
音标: 英 [prəˈfaʊndlɪ] 美 [prəˈfaʊndlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 深深地, 深切地

r. to a great depth psychologically


1. But the opposite of one profound truth may well be another profound truth.

但与深刻的真理相对的 也许是另一个深刻的真理

2. If a woman happens to have a particular superiority, for example, a profound mind, it is best kept a profound secret.

如果一位女子恰好拥有特别的才能 例如深刻的智慧 那它最好被深深地隐藏

3. Well, science is real, it's profound, but now I know that there's other parts of this world that are just as profound, just as natural.

科学是真实且深奥的 但我现在知道了世上还存在着其他 和科学一样深奥而自然的部分

4. Silences are at once longer and more profound.

沉静瞬间变得绵长 变得更加悠远

5. Something that had a profound effect on him.

这件东西深深地影响着 他以后的人生

6. But then, there is an immediate very profound implication.


7. I have such a profound sense of creation.


8. We are all profoundly disappointed with this verdict.

对于这个裁决结果 我们都很失望

9. That's some profound knowledge for you right there.


10. That is a profound breach of our relationship.

