
词组 hear
释义 hear BrE /hɪə(r)/
NAmE /hɪr/
can’t hear yourself ˈthink (informal) there is so much noise around you that you cannot think clearly 因噪音太大而无法思考Can you turn the volume down? I can’t hear myself think in here.
hear/see the ˈend/the last of sb/sth (often used with not, never, etc. 常与 not,never 等词连用) keep being reminded of sth because sb is always talking about it 被人不断提起;没完没了We’ll never hear the end of her visit to Buckingham Palace.
If we don’t get her a dog, we’ll never hear the end of it.
ˌhear, ˈhear!called out, usually at a public meeting, etc. to express agreement and approval (通常指在公共集会上大声表示赞同)说得好‘It is the wish of this government that both unemployment and inflation be reduced to acceptable levels.’ ‘Hear, hear!’
not ˈhear of sthnot allow sth to happen 拒绝考虑;不同意‘May I pay for the phone call?’ ‘Don’t be silly! I wouldn’t hear of it!’
He won’t hear of his daughter becoming a police officer. He thinks it’s much too dangerous.
(do) you ˈhear me? (spoken) used to tell sb in an angry way to pay attention and obey you (用于生气地要某人听从)听到我的话没有You can’t go — do you hear me?
not say/hear a ˈdicky bird (BrE, informal) say/hear nothing 什么也没说/没听见Don’t look at me! I didn’t say a dicky bird.别看我!我什么也没说。We haven’t heard a dicky bird from her for weeks.几周以来我们没收到她的任何消息。 ORIGIN This idiom is from rhyming slang, in which dicky bird stands for ‘word’. 这个习语源于同韵俚语 dicky bird,意为 word (词)。hear/see the ˈlast of sb/sthhear/see sb/sth for the last time 最后一次听说/看见That was the last I ever saw of her.那是我最后一次见到她。Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ve heard the last of this matter.不幸的是,我认为这件事情还没有了结。ˈsee/ˈhear things (informal) see/hear things that are not really there 幻视;幻听So it was you that was playing the piano! I thought I was hearing things. (humorous) 是你在弹钢琴呀!我还以为是我幻听呢。Tom’s washing the dishes — I must be seeing things!汤姆在洗碗,我肯定是看花眼了!

