
音标: 英 [ˌʌnrɪˈmɑ:kt] 美 [ˌʌnrɪˈmɑrkt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 未被注意的, 不受注意的

s not perceived or commented on


1. Strange, she's not typically drawn to unremarkable men.

很奇怪 她一般不会接近普通的人

2. Abigail could not bear to have their deaths go unremarked.

阿比盖尔不忍心 他们的惨案石沉大海

3. Falling on the head of the brilliant and the unremarkable alike.

雨浇在我这个天才头上 也浇在你这个凡人头上

4. It's made by unremarkable people doing remarkable things.

而是由平凡人创造的 因为他们做了不寻常的事

5. In many ways, it's a pretty unremarkable place.

不管怎么看 这里都相当平凡

6. Dad, he is the most unremarkable man I've ever met.

爸爸 他是我见过的最普通的路人甲

7. He seems to have come from nowhere and is entirely unremarkable.

他不知何处而来 看似平常无奇

8. He's a former student of mine, a somewhat unremarkable one.

他以前是我学生 不太起眼

9. It kills you that an unremarkable criminal could figure out how to escape from a prison when you can't.

你肯定很难受 一位平凡无奇的罪犯 可以想出的越狱方法 而你却想不出

10. Foster, he hasn't had one good idea in his unremarkable career.

福斯特 在他平庸的职业生涯中 就没想出过一个好点子
