组词“open the floodgates (to sth)”的意思

词组 open the floodgates (to sth)
释义 open the ˈfloodgates (to sth)1. remove the restrictions or controls which for a long time have prevented a lot of people from doing sth they want to do 打开…的泄洪闸;放开限制If the case is successful, it may open the floodgates to more damages claims against the industry.要是这场官司打赢的话,那可能会引发更多要求该行业赔偿损失的官司。2. do sth which allows sb to express feelings which have been kept under control for a long time 打开心扉;使…一吐为快The discussion sessions allow people to open the floodgates to their deepest fears.这些讨论会使人们尽情倾诉心灵最深处的恐惧。

