
单词 crackle
释义 crackle v[I] make small cracking sounds, as when dry sticks burn 发轻微的爆裂声(如乾柴燃烧时的响声); 发噼啪声     a crackling camp-fire 噼啪作响的营火     The twigs crackled as we trod on them. 我们践踏树枝时, 树枝噼啪作响.     (fig 比喻) The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two boxers stepped into the ring. 这两名拳手一登场, 气氛顿时紧张起来. crackle, n [U] series of small cracking sounds 一连串轻微的爆裂声; 噼里啪拉的响声     the distant crackle of machine-gun fire 远处机枪的格格声     Can you get rid of the crackle on my radio? 你能把我那收音机的杂音除掉吗?

