
词组 kick
释义 kick /kɪk/ SEE ALL
get a ˈkick from/out of sth (informal) get a feeling of excitement, enjoyment, etc. out of sth 从某事中得到刺激(或乐趣等);兴奋起来She got a real kick from seeing her photo in the newspaper.
ˌkick against the ˈpricksharm yourself by protesting when it is useless to do so 以卵击石;螳臂挡车;自讨苦吃People in prison learn very quickly not to kick against the pricks. If they complain, the prison officers make their lives very difficult.
ORIGIN This idiom comes from the Bible and refers to the fact that an animal such as an ox may kick when it is pricked (= pushed with a stick) to make it move, but will still have to move. 这个习语源于《圣经》,原指用木棍戳打牲口(比如牛)使其迈步时,它们往往会尥蹄子,但也不得不迈步走。
kick (some/sb’s) ˈass/ˈbutt (, slang, NAmE) act in a very firm, controlling or aggressive manner 胸有成竹地做事;表现得咄咄逼人Now let’s kick some butt!


(, slang, NAmE)
very good 非常棒的;精彩的a kick-ass rock band
ˌkick the ˈbucket (BrE, informal or humorous) die 死;翘辫子;蹬腿儿He got married for the first time when he was 75 and a week later he kicked the bucket.
他 75 岁才结婚,一星期之后就翘了辫子。
ORIGIN This idiom refers to the killing of animals for food. They were hung from a wooden frame (the bucket), which they would kick as they were dying. 这个习语原指牲口被屠宰时给挂在木架子 (bucket) 上,临死挣扎时会踢架子。
kick the ˈhabit, ˈdrug, ˈbooze, etc.stop doing sth harmful that you have done for a long time 戒除恶习;戒毒;戒酒According to research, only one smoker in a hundred is able to kick the habit without some kind of help.
kick your ˈheels (BrE, informal) have nothing to do while you are waiting for sth 无聊地等待;坐冷板凳;空等I’ve been kicking my heels here for an hour, waiting for the passport office to open.
kick sb in the ˈteeth (informal) treat sb badly or fail to give them help when they need it 粗暴地对待某人;背叛;抛弃The workers feel they’ve been kicked in the teeth by their employers. They have met all their orders this year but are still being made redundant.
a kick in the ˈteeth


I expected to get that job. It was a real kick in the teeth when I didn’t.
kick sth into the long ˈgrasskick sth into ˈtouch (both BrE) reject, remove or stop dealing with a problem 拒绝考虑;不再处理He tends to deal with disputes by kicking them into the long grass.
NOTE In rugby and football, if a ball is kicked into touch (= the area outside the lines that mark the sides of the playing field), play stops. 在橄榄球和足球运动中,球若被扔到或踢到边线以外的区域(touch),比赛就中止。
ˌkick over the ˈtraces (old-fashioned, BrE) start to behave badly and refuse to accept any discipline or control 不服驾驭;(开始)不听话,不守规矩,不受管束She smokes and she drinks. She’s really kicking over the traces, and her parents don’t know what to do with her.
ORIGIN This phrase refers to a horse that has managed to lift its leg(s) over the long thin strips of leather (the traces) that attach it to a carriage or wagon so that it can kick more easily. The driver then cannot control it. 这个短语原指马匹为了能自由地踢腿而企图挣脱套在马车或货车上的挽绳(traces),这样一来马夫就不能控制它了。
kick the ˈtyres (BrE) (NAmE kick the ˈtires) (especially NAmE) test the quality of sth; see if sth is suitable for you 测试某物的质量;检验某物是否合适We now spend longer kicking the tyres before investing in new companies.
ˈtyrekicker (BrE) (NAmE ˈtirekicker)


a possible customer who asks a lot of questions about a product but never buys anything 只问不买的顾客Your sales team can waste a huge amount of time on tyrekickers.
a kick up the ˈbackside ( a kick in the ˈpants) (informal) a shock, strong criticism, etc. which encourages sb to do sth or to behave better 鞭策;批评What he needs is a good kick up the backside. Then he’d do some work.
NOTE Your backside is the part of the body that you sit on. * backside 指臀部。
kick up a ˈfuss, ˈrow, etc. (informal) complain very noisily and loudly about sth 吵闹;大吵大嚷He kicked up a real fuss about the slow service in the restaurant.
Every time her newspaper arrives late, she kicks up a fuss.
kick up your ˈheels (informal, especially NAmE) be relaxed and enjoy yourself 轻松愉快一番Now that he’s more confident in his job, perhaps he can kick up his heels and stop looking so worried all the time.
ˌkick sb upˈstairs (informal) move sb to a job that seems to be more important but which actually has less power or influence 使某人明升暗降;以升迁为名排斥某人They couldn’t sack him, so they kicked him upstairs onto the board of directors, where he could do less damage.
kick sb when they’re ˈdowncontinue to hurt sb when they are already defeated, etc. 落井下石;乘人之危George generally believed that you should never kick a man when he’s down, but thought that this time he might make an exception.
ˈkick yourself (informal) be angry with yourself for sth you have done or not done 自责;后悔Buy it. It’s a real bargain. You’ll kick yourself if you don’t.
I told John that Susan was really lazy. Then somebody told me that she was a good friend of his. I could have kicked myself for being so stupid.
beat/knock/kick the ˈhell out of sb/sth (informal) ( beat/knock/kick the ˈshit out of sb/sth , slang ) beat, etc. sb/sth very hard 猛击;狠打If the crowd had managed to get hold of the robber, they would have beaten the hell out of him.要是人们抓住了强盗,一定会把他狠揍一顿。The gang knocked the hell out of him for no reason at all.那帮人无缘无故地痛打了他一顿。kick up/make/create/raise a ˈstink (about sth) (informal) show that you are angry about a situation, often by protesting in public (通常指通过公开抗议)制造事端,大吵大嚷,引起骚动He kicked up a stink about the noise from the new nightclub, writing to all the papers and complaining to the council.他就新开的那家夜总会噪音扰民一事大做文章,给各家报纸写信并向政务会投诉。

