
单词 精神焕发
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPY〕The chance to get out of the house for a few hours had clearly raised her spirits. 能从屋子里走出去几个小时,显然使她精神焕发了。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕She had a runner's lean physique and an overall healthy glow. 她具有赛跑运动员的健美体型,而且精神焕发朗文写作活用〔be as fresh as a daisy〕After a good night's sleep I'll be as fresh as a daisy.好好睡上一宿觉后我就会精神焕发剑桥高阶〔breezy〕You're very bright and breezy today! 你今天精神焕发牛津高阶〔brisk〕The breeze was cool, brisk, and invigorating.微风清新凉爽, 令人精神焕发外研社新世纪〔buck (sb/sth) up〕A week at the beach will buck her up.在海边住一星期会使她精神焕发的。剑桥高阶〔fresh〕I managed to sleep on the plane and arrived feeli ng as fresh as a daisy.我总算在飞机上睡了觉,到达时精神焕发牛津高阶〔fresh〕I nearly always wake up fresh and rested.我醒来时总是精力充沛, 精神焕发外研社新世纪〔glow〕The fresh air had brought a healthy glow to her cheeks.新鲜空气使她两颊红润、精神焕发牛津高阶〔invigorated〕She seemed invigorated, full of life and energy.她似乎精神焕发,充满生机与活力。柯林斯高阶〔invigorate〕A brisk walk in the cool morning air always invigorates me.在凉爽的清晨快步行走总能让我精神焕发韦氏高阶〔invigorate〕At my age, the walk into town is enough to invigorate me.在我这个年龄,走路进城足以让我感到精神焕发朗文当代〔invigorate〕He felt invigorated after a day in the country.他在乡村呆了一天后感觉精神焕发朗文当代〔invigorate〕They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk.散步之后他们感到精神焕发牛津高阶〔invigorate〕We were invigorated by our walk.散步使我们精神焕发剑桥高阶〔new〕I felt like a new man/woman after my vacation.假期过后,我感觉自己精神焕发韦氏高阶〔new〕The nap has made a new person of me.小睡使我精神焕发美国传统〔reinvigorate〕All this fresh air reinvigorated me.清新的空气使我再次精神焕发21世纪英汉〔reinvigorate〕I felt reinvigorated after a rest and a shower.我休息了一会儿,冲了个淋浴,感到精神焕发牛津高阶〔rejuvenate〕The spa treatment rejuvenated me.矿泉水疗让我精神焕发韦氏高阶〔rejuvenate〕The swim was very rejuvenating.游泳真是让人精神焕发韦氏高阶〔rested〕He looked tanned and well rested after his vacation.度假之后,他皮肤晒得黝黑,精神焕发柯林斯高阶〔rested〕I came back from my trip to California feeling rested and rejuvenated.我从加利福尼亚旅行回来,感觉精力充沛,精神焕发剑桥高阶〔restorative〕Seven days off could be a wonderful restorative.休假7天肯定能让人精神焕发柯林斯高阶〔shower bath〕After a shower bath you will feel refreshed.淋浴之后你会感到精神焕发美国传统〔sustain〕Sustained by this wonderful breakfast, it was with restored morale that we re-boarded our plane.这顿丰盛的早餐补充了我们的体力,我们又精神焕发地登上了飞机。柯林斯高阶〔tonic〕This holiday has been the perfect tonic for you.这个假期使你精神焕发麦克米伦高阶〔vital〕He had never felt so vital and full of life.他从来没有像现在一样感到如此精神焕发,充满活力。剑桥高阶〔wonder〕A good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast worked wonders.一夜好觉再加上一顿可口的早餐令人精神焕发牛津搭配He had never felt so vital (= energetic) and full of life.他从来没有感到过这么精神焕发,充满活力。剑桥国际

