
单词 impose
释义 impose v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sb/sth) (a) place (a penalty, tax, etc) officially on sb/sth 加(惩罚等)於某人; 对某物课(税)     impose a fine, sentence, term of imprisonment, etc 罚款、 判处刑期、 予以监禁     impose a further tax on wines and spirits 对果酒及烈性酒进一步加税. (b) place (sth unwelcome or unpleasant) on sb/sth; inflict sth 将(不愉快的、 不受欢迎的事物)强加於某人[某事物]     impose one´s rule (on a people) 将统治强加(於一民族)     impose restrictions, limitations, restraints, etc (on trade) (对贸易)强行管制、 限制、 约束等. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sb) try to make sb accept (an opinion or a belief); inflict sth 使某人接受(意见或信仰); 将某事物强加於     She imposed her ideas on the group. 她竭力把自己的想法强加於全组的人. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ oneself/sth (on sb) force sb to accept (oneself, one´s company, etc) 强迫某人接纳(自己等); 硬要与某人在一起     She´d never think of imposing herself. 她决不想勉强别人接纳自己.     He imposed his presence on us for the weekend. 他硬要跟我们一起过周末. 4 (phr v) impose on/upon sb/sth win a favour from sb, esp by using undue pressure 赢得某人的欢心, 占某人便宜(尤指施加不当的压力)     I hope it´s not imposing on you/your hospitality, but could I stay to dinner? 我可以在您这儿吃顿饭吗? 不过希望不要使您为难[觉得我不知趣].

