“pull (sth) up”的意思

单词 pull (sth) up
释义 pull (sth) up (cause a vehicle to) come to a halt (使车辆)停下     The driver pulled up at the traffic lights. 司机在红绿灯前把车停住. pull sb up (infml 口) correct or reprimand sb 纠正某人; 训斥某人     He was pulled up by the chairman. 他挨了主席一顿训. pull up (to/with sb/sth) improve one´s position (in relation to sb/sth) 改善自己(相对於某人[某物]的)地位; 赶上     At first the new boy was at the bottom of the class but he soon pulled up (with the others). 起初那新来的男孩是班上成绩最差的, 但他很快便追上了(其他同学).

