
音标: 英 [əˈsesmənt] 美 [əˈsɛsmənt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 评估, 估定, 评定的款额
[化] 评估

n. an amount determined as payable
n. the market value set on assets


1. I assessed him as unsalvageable and you should support my asses*ent.

我判断他已经救不活了 你就应该支持我的判断

2. I remind you that your veracity in the predispositional asses*ent is equally important to the evaluation of your claim to the situational asses*ent.

我提醒一下 你在诱发评估中诚实回答 与对你在情景评估中回答的评定同样重要

3. What he did was part of an asses*ent.


4. I cannot say until I've assessed her.

在我給她檢查評估之前 說不準

5. No more target until you are assessed.

在你接受評估之前 沒有下一個

6. Why don't we begin with your own asses*ent about where you are in your transition.

我们从你在过渡期的 自我评估开始吧

7. I'm guessing that's mom's asses*ent, not yours.

我想这也是*妈的判断 不是你的

8. We're all flattered by that asses*ent, sir.

这么评价我们真是过奖了 先生

9. Let's start to clean him up here and assess.


10. My asses*ent: the risk is too high.

我的评估就是 风险太高
