
单词 组成员
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕It's very discouraging to find out that your own team members have been lying to you. 发现你自己的小组成员对你说谎,这真令人失去信心。朗文写作活用〔FILM/MOVIE〕For months the town was full of cameras, lighting and members of the film crew. 几个月来镇上全是摄影机、灯光设备以及电影摄制组成员朗文写作活用〔ably〕She was ably assisted by her team of researchers.她得到自己研究小组成员的大力帮助。朗文当代〔airman〕An enlisted person in the U.S. Navy working with aircraft.美国海军空勤组成员:与飞机打交道的美国海军人员美国传统〔apportion〕The investigation into the air crash would inevitably apportion blame to certain members of the crew.对坠机事件的调查会不可避免地认定某些机组成员应负的责任。剑桥高阶〔board〕The plane had 125 passengers and crew on board.这架飞机上有125名乘客和机组成员麦克米伦高阶〔cadre〕A member of such a group.小组成员:上述组织的一个成员美国传统〔communication〕There was a breakdown in communication between members of the group.小组成员之间的沟通出现了问题。韦氏高阶〔crew〕When I was crewed up I learned that I had been allocated to the youngest pilot.在我被指派为机组成员时,我得知自己被分派给最年轻的飞行员当助手。英汉大词典〔criterion〕Team members will be selected according to strict criteria.将依据严格标准挑选小组成员牛津搭配〔dissatisfaction〕We're aware of a growing dissatisfaction among group members.我们意识到小组成员中不满情绪不断增长。韦氏高阶〔dynamic〕Group dynamics are important to consider.小组成员间的互动是值得思考的重要问题。韦氏高阶〔engaged〕She's part of a team of scientists who are engaged on/upon cancer research.她是从事癌症研究的科学家小组成员剑桥高阶〔investigator〕Police set up diversions as accident investigators examined the scene of the crash.事故调查组成员在勘查撞车现场时,警方设置了绕行道。麦克米伦高阶〔major〕While carrying out the major part of the work, the team stayed in a local hotel.小组成员在完成主要工作时都住在当地的一家旅馆里。外研社新世纪〔misrepresent〕The report misrepresented what the group believes.这个报告歪曲了小组成员的看法。牛津高阶〔pair off〕The squad members paired off to find places to eat and sleep.小组成员结对儿找地方吃饭睡觉。柯林斯高阶〔panel〕The panel are all experts in their various subjects.小组成员全是各门学科的专家。英汉大词典〔pot〕Group members could request money from the pot.小组成员可以要求从公共基金里提取资金。外研社新世纪〔practicality〕Panelists will debate the practicality of wind as a source of renewable energy.专家小组成员将就风能作为一种可再生能源的可行性性进行辩论。韦氏高阶〔quaternary〕The member of a group that is fourth in order.在等级上位于第四的一组成员美国传统〔restrain〕The passenger had to be restrained by four members of the cabin crew.4位列车组成员管理着乘客。麦克米伦高阶〔role playing〕Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流。柯林斯高阶〔strong〕Most of the group have strong views on the subject of divorce.大部分小组成员对于离婚的看法非常固执。剑桥高阶〔trainer〕A member of a naval gun crew who trains cannons horizontally.方向瞄准手:水平瞄准大炮的海军炮组成员美国传统〔trainman〕A member of the operating crew on a railroad train, especially the brakeman.列车员、乘务员:在铁路列车上工作的乘务组成员,尤指司令员美国传统〔troika〕She is a member of the president's troika of close advisers.她是总统身边的三人顾问组成员剑桥高阶〔unharmed〕The nine crew on the Boeing 747 were released unharmed.那架波音747上的9名机组成员平安获释。外研社新世纪〔unharmed〕The nine crew on the Boeing 747 were released unharmed.那架波音747上的9名机组成员平安获释。柯林斯高阶Most of the group have strong views on the subject of divorce.大多数小组成员对离婚问题有强烈看法。剑桥国际On tonight's Super Quiz we have panellists from all over Europe.在今晚的“超霸智力赛”上,我们的评判小组成员来自欧洲各地。剑桥国际She is a member of the president's troika of close advisers.她是总统身边的三人顾问组成员剑桥国际The camera crew dogged the pop group's footsteps (=followed and filmed them all the time) as they shopped, ate and relaxed.摄影组成员不管流行歌手们逛商店,吃饭,还是休息,都紧紧追随着他们的足迹。剑桥国际The team are brainstorming about marketing ideas.小组成员对营销理念献计献策。牛津商务

