地区男女都穿的一种宽松薄裤,经常用复数美国传统〔relief map〕A map that depicts land configuration, usually with contour lines.地势图:描绘地面轮廓的地图,经常用彩色的线条来描绘美国传统〔scrap〕To fight, often with the fists.打架:打架,经常用拳头打美国传统〔serge〕A twilled cloth of worsted or worsted and wool, often used for suits.哔叽:精纺毛纱或精纺和羊毛制的哔叽布料,经常用作衣服美国传统〔shipping〕The body of ships belonging to one port, industry, or country, often referred to in aggregate tonnage.船舶总量:属于一个港口、行业或国家的一批船只,经常用总吨位指称美国传统〔simulate〕In cheap furniture, plastic is often used to simulate wood.廉价家具经常用塑料模仿木材。剑桥高阶〔simulate〕We used to use this trick in the Army to simulate illness.我们以前在部队时经常用这一招假装生病。外研社新世纪〔sleeper〕Children's pajamas, usually with legs that cover the feet. Often used in the plural.小孩的连裤睡衣:儿童穿的睡衣,通常裤腿覆盖脚面。经常用复数美国传统〔stick〕He said that when he was a boy, his father used to take a stick to him to punish him.他说他小的时候,他爸爸经常用棍子惩罚他。剑桥高阶〔symbol〕I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength.我经常用向日葵来作为力量的象征。柯林斯高阶〔tension〕She often used humour / humor to defuse tension in meetings.她经常用幽默来缓和会议上的紧张气氛。牛津搭配〔toile de Jouy〕A usually light-colored fabric printed with a scenic pattern or design often used in upholstery or for curtains.淡底印花布:一种通常为淡色的印有风景花样或图案的织物,经常用于作家具套或窗帘美国传统〔twit〕Darwin frequently twitted his creationist opponents about the apparently useless structures of many animals and plants.达尔文经常用大量动植物看来毫无用处的构造来挖苦他的神创论对手。外研社新世纪〔use〕That's an expression she often uses to describe how she feels.那是一个她经常用来表达自己感受的词。剑桥高阶〔valuable〕A personal possession, such as a piece of jewelry, having a relatively high monetary value. Often used in the plural.贵重物品:私人财产,例如一件珍宝,具有相对地较高的货币价值,经常用复数美国传统〔wash〕Hands need to be washed regularly with hot water.需要经常用热水洗手。牛津搭配〔woolen〕Fabric or clothing made from wool. Often used in the plural.羊毛衣:由羊毛制成的织物或衣服,经常用于复数美国传统Chemotherapy is often used in the treatment of cancer.化疗经常用于治疗癌症。剑桥国际Children often express themselves (= show their feelings) in painting.孩子们经常用图画来表达感情。剑桥国际Fairy lights are often used to decorate Christmas trees.人们经常用彩灯装饰圣诞树。剑桥国际He always flavours roast lamb with (=gives it the taste of) rosemary.我经常用迷迭香烤羊肉。剑桥国际He said that when he was a boy, his father used to take a stick to him (= hit him with a long thin piece of wood) to punish him.他说当他还是个孩子的时候,他父亲经常用木棒来惩罚他。剑桥国际Neon lights and signs consist of glass tubes filled with neon, and are often used for advertising because the tubes can be bent into unusual shapes.霓虹灯和标牌由充氖气的玻璃管制成,并经常用来做广告牌,因为这些管子能被弯曲成特殊的形状。剑桥国际Nuclear waste is often disposed of under the sea.核废料经常用放入深海的方法来处理。剑桥国际Soya beans are very rich in protein and are often used as a substitute for meat.大豆含有丰富的蛋白质,经常用来替代肉。剑桥国际The Crucifixion was a common subject painted by medieval and Renaissance artists.基督被钉死在十字架上是中世纪和文艺复兴时期的艺术家们经常用来作画的主题。剑桥国际

