
单词 ample
释义 ample adj 1 (more than) enough 足够的: ample time to get to the station 到车站时间充足     A small piece of cake will be ample, thank you. 一小块蛋糕就足够了, 谢谢你.     £5 will be ample for my needs. 5英镑就足够我用的了. 2 abundant; plentiful 充足的; 富裕的     a man of ample strength 力气大的人     The director of the company receives an ample salary. 公司的董事薪水很高. 3 large in size; spacious; extensive 大的; 宽敞的; 广泛的     an ample bosom 开阔的心胸     There´s ample room for the children on the back seat. 後座很宽敞足容得下孩子们.     The election was given ample coverage on TV. 电视上对选举作了广泛的报道.

