
词组 sand
释义 sand /sænd/ SEE ALLdraw a line in the ˈsandset a limit that you refuse to allow sth to go beyond 划定最后界限;设定底线The government is trying to draw a line in the sand regarding public sector pay rises.政府试图划定公职部门涨薪的上限。bury/hide your ˌhead in the ˈsandrefuse to deal with unpleasant realities, possible dangers, etc. by pretending they do not exist 采取鸵鸟政策;不正视现实;回避问题Stop burying your head in the sand, Tim. Don’t pretend that everything’s all right.蒂姆,不要再逃避现实了。别假装什么事都没有。 ORIGIN This phrase refers to the common belief that the ostrich buries its head in the sand when it is in danger. 这个短语原指一种普遍认识,即鸵鸟遇到危险时会把头埋进沙中。

