组词“put/throw a spanner in the works”的意思

词组 put/throw a spanner in the works
释义 put/throw a ˈspanner in the works (BrE) (NAmE throw a (ˈmonkey) ˈwrench in the works) (informal) spoil or prevent the success of sb’s plan, idea, etc. 破坏计划;阻挠进程;从中捣乱Let’s get this finished before the boss comes along and throws a spanner in the works.
NOTE A spanner or wrench is a metal tool used for fastening things tightly. The works are the moving parts of a machine. 扳手(spanner 或 wrench)是一种用来拧紧东西的金属工具。works 指机器中的活动部件。

